Building Each Other Up in Love and Learning

21stJuly 2017

Dear Parents/Carers of current Year 4

Year 5 Trips in the Autumn Term

At the beginning of next term Year 5 will be attending a workshop at the National Archives in Kew on Victorian child prisoners. 5T will be going Tuesday 19thSeptember and 5RT will be going Wednesday 20thSeptember.

It will only be in the morning but they will not be back in time for lunch. As we will be travelling by public transport, please ensure your child is suitably dressed for the weather. There will be no charge for this trip and your child will not need any spending money.

On Wednesday 11th October Y5 are going to the Richmond Theatre to see Joseph, the musical as part of our RE curriculum. We will be walking to and from the theatre and will not be back until about 5pm that day. The cost of the ticket is £15 payable via ParentPay.

On Wednesday 18th October Y5 are going to the Gunnersbury Museum as part of their Victorian topic. The children will take part in a Victorian School drama workshop and then be given an insight into life as a Victorian child. If your child has school meals the school will provide a packed lunch with a cheese sandwich unless you specify tuna below or whether they will bring their own lunch that day.

They will be expected to play their parts as Victorian children very seriously and this process is greatly helped if the children (and any accompanying parents) come dressed as Victorians. Boys could wear dark jackets or waistcoats, shirts and dark trousers tucked into dark socks; girls could wear long sleeved blouses and calf length skirts. We will be travelling by public transportso the children also need to wear their coats.

We will need the help of parents on these various trips so could you indicate on the slip attached whether you would be available for any of them?

We would not wish any child to be excluded on financial grounds, and if this aspect is likely to cause you any difficulty, please let the class teacher know as soon as possible.

Many thanks.

Year 5 Team:

Amanda TaylorRhiannon Talbot

Year 5 Trip to National Archives5T Tuesday 19th September and 5RT Wednesday 20th September

Richmond Theatre 11th October and Gunnersbury Museum 18th October

Please complete and return to schoolby Friday 8th September.

My child ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….… Class …………………

has permission to go on the above trips.

I would like to help on:

National ArchivesRichmond TheatreGunnersbury Museum

I have paid via ParentPay:

£15 Richmond Theatre£13 Gunnersbury Museum

My child HAS school meals and would prefer a tuna sandwich.

My child HAS school meals but will bring their own packed lunch that day

Signed …………………..………………………………………………………………………………...…………………… Parent/Guardian