Regulatory Impact and Rural Proofing Screening Assessments

The Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland (SBNI)

Equality and Disability Action Plan 2018 - 2023

SBNI Equality and Disability Action Plan 2018-2022 RIAand Rural Proofing Screening Final

Regulatory Impact Screening Assessment – The Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland (SBNI)

Equality and Disability Action Plan 2018 - 2023


This regulatory impact screening assessment has been conducted for the purposes of determining whether the SBNI Equality and Disability Action Plan 2018 - 2023is likely to have a direct or indirect impact on businesses or on the community and voluntary sector in terms of imposing costs or savings on these organisations.

In line with our commitments under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 and our Equality Scheme, the Equality and Disability Action Plan 2018-23 identifies a number of key actions to promote equality.

This Equality and Disability Action Plan for the period 2018-23 represents our organisation’s responsibilities under the Disability Discrimination Act (1995) as amended by the Disability Order 2006. This law requires us to carry out our functions giving due regard to two specific duties. These duties are: to promote positive attitudes towards disabled people and promote the participation by disabled people in public life. The purpose of this action plan is to outline some key actions that we are going to deliver upon to make a difference to people with disabilities including staff and people who use our services, and where relevant, their carers.

In developing the action plan we paid particular attention to:

  • Physical disabilities;
  • Sensory disabilities;
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder; Dyslexia; Cognitive Impairment; Learning disability
  • Mental health conditions; and,
  • Long-term conditions.

The SBNI is a 20 member organisation, supported by a small central support team. The SBNI membership is drawn from all the Health and Social Care Trusts, the Public Health Agency, the Probation Board, the Police Service for Northern Ireland, the Education Authority, District Councils, the Youth Justice Agency, Lay Members, and independent and voluntary representation from the NSPCC, Barnardo’s NI, Action for Children, Include Youth, the Children’s Law Centre and Children in Northern Ireland. These make up the key agencies that protect children and young people from risk and harm. We also work with partner organisations across the statutory, voluntary and community sectors to realise this vision.

Screening Questions / Response to Screening Questions / Full Appraisal Required / Justification / Key Issues and Groups to Focus On
Is the policy or amendment to the policy likely to have a direct or indirect impact on businesses / Yes / No / The SBNI Equality and Disability Action Plan 2018-2023 will specify the Equality and Disability Actions and intended outcomes that will contribute to promoting equality and good relations.
For people with a disability it will assist in promoting positive attitudes towards disabled people and encouraging their participation in public life.
Is the policy or amendment to the policy likely to have a direct or indirect impact on community and voluntary sector / Yes / No / The SBNI Equality and Disability Action Plan 2018 - 2023 will have an impact on those member bodies from the community and voluntary sector that make up the SBNI, in the same manner as it will affect the statutory sector members’ operational functions.
However, this in part forms their commitment to being a member of the SBNI. The collaborative and partnership working that underpins the workings and functions of the SBNI means those impacts are agreed and shared amongst all member agencies in the collaboration within Board, committees and sub-groups.
The plan will have no impact on other voluntary and community sector in terms of imposing costs or savings.
Conclusion / No / A full Regulatory Impact Assessment is not required.


The following statement provides an initial analysis of rural issues in relation to the impact the Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland (SBNI) Equality and Disability Action Plan 2018-23.It demonstrates that rural dimensions have been considered in the development of this Action Plan.

Rural Proofing Statement – Review, Update and Pre-Consultation Phase

Policy Stage / Impact Statement
Design / The overall objectives of the SBNI Equality and Disability Action Plan 2018-2023 is topromote equality and good relations and to promote positive attitudes towards Section 75 groups and people who have a disability and encourage their participation in public life.
At this stage of the development of the Action Plan, no potential rural or local impacts which differ from the regional impact have been identified.
It is not expected that the implementation of the SBNI Equality and Disability Action Plan 2018-2023 will present specific rural impacts.
Evidence / At this stage there is no evidence that the SBNI Equality and Disability Action Plan 2018-2023 will present differential rural impacts. Development of the Action Plan has considered the key equality and disability issues that affect the region as a whole.
Consulting / No rural issues have been identified to date. The SBNI Equality and Disability Action Plan 2018 – 2023is being consulted on regionally.
Monitoring and Outcomes / The SBNI Equality and Disability Action Plan 2018 – 2023 will be monitored and evaluated on an ongoing basis by the SBNI Board.
Each individual Agency will monitor compliance by staff in respect of their contributions to the achievement of the priorities outlined in the plan.
Also the SBNI Safeguarding Panels will have a role in monitoring.