11th grade SAT Vocabulary – Week 1

Abscond – to leave quickly in secret VERB

Abandon – total lack of inhibition NOUN

Dilapidated – in disrepair, run down ADJ

Elude – to avoid cleverly, to escape the perception of VERB

Abate – to decrease, to reduce VERB

Maverick – an independent individual who does not go along with a group NOUN

Obstinate – unreasonably persistent ADJ (an obstinate journalist)

Abet – to aid; to act as an accomplice VERB

Abortive –ending without results ADJ

Hiatus – a gap or interruption in space, time, or continuity NOUN

11th grade SAT Vocabulary – Week 2

Assent – to agree, as to a proposal VERB

Abstemious – done sparingly; consuming in moderation ADJ

Accede – to express approval, to agree to VERB

Beneficent – pertaining to an act of kindness ADJ

Countervail – to act or react with equal force VERB

Feral – suggestive of a wild beast, not domesticated ADJ

Furlough – a leave of absence, especially granted to a soldier/prisoner NOUN

Hubris – excessive pride or confidence NOUN

Palpable – capable of being touched or felt; easily perceived ADJ

Paltry – pitifully small or worthless ADJ

11th grade SAT Vocabulary – Week 3

Insular – characteristic of an isolated people, especially having a narrow viewpoint ADJ

Cacophony – a jarring, unpleasant noise NOUN

Morose – gloomy, sullen ADJ

Nebulous – vague, undefined ADJ

Impute – to lay the responsibility or blame for; often unjustly VERB

Chimerical – fanciful; imaginary; impossible ADJ

Abjure – to renounce under oath; to abandon forever; to abstain from VERB

Abnegate – to give up, to deny oneself VERB

Scrupulous – acting in strict regard for what is considered proper; exact ADJ

Irreverent – disrespectful in a gentle of humorous way ADJ

11th grade SAT Vocabulary – Week 4

Licentious – immoral; unrestrained by society ADJ

Sophomoric – exhibiting great immaturity and lack of judgment ADJ

Sojourn – a temporary stat; visit NOUN

Malevolent – exhibiting ill will; wishing harm to others ADJ

Conflagration – big, destructive fire NOUN

Excoriate – to censure scathingly; to express strong disapproval of VERB

Bovine – relating to cows; having qualities characteristic of a cow, such as sluggish or dullness ADJ (his bovine demeanor)

Bursar – a treasurer or keeper of funds NOUN

Neonate – a newborn child NOUN

Adroit – skillful, accomplished, highly talented ADJ

11th grade SAT Vocabulary – Week 5

Obdurate – stubbornly persistent, resistant to persuasion ADJ

Anthropomorphic – suggesting human characteristics for animals and inanimate things ADJ

Paramount – supreme, of chief importance ADJ

Pare – to trim of excess, reduce VERB

Antiquated – too old to be fashionable or useful ADJ

Atavistic – characteristic of a former era, ancient ADJ

Berate – to scold harshly VERB

Covert – secretive, not openly shown ADJ

Dissident – disagreeing with an established religious or political system ADJ

Seraphic –angelic, sweet ADJ

11th grade SAT Vocabulary – Week 6

Filibuster – to use obstructionist tactics; especially prolonged speech-making, in order to delay something VERB

Galvanize – to shock; to arouse awareness VERB

Hypocrite – one who puts on a false appearance of virtue; one who criticizes a flaw he in-fact possesses NOUN

Pathogenic –causing disease ADJ (pathogenic microorganisms)

Peculate – to embezzle VERB

Penitent - expressing sorrow for sins or offenses, repentant ADJ

Awry – crooked, askew, amiss ADV

Balk – to stop short and refuse to go on VERB

Behemoth – something of monstrous size or power, huge creature NOUN

Grotto – a small cave NOUN

11th grade SAT Vocabulary – Week 7

Phalanx – a compact or close-knit body of people, animals, or things NOUN (a phalanx of guards)

Phlegmatic - having a sluggish, unemotional temperament ADJ

Pique – to arouse anger or resentment in; provoke VERB

Aggregate – a collective mass; the sum total NOUN

Blithely – merrily, lightheartedly cheerful; without appropriate though ADJ

Cache – a hiding place; stockpile NOUN it’s good to have a cache where you can stash your cash

Debacle – a sudden, disastrous collapse or defeat; a total, ridiculous failure NOUN

Algorithm – an established procedure for solving a problem or equation NOUN

Ignoble – having low moral standards, not noble in character; mean ADJ

Deride – to laugh at contemptuously, to make fun of VERB

11th grade SAT Vocabulary – Week 8

Cumulative – increasing, collective ADJ

Adamant – stubbornly unyielding ADJ

Admonish – to caution or warn gently in order to correct something VERB

Blatant – completely obvious and conspicuous; especially in an offensive, crass manner ADJ

Hegemony – the domination/leadership of one state or group over its allies NOUN

Denizen – an inhabitant, a resident NOUN

Digress – to turn aside, especially from the main point, to stray from the subject VERB

Dour – sullen and gloomy; stern and sever ADJ

Euphemism – an inoffensive and agreeable expression that is substituted for one that is considered offensive (passed away for died) NOUN

Intrepid – fearless, resolutely courageous ADJ

11th grade SAT Vocabulary – Week 9

Euthanasia – the practice of ending the life of terminally ill individuals; assisted suicide NOUN

Anomaly – a deviation from the common rule, something that is difficult to clarify NOUN

