23 November 2011
Dear Parents
Wewant to thank each parent for their support and the great co-operation we received from you this year, you made us proud! We are committed to high standards, discipline and quality education and to give our best for your child’s education. The payment of school fees is an investment in the future of our children and a responsibility that rests on your shoulders.
At our Parent Budget Meeting held on Monday, 7 November 2011 the budget for 2012 was presented and accepted by the parents present. A summarized budget is set out below for the period 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2012.
1. School fees/Aftercare / R4099 350
2. Rent/tuckshop/fundraising/donations/ interest / 189 000
3. Western Cape Department - allocation / 68000
4. Academic/Text books/Copies/Computers/
Education / 420 800
5. Administration/ Telephone/ banking costs / Audit
Laminating/Refreshments/Flowers / 180 499
6. Extra-mural activities/outings – busses
Land service / 125 000
7. Property/Maintenance/Transport/Electricty/
8. Alarm/ Insurance / Safety / 412406
9. Aftercare (Educational material etc)
10. New school bus (Installments)
11. Building Fund (partial upgrade of fencing) / 10000
30 000
12. Salaries and Wages / 2611 144
13. Provision - bad debt/ Exemptions / Discount / 380 000
-To keep up a high standard and quality of education.
-That each learner has the opportunity to take part in educational outings and sport.
-That every learner from GrR to Gr7 receives excellent computer training.
-The Western Cape Education Department (WCED)only allocate R68 000per year to us.This amount is calculated according to the number of learners enrolled at the school (GrR is not included). This financial grant is a contribution towards educational needs and day-to-day maintenance.
-The WCED expects all schools to budget for exemptions from school fees. Parents who give proper and valid proof of their inability to pay school feesare welcome to apply for exemption. This, however, will not guarantee exemption of school fees.
-Exemptions are subsidised by school fees and therefore part of our 2012 budget.
2. SCHOOL FEES per year
Yearly ADVANCE TO SCHOOL FEES – will be R650-00 per learner (once off) for 2012 as from 30 November 2011. Final date of payment is 31 January 2012
SCHOOL FEESare payable in fullon or before 28 February 2012
The following alternative method of payment may be used if parents commit themselves to such arrangement in writing. The forms on which such commitment can be made, will be sent to all parents early 2012:
10 months – 28 February to 30 November 2012: (Once-off Advance fee not included herein)
Gr R -R670 per learner x 10 months = R6700
Gr 1-6-R610per learner x 10 months = R6100
Gr 7-R630per learner x 10 months = R6300
Full payment: Full payment of school fees on or before 28 February 2012
5% reduction on school fees (excluding advance payment)
Parents with 3 learners: Full tuition fees for Learner 1 and 2
3rd learner less 50% (excluding advance payment)
Existing debit orders will automatically be adjusted for 2012, if no written cancellation is received.
Branch code : 632005
Account nr : 0102-5081974
Fax proof of payment to: 021-9487085
(NB! Learner’s account number as reference)
- Debit orders: Debit orders for school and aftercare fees are debited from 1 March to 1 December 2012.
Debit order forms are available at the school office.
NB: Advance payment and Enrolment are not included within debit orders.
- Internet bank: Parents may pay by means of internet bank payments. Please use the child's account number
as a reference. Proof of your payment must either be faxed or handed in at the office.
- Direct bank : Deposits directly at your bank. Please remember learner’s account number as reference.
- Payments at the : Payment can be made at the officeduring office hours:
school office Monday to Thursday 7:30 to 14:30
Friday 7:30 to 13:45
- Via the learners : Parents who send money to school with the learners MUST please do the following:
1.Put the money in an envelope.
2.Write the amount, name and grade of the learner and what the
money is foron the outside of the envelope.
5. EXEMPTIONS (Return date for applications - 28 February 2012)
Exemptions are subsidised by school fees and part of our budget. The combined gross income of both biological parentsis applicable(married/single or divorced). Approved exemptions are only for the current financial year.
If you want to apply:
-Application forms for 2012 will be available upon request from the school as from the 23rd of January 2012
-GrR learners do not qualify for exemption.
-Application forms can only be returned if all necessary certified documents are attached.
-Criteria, Procedures and Terms and Conditions to be followed for fee exemptions may be obtained from the Financial Office.
- AFTERCARE FEESare payable in full on or before 28 February 2012
Enrolment-R 350 once-off (Payable directly at Aftercare – Mrs S Benskin. Closing date 31 January 2012)
Full Afternoons- R4700 per year
Half Afternoons-R3800 per year
The following alternative method of payment may be used if parents commit themselves to such arrangement in writing. The forms on which such commitment can be made, will be sent to parents early 2012:
31 January to 31 October 2012
Full AfternoonsR470 per learner x 10 months
Half AfternoonsR380 per learner x 10 months
-Learners do not pay for day outings, visitors to the school etc., except when such outings do not form
part of thecurriculum.
-Camps are excluded
The following action will be taken in cases where school fees are not paid timeously:
a)30 days outstanding -Letter of demand or SMS to remind parent of
outstanding balance.
b)60 days outstanding-Final demand withcut-off date for final payment
c)Still outstanding after cut-off date-SMS/Telephone call to inform parent of account to be listed
for handover to the attorneys and cut-off date thereof
d)Outstanding after arrangement dates-SMS/telephone call to inform parent that their account still
outstanding and that it must be listed for handover to our
attorneys if we don’t receive payment immediately.
e)By implication such debtors will be blacklisted, which will affect their credit worthiness
Further legal steps will be taken by the attorneys to collect outstanding amounts from debtors in full.
f)Any costs that may occur from being handed over to the attorneys, will be the debtors responsibility.
g)If handed over to the attorneys, all payments to this account must be paid directly to the attorneys and
please note that if any payment was done towards the school account, it will be counted as current school fees.
Procedures followed by the attorneys:
1.Notice per registered post
4.Warrant for execution
5.65 (A) Notification per registered post
6.65 (A) Notification, certificate and court appearance
Payable strictly in advance and all payments must be made directly to Mrs C Eksteen or Mrs E Botha
(music teachers). The Music department is responsible for sending out accounts regarding music fees.
These activities are offered privately and all payments must be made directly to the responsible person.
According to our Financial Policy, no member of staff is allowed to receive any money regarding private activities.
Thanks again for all your input. May you and your family enjoy a blessed Christmas and may 2012 exceed all your expectations.
Friendly greetings
R Agulhas