A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the above corporation was held on March 14, 2012 at 6:04 at Carolyn Fryc's home.

I. QUORUM. A quorum was declared present based on the presence of the following Directors:

Tim Gorman

Ron Bich

Pat Van Buskirk


Carolyn Fryc

Conference Call-in:

Art Marshall

Gretchen Houdak

Brad Blake

Peggy King

John Jeunnette

RK Dodoni

Also in Attendance:

Heidi Kuhn


Phil Van Buskirk


A.  Report by Tim Gorman.

Tim Gorman reported that we have several new volunteers in attendance. We welcomed RK, Gretchen, and Gustavo and they gave brief introductions to their backgrounds. Gustavo is from Brazil and has been in the US for 5 years. His background is JD Edwards. Right now his Visa is in a transition process, so he has free time to work on things like marketing and ideas about social media. RK is from Boulder and does Oracle consulting. He would like to focus on software/hardware resources is time permits with travel. Gretchen is from Colorado and she loves the outdoors. She has design experience and now wants to integrate it with IT experience as she attends the University of Phoenix.

Tim indicated that we have several Directorships coming up in May when we elect the new Board of Directors and Members at Large. Tim will start circulating different position information.

B.  Report by Brad Blake.

Brad Blake reported that the Treasurer balance sheet is looking pretty positive. We still haven't received all the final numbers from Training Days yet.

Brad also reported that he met with Keith Larson and Ronald Bradford at Training Days. He will contact them to move forward to use the second room at a SIG session at the May QEW. The DB Labs are hands-on Labs at the Regis University. They are open to the public. The sessions are geared towards learning specific technology. We haven't had one in a while, so he would like to get them going again.

C.  Report by Ron Bich.

Ron Bich reported that he has looked at the new website. The site is set up as a Blogsite so we can setup emails. We need to get the Board of Directors on so they can post updates to the website. There is a calendar on-site and it has access to Google Calendar. We have twitter and facebook setup. We can add other things. Posting new things looks very straightforward. He would like everyone to review it and give any suggestions on the look and feel of the new pages.

In the past, we sent out announcements to the list for RMOUG events. Now we have the new website, Linked In, Facebook, Twitter, and the Newsletter. What should be announce in the different modes? Heidi will still send out the announcements on the list server. When we post to Twitter, Linked In, and Facebook, we need to remember to use the hashtags. The hashtag for Training Days is /RMOUG13. For announcements in the newsletter, we need to contact Pat.

For the new emails, we discussed keeping the position descriptions or personal emails. The discussion ensued about continuity. The email situation is going to take some time to figure out what the best way to move forward will be.

D. Report by Pat Van Buskirk.

Pat Van Buskirk reported that the newsletter is out in the mail. For the cover photo, the pictures have always been from RMOUG members, but the next newsletter will be from a friend of a member. The board didn't think this should be a problem as long as we have permission. There is no policy currently in place.

Pat also reported that there is a link on the website to join the newsletter. Since this is a membership benefit, how do we want to handle it? Maybe send them one article. For the full version, you need to be a member. In the future, do we want to send a full version to prospective new members? This will be discussed in the future. John Jeunnette will be the next Board Focus contributor.

E. Report by John Jeunnette.

John Jeunnette reported that things are looking nicely in the black for the financial summary. Our goal is not to make a lot of money, but provide an excellent conference. When John is in town next, we should have a board dinner to thank him for all his work.

John also reported that the Convention Center won't let us book more than twelve months out. We might need to look for other locations. Possibilities might be the Hyatt, Embassy Suites, or Glendale Infinity Center. Kathleen will work out the nuts and bolts of the locations and who to contact.

F. Report by Carolyn Fryc.

Carolyn Fryc reported that the next QEW will be held at the Oracle Broomfield Campus. We have two rooms, and Keith Larson will hold the MySQL group in the extra room. Keith is also willing to pay for DB Labs. Dan Hotka is the only speaker so far, and he wants to present at 8:00 a.m., so we need three more speakers. Carolyn also wanted to know how many people would be interested in holding a meeting at Elitch's for the August QEW. We would need sponsorship. The Board felt it was worth looking into.

G. Report by Heidi Kuhn

Heidi Kuhn reported that three people have sent in scholarship applications. One is not yet complete. George McCarroll and Nathan Currier both look like good candidates. We will wait to get more information on Godman. We would like to get a short article for the newsletter from George McCarroll and Nathan Currier.


The attached motion to award $1000 scholarships each to George McCarroll and Nathan Currier was passed by a majority of the Directors.


There being no further business, the meeting was duly adjourned.

The next Board Meeting will be held on April 17 at a location to be determined.

There being no further business, the meeting was duly adjourned.


Tom Green
