Oregon National Guard Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

November 4, 2010


Brig Gen Steven Gregg COL (Ret) Roberta Janssen

Robin Webb CW4 Terry Swartwout

LTC (Ret) Marc Snook Maj Thoy Tran

Capt Dawn Choy Capt Andrea Sutton

Maj Troy Danielson LT Kris Wilcox

MAJ Fritz McReynolds LTC Mark Parrish

LTC Lance Englet COL Robert Mouw

1. Welcome by the new President –Brig Gen Gregg welcomed all members to the meeting.

2. Minute Approval: Meeting was called to order and September meeting minutes were approved with corrections. Motion made to approve by CW4 Swartwout and second by LTC Marc Snook.

3. Financial Update: COL Janssen passed out the budget sheet. There is $56,371.29 in the ORNGA fund. She stated most of our bills are paid for 2010. The budget for October didn’t have a lot of activity, mostly reimbursement for the conference. We budgeted $24,000 for the NGAUS Conference and spent $21,000, putting us under our budgeted amount. Normally, each year there is a Congressional get together in Washington, DC which we budget $4,000 for. This year they turned it into a Title 10 Reception so we didn’t need to finance it. We sent about $41,000 to NGAUS for our National Dues so we should be around 85% this year. Hopefully that number will be higher next year. I spoke with the brigades about dropping out the people on Title 10. We don’t have any control over them, some pay dues, some don’t.

Corporate Partners have donated over $28,000 and Insurance Dividends are looking good this year. Looks like we are moving from AIG to ASBA, so this will be a transition year and I will know more after NEGDA. Dividends will probably be close to what we received this last year.

4. Membership 2011: COL Janssen talked to both Brigades. She will talk with Col Kessinger to see who she should work with at PANG. Col Miller sent her an email from K-Falls so she is working with him. The Air Guard has had about 10 people already pay. She is working on developing a 4 x 6 postcard to remind people about dues. The cost of cards will be about $200.00. A suggestion came up on gathering email addresses to send reminders on also. It was also mentioned that there should be a blurb on the postcard that addresses what the Association does for “us”. COL Janssen indicated that dues have not increased in over 6 years for either NGAUS or on the state side.

5. Corporate Partners – Event at Portland Air Base: COL Mouw indicated the event is scheduled for December 14th at the PANG Airbase in the Army Hanger at the North West end of the Air Base. It is scheduled to start at 4:00 PM. The 142nd will have a F15 there and a pilot to talk about that. Not sure on the attendance numbers yet; Pacific NW Defense has listed the event on their website and will make name tags.

6. State Conference: COL Janssen indicated Christopher Wilcox is her point of contact for the Host Unit. They have had their first meeting and have gone through the checklist. She has requested an Honor Guard for the Flags for both the Military Ball and the Conference. Apparently, the request through PA only addresses the Army side of the house. To request the Honor Guard for the Air Guard side the request needs to run through Linda Bower. COL Janssen will track down the request.

7. Old Business:

a. Pins: COL Janssen will follow up on the Multnomah Falls pin idea.

8. New Business:

a. Silent Auction: BrigGen Gregg indicated a decision was made to have an oral auction next year at the Oregon Military Ball due to Marc being unavailable and we are in a much smaller space. It was suggested that someone should step up to the plate to take the silent auction over. Marc has been doing it for quite some time.

b. Audit Review: BrigGen Gregg stated the results were very good. A few things that came out of it will help us do our business better. There was a stipulation that anything over $250 Roberta had to request a review. That amount has been raised to $750.00. From $750 to $1,000 Col Gregg can authorize and above $1,000 will need to be approved. We are also setting up a Finance Committee that will review our expenditures and income every quarter. Maj Troy Danielson, COL Kate Coffey, CPT Daniel Fay and MAJ Fritz McReynolds have all volunteered to be on the Finance Committee. Robin has been helping quite a bit, Roberta has typed up a list of duties for her and she will sign that tonight.

BrigGen Gregg has also appointed a By-Laws Committee to review the By-Laws. There are some things that need to be moved out of the By-Laws and they need to be more in keeping on how we are doing business. COL Garren and CPT Jonathan Tipton will be on that committee.

c. COL Janssen indicated there was a request from the US Army War College. They are asking for donations up to $250. The last donation we gave was $100.00. The request is for celebrating the 374th Birthday of the National Guard. There are currently two of our people there. LTC Snook made a motion to support the event, Capt Choy followed with a second. Motion to support was granted. A motion for $150 donation to the US Army War College was made by LTC Snook and second by Capt Andrea Sutton.

d. COL Janssen indicated that with our Storage Unit we have, if you pay for a year you get a free month. Therefore, she paid $649 for the year and we will have a free month.

9. Next Meeting: Next meeting will be in January 2011. Date to be determined. Meeting adjourned at 6:40 PM.