Aplomb – self-confident assurance; poise NOUN

Arcane – secret, obscure, known only to a few ADJ

Blasphemous – cursing, profane; extremely irreverent ADJ

Encumber – to weight down, to burden VERB

Flout – to scorn, to disregard with contempt VERB

Formidable – fearsome, daunting, tending to inspire, awe, or wonder ADJ

Gregarious – outgoing, sociable ADJ

Acclivity – an incline or upward slope, the ascending side of a hill NOUN

11th grade SAT Vocabulary – Week 10

Fortuitous – by chance, especially favorable chance ADJ

Gauche – lacking social refinement ADJ

Inter – to bury VERB

Intimation – a subtle and indirect hint NOUN

Inundate – to cover with a flood; to overwhelm as with a flood VERB

Secular – not specifically pertaining to religion, relating to the world ADJ

Lithe – moving and bending with ease; marked by effortless grade ADJ

Macabre – having death as a subject; dwelling on the gruesome ADJ (macabre tales)

Emollient – soothing, especially to the skin ADJ

Ominous – suggesting/indicating that something bad is going to happen or be revealed ADJ

11th grade SAT Vocabulary – Week 11

Cessation – (noun) a temporary or complete halt

Chary – (adj) watchful, cautious, extremely shy

Pseudonym (noun) a fictitious name, typically used to conceal a writer’s identity

Rapt (adj) deeply absorbed

Emulate – (verb) to strive to equal or excel, to imitate

Flout (verb) to scorn, to disregard with contempt

Gregarious (adj) outgoing, sociable

Hiatus (noun) a gap or interruption in space, time, or continuity

Revile (verb) to criticize with harsh language, verbally abuse

Virulent (adj) extremely poisoness; malignant, hateful

Impugn (verb) to call into question; to attack verbally

11th grade SAT Vocabulary – Week 12

Insensate (adj) lacking sensibility and understanding, foolish

Lampoon (verb) to ridicule with satire

Jettison (verb) to discard, to get rid of as unnecessary

Loquacious (adj) talkative

Misnomer (noun) an error in naming a person or place

Ostracize (verb) to exclude from a group by common consent

Potable (adj) suitable for drinking

Requite (verb) to return or repay

Rescind (to repeal, cancel) verb

Verbose (adj) wordy

Compliant (adj) submissive, yielding

Week 13 SAT Vocab

Constituent – component, part; citizen, voter (NOUN)

Dearth – a lack, scarcity, insufficiency (NOUN)

Doleful – sad, mournful (ADJ)

Epochal – momentous, highly significant (ADJ)

Apprise – to give notice to, inform (VERB)

Penchant – an inclination; a definite liking (NOUN)

Peregrinate – to travel on foot (VERB)

Incorrigible – incapable of being corrected or amended; difficult to control or manage (ADJ)

Mores – fixed customs or manners; moral attitudes (pl NOUN)

Olfactory - relating to the sense of smell (ADJ)

Week 14 SAT Vocab

Adumbrate – to give a hint or indication or something to come (VERB)

Amity – friendship, good will (NOUN)

Bombastic – high-sounding language but meaningless (lawyer’s speeches) (ADJ)

Cataclysmic – severely destructive (ADJ)

Extrapolation – using known data and information to determine what will happen in the future; prediction (NOUN)

Febrile – feverish, marked by intense emotion or activity (ADJ)

Feign – to pretend; to give a false appearance of (VERB)

Husband – to manage economically; to use sparingly (VERB)

Imperturbable – unshakable calm and steady (ADJ)

Panache – flamboyance or dash in style and action (NOUN)

Pariah – an outcast (NOUN)

Week 15 SAT Vocab

Cede –to surrender possession of something; give up (VERB)

Colloquial – characteristics of informal speech (ADJ)

Eschew – to shun; to avoid (as something wrongful or distasteful) (VERB)

Flippant – marked by disrespectful lightheartedness or casualness (ADJ)

Forgo – to do without, to abstain from (VERB)

Paragon - a model of excellence or perfection (NOUN)

Paradigm - an outstandingly clear or typical example (NOUN)

Accretion – a growth in size, an increase in amount (NOUN)

Actuate – to put into motion, to activate (VERB)

Caucus – a closed committee within a political party; a private committee meeting (NOUN)

Week 16 SAT Vocab

Adept –extremely skilled (ADJ)

Certitude –assurance, freedom from doubt (NOUN)

Sequester – to set apart, seclude (VERB)

Resolute – marked by firm determination (ADJ)

Mote – small particle, speck (NOUN)

Onus – a burden, an obligation (NOUN)

Irascible – easily angered, hot-tempered (ADJ)

Kismet – destiny or fate (NOUN)

Broach – to mention or suggest for the first time (VERB)

Lampoon – to ridicule with satire (VERB)

Week 17 SAT Vocab

Sinecure - a well-paying job or office that requires little or no work (NOUN)

Heretical – departing from accepted beliefs or standards, oppositional (ADJ)

Sedition – behavior that promotes rebellion or civil disorder against the state (NOUN)

Burnish – to polish, to make smooth and bright (VERB)

Calumny – a false and malicious accusation; misrepresentation (NOUN)

Ingratiate – to gain favor with another by deliberate effort; to seek to please somebody so as to gain an advantage (VERB)

Lax- not rigid; loose, negligent (ADJ)

Libertarian – one who advocates individual rights and free will (NOUN)

Misanthrope – a person who hates or distrusts mankind (NOUN)

Mitigate – to make less severe; make milder (VERB)