Individual / Organisation name: Ken Dewhirst

What state/territory are you from? W.A.

Public Discussion Paper:
Review of Design and Engineering Controls for Improving Quad Bike Safety

Public Comment Response Form

Complete and submit this form by5:00pmAEST28 SEPTEMBER 2012to

Response to questions identified in the Discussion Paper
  1. What design solutions and/or engineering controls could improve quad bike stability and safety?

Comment As Quad bikes are designed and imported from all over the world, it would be a monumental task to get these manufactures to redesign for Australia.
One would have to accept that the design of these machines have been tried and tested throughout the world as to their usage, be it, recreational, sport, agricultural etc.
Many Emergency Services, Police, Marine, Local Councils, S.E.S. etc have used these quads of various sizes and shapes without any fatalities over the years.
This, in itself should show that engineering, controls and stability are within the accepted safety standards of their organisations.
  1. What engineering controls could improve operator protection in the event of a roll over?

Comment Roll Bars are not an option.
The design of the frames, chassis’s and suspensions of most quads do not allow for the fitting of ROP’s.
A rear loop is available in Australia, but anything that can prevent the rider from alighting or strike the rider in the event of an accident should not be used. It could pin the rider rather than protect.
Seat belts would only trap the rider even more
  1. What engineering options could minimise the capacity of children to start and/or operate quad bikes?

Comment Maybe a lockout on the battery or key could be incorporated
Children should have parental supervision when riding quads and preferablely under controlled conditions
  1. What engineering controls could minimise the capacity of a quad bike to carry passengers.

Comment This is not needed
There are already quads designed to safely carry passengers, and some Emergency Services ned to be able to transport, personnel and/or equipment on their quads

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