Quality Presentations: Keeping them Engaging and Energizing
Presented by Rich Meiss, Sr. Consultant, The Bob Pike Group
I. Opening and Closing Effectively
A. Examine three criteria of effective openers
1. See samples of effective openers
2. Brainstorm appropriate presentation openers
3. Choose a powerful opener for presentation content
B. Identify characteristics of effective presenters
C. Write a powerful presentation introduction
D. Determine four closing tips
1. See samples of effective closers
2. Brainstorm appropriate presentation closers
3. Choose a powerful presentation closer
II. Polishing Your Preparation
A. Define your objectives
1. Persuade or motivate
2. Inform or educate
3. Entertain or build camaraderie
B. Analyze your audience and the situation
1. Time element
2. Audience members, experience, goals, special situations
3. Location
4. Event
C. Develop your content outline
1. Mind map outline
2. Key point outline
3. Traditional outline
D. Choose the appropriate room design
1. Classroom
2. Theatre
3. U-Shape
4. Rounds
III. Energizing and Engaging Your Audience
A. Energize your content
1. Visuals and color
2. Promises
3. Humor
4. Questions
5. Quotes or statistics
6. Props
B. Develop Powerful Stories
1. Why stories work
2. Cautions with using stories
3. Developing your own stories
4. Sources of stories
C. Use Effective/Avoid Ineffective Presentation Behaviors
1. Using your voice well
2. Appropriate gestures and movement
3. Eye contact
IV. Using Visuals Effectively
A. How to use handouts
B. Effective use of non-projected visuals
1. Charts and graphs
2. White boards
3. Props and visual
C. DVD and Video useage
D. Electronic presentations
1. Successful use of PowerPoint
2. How to avoid Death by PowerPoint
3. Do’s and don’ts with PowerPoint
Participants will be involved in a variety of learning activities, including discussions, lecturettes, partnering, teachbacks, and revisits.
Each section of the class will be approximately 20 minutes in length, with a five minute opening and a five minute closing.
Rich Meiss has been a participant-centered trainer with Bob Pike and other leading Train-the-Trainer organizations for 25+ years. He has held executive positions with Personal Dynamics Institute, Carlson Learning Company (Inscape Publishing), and The Bob Pike Group.Rich has personally trained more than 65,000 trainers and leaders, conducting workshops and seminars in 150 cities in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe and Asia. His personal approach causes audiences to warm to him instantly – most of his work is with repeat clients who continue to ask him back.
Rich works primarily in three key areas, and has a client list numbering in the hundreds. Here is a sampling of his topics, satisfied clients, and book titles:
Creative Training/Powerful Presentation Techniques:
Rich’s clients have ranged from small to large businesses, government, education, non-profit and health care. They include Abbott, BP, Clear Channel Communications, Medtronic CRDM, Microsoft, NIKE, Pfizer, U.S. Navy and Air Force, and the University of MN. Books he has authored in this area include How to Design and Deliver Powerful Presentations, Super Closers, Openers, Reviews and Energizers (SCORE), and SCORE II.
Effective Facilitation/Meeting Skills:
Rich is a master facilitator, leading groups in strategic planning, brainstorming sessions, and decision making meetings. Public and private groups have benefitted from his facilitation skills, including Capital Group, Caribou Coffee, Eli Lilly, Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Marine Corps Community Services, MN State Colleges and Universities, National Food Services Mgmt. Institute, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. His published works in this area include Facilitation Tools: 28 Group Methods that Get Results, and Gifts: Ideas to Enhance Your Work and Your Life.
Coaching for Success/Creating High Performing Teams:
Rich has trained managers/team leaders in many organizations in positive methods of coaching and teambuilding, including: Hallmark, Lifetouch, Medtronic Diabetes, Noven Pharmaceuticals, Radio Shack, Society of Pharmaceutical and Biotech Trainers, and Tri-anim Health, He is the author of Coaching for Results, and Creating High Performing Teams.
Bob Pike Group
14530 Martin Drive, Eden Prairie, MN · 55344
Phone: 952-829-1954 Fax: 952-829-2690 Email: