Workshop on Regulatory Requirements to Ensure Safe Disposal of Disused Sealed Sources for Operators and Regulators

Amman, JORDAN 7-11 April 2014

Time / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
09:00 / Opening, Workshop Objectives, Overview and Introduction of participants (JAEC, IAEA) / Definition and overview of required safety documentation: safety assessment
(P. Metcalf, Luxembourg) / Case Study – Experience in licensing and regulatory actions
(D. Bennett, United Kingdom) / Country presentations and discussions of project activities for the following cycle
09:15 / IAEA Safety Standards regarding safe disposal of RW and DSRS
(M. Kinker, IAEA)
09:45 / Role of different organizations in the development of disposal programmes, facilities
(P. Metcalf, Luxembourg) / Role, documentation,elements of,and evolution over the lifecycle of the disposal facility:safety case
(D. Bennett, United Kingdom) / Exercise - Integration of safety assessment in the safety case for borehole disposal and safety case development
10:30 / Break / Break / Break / Break
11:00 / Role of the safety case in setting up and implementing programmes for disposal
(N. Solente, France) / Case Study – Experience with evolution of the safety case over the lifecycle of disposal facilities – with reference to DSRS
(N. Solente, France) / Technical Tour
Sewaqa RW Disposal Site / Exercise
(Continued) / Workshop review and conclusions
11:45 / Regulatory Review of the safety case and safety assessment
(D. Bennett, United Kingdom) / Workshop closure
12:30 / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch
14:00 / Case Study – Experience in developing and establishing the legal basis and regulatory framework for disposal programme and facilities for DSRS - Ghana / Exercise – Evaluation and comparison of generic vs.
site-specific safety assessment / Country self-assessment to identify
-Areas for improvement
-Good practices
- Country self-assessment
15:30 / Break / Break / Break
16:00 / Structured discussion on key issues / Exercise
(Continued) / Country self-assessment
17:00 / Daily summary / Daily summary / Daily summary