Your name: ______Per: _____

Whose paper are you revising/editing? ______

Hero Essay Peer Revision

As you review your partner’s rough draft, mark it up using a pencil or pen (that is NOT the same color that they wrote in). Make corrections to their paper (circle words that need spelling checked, correct grammar/punctuation errors, add/delete/substitute words and phrases that don’t sound great).

Complete the following checklist and make notes about areas you think they could improve. Remember, you are not being mean; you are being constructively critical to help your partner receive a higher grade. Be honest :o)

Make notes in this column about what needs improvement! / Evident & great / Evident
but needs improve-ment / Not evident
Intro (Paragraph #1)
NOTES: / Hook (open with a quote or interesting statement about the topic that will engage your reader)
Claim (restate & answer the question/prompt) What 3 traits make a hero?
Evidence: Present Max & Luke with book & movie titles
Body Paragraph
(Paragraph 2)
NOTES: / Claim (present first trait/characteristic)
Explain trait and how/why all heroes must exhibit it
Evidence: Present trait example of Max (with specific details)
EXPLAIN how Max’s example proves the heroic trait
Evidence: Present trait example of Luke (with specific details)
EXPLAIN how Luke’s example proves the heroic trait
Reasoning/Realization: How does this trait prove your claim true? What does it reveal about Max & Luke?
Body Paragraph
(Paragraph 3)
NOTES: / Claim (present second trait/characteristic)
Explain trait and how/why all heroes must exhibit it
Evidence: Present trait example of Max (with specific details)
EXPLAIN how Max’s example proves the heroic trait
Evidence: Present trait example of Luke (with specific details)
EXPLAIN how Luke’s example proves the heroic trait
Reasoning/Realization: How does this trait prove your claim true? What does it reveal about Max & Luke?
Body Paragraph
(Paragraph 4)
NOTES: / Claim (present third trait/characteristic)
Explain trait and how/why all heroes must exhibit it
Evidence: Present trait example of Max (with specific details)
EXPLAIN how Max’s example proves the heroic trait
Evidence: Present trait example of Luke (with specific details)
EXPLAIN how Luke’s example proves the heroic trait
Reasoning/Realization: How does this trait prove your claim true? What does it reveal about Max & Luke?
(Paragraph 5)
NOTES: / Restate your overall claim and traits you argued all heroes must exhibit
Evidence: Recap 1st body paragraph
Evidence: Recap 2nd body paragraph
Evidence: Recap 3rd body paragraph
Reasoning/realization: Explain what the evidence showed or proved to you

O  Did they successfully avoid using first person (“I,” “me,” “In my opinion,” “My claim”)?

O  Did they underline movie/book titles?

O  Did they capitalize titles of movies, chapters, and characters?

O  Did they use transitions between ideas?

O  Did they indent each paragraph (5 total-no more & no less)?