Hednesford Neighbourhood Plan Submission Consultation

Representation Form

Hednesford Town Council has submitted the Hednesford Neighbourhood Plan (2017-2028) to Cannock Chase District Council. Under Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012(as amended) Cannock Chase District Council are now consulting on the proposed Neighbourhood Plan and would like your comments. This consultation seeks your views on the Hednesford Neighbourhood Plan and whether it meets the basic conditions[1]. All comments will be sent to an independent examiner who will examine the plan.

You can view the Hednesford Neighbourhood Plan and associated documents via or hard copies of the documents are available (for reference only) in reception at Cannock Chase District Council, Pye Green Community Centre, and Hednesford Library during normal office hours. The closing date for representations to be made is Monday 26thMarch 2018 at 17:00pm.

Please return your completed representation forms by the closing date via email to or by post to the following address;

Planning Policy

Cannock Chase District Council

Civic Centre


Beecroft Road



WS11 1BG


Please complete the information below using a separate form representation form for each comment:


Organisation (if applicable):



Email address (please provide if you have one as it is the most efficient way of contacting you):

Phone number:

a)Please state whether you would like to be notified of the Council’s decision to ‘make’ (adopt) the Neighbourhood Plan:


If ‘No’ your details will not be added to our consultation data base and you do not need to answer Question b) below. If ‘Yes’ your details will be added to our consultation data base, and you need to answer Question b) below. Please note we will contact you via email (if an email address is provided above). If you would prefer to be contacted via post please do not provide an email address.

b)Please state whether you would like to be kept on our consultation database for future Local Plan consultations by Cannock Chase District Council after the Hednesford Neighbourhood Plan notification:

  • Yes, please keep me on your data base so that I am kept up to date with progress of future Cannock Chase District Local Plan consultations
  • No, please do not retain my details on your data base



Organisation (if applicable):

Please state which part of the Neighbourhood Plan (for example which section, paragraph or policy) your representation relates too:

Please use the space below to make comments on this part of the Neighbourhood Plan
