1. Your details (block capitals please)
Name of Applicant …………………………………………………………………………………………………......
Payroll number NI Number
Address ………………………………………………………………………………………………......
………………………………………………………………...... Post code………………………
Tel. No.…………………………………………E-mail ………………………………………......
Please note that this grant is taxable and will be processed via the monthly stipends payroll.
2. Bank details, so that we can pay the money directly into your bank account
For ministers receiving a stipend via the Connexional payroll, all payments will be paid into the same bank account as the stipend.
All other applicants please provide details of the account into which you require payment to be made
Account Name: …………………………………………….……………………………………………………
Sort code: ………………………………… Account Number: …………………………….
Have you made any other claims during this connexional year? YES NO
3. Evidence of expenditure attached
Receipts supporting claim
4. Applications after 1 September 2017
I am eligible to apply during 2017/18 or 2018/19 (claim before August 31st 2018) (pay upto £450)
I have been stationed as a probationer for the first time (pay annual allowance + annual allowance *4)
All other ministers eligible to apply receive £156 (or going rate) in October via payroll
5. Declarations
Applicant’s signature ………………………………… Date ……………………….
Please email completed form to post to Methodist Church House, 25 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5JR, FAO of the Finance Manager – Payroll & Payments.
The Methodist Church Computers for Ministry Scheme
Conference 2007 resolved that presbyters and deacons in the active work would be able to claim £600 from a connexionally held fund once every four years for the purchase of computer equipment of their own choice. This grant is not means-tested and does not require a countersignature on the form.
Computers for Ministry: Proposed changes from 1 September 2017
- The Computers in Ministry scheme has replaced with an annual Computers in Ministry Allowance. This allowance should be paid with the October stipend each year to those currently covered by the Computers in Ministry scheme. The amount of the allowance should be recommended annually to the Conference by the Connexional Allowances Committee (CAC).
- The Computers in Ministry Allowance for 2017/18 is £156.
- Ministers who are stationed as probationers are given an Initial Computers in Ministry grant which is 4 times the Computers for Ministry Allowance in the year they are stationed. This grant is in addition to the annual allowance they would receive in October.
Last update: 03/07/2017