HUM 105 Intercultural Communications 11:00 section Fall 2008 / Lai

Seattle Central Community College

11/10 PART 7
Women, Migration, Development / NO CLASS / 11/12: Response #3
Lives for Sale / 11/13:
Ashkenaz & Rachel Leah Jones / 11/14 Guest: Alexis Fein/Cuba
11/17 PART 8
Models of Change - read all / 11/18
Discussion of Part 8 / 11/19 meet in Library A: Asian American Movement / 11/20
Group Project Meeting / 11/21
Xuan-Trang Tran-Thien
11/24: Brielle, Kyle, Joven, Katerina, Beth, Matt, Adrienne / 11/25: Sean, Elysa, Risa, Xiao, Ting, Kristi, Ricky / 11/26
Response #4 due, Course Evaluation / NO CLASS / NO CLASS
12/1: Julie, Patrick, Jesse, Jason, Megan, Chad, S-L Portfolios due / 12/2: Edgar, Allen, Jimmy / 12/3 Vivian, Jasmine, Chris, Eric, Christine, Adam, Marcus / 12/4: Jocelyn, Helen, Rediet, Janella / 12/5

Response #4 – due Wednesday, November 26

FORMAT: Please include in your heading: your name, HUM 105 – section (time), date, instructor’s name and “Response #4.” You are welcome to add your own title for this response. The essay should be word-processed, double-spaced, 12 point, 2-3 pages in length.

In this out-of-class short essay, please write about some of the connections between the readings (Part VII and VIII), documentaries (Maquilapolis, Ashkenaz, Lives for Sale) and guests: Alexis Fein, Xuan-Trang Tran-Thien.

Part VII of Beyond Borders addresses globalization’s impact on everyday lives and Part VIII presents social change organizations and a larger movement for alternative values and choices.

A Social Movement is defined by shared ideology, symbols, coordinated actions, resource mobilization and infrastructure. In examining peoples’ responses to issues of globalization, discuss whether these efforts can lead to the fundamental change in behavior proposed by Vaclav Havel (573). Be sure to include at least 3 supporting examples from our text, Beyond Borders (draws from both Part VII and VIII) by author name or excerpt title. Since this is a short essay, do not use any quotations. Put the ideas in your own words.

Evaluation of Response #4 Total of 100 points possible

Use of readings – at least 3, Part VII and VIII (30)

Analysis of documentary and/or guest speakers (30)

College writing conventions (mechanics, focus, organization, proofread) (10)

Connections and coherence (how the ideas fit together) (30)