Job Description

Job Title:Head of the International Office

Salary:This post has been evaluated at Grade 7. The current salary range for this grade is£37,012 to £42,883 (£46,846) per annum. Increments to progress up the scale are awarded annually on 1 September, subject to satisfactory service, until the scale maximum is reached. The salary figure in brackets represents the level that could be reached with the award of discretionary increments given for exceptional performance and contribution by an individual.

Date:November 2012

Responsible to:Deputy Rector

Job purpose:

UCF’s ambition is to be recognised as one of the Top 5 specialist arts universities in the world.

The Head of the International Office will play a key part in realising this ambition, working closely both with Schools and Professional Services.

Reporting to the Deputy Rector, the role holder will manage the implementation of Falmouth’s Internationalisation Strategy and ensure delivery against its constituent targets and outputs, as well as managing the staff of the International Office.

The Combined Universities in Cornwall initiative (CUC) is a partnership of Further and Higher Education institutions: Cornwall College, Truro College, University College Falmouth, the University of Exeter and the University of Plymouth, working together in and for Cornwall. For more information on the CUC see

Main Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To manage the implementation of the Internationalisation Strategy and ensure delivery against its key targets and outputs, in particular:
  2. International student enrolments both undergraduate and postgraduate, on-campus, in-country and on-line;
  3. International collaborative partnerships through articulation and progression agreements, validation and accreditation, joint and dual degrees.
  4. To ensure that the International Office also delivers on objectives relating to staff and student mobility, through exchanges and placements, and the quality of the international student experience at Falmouth.
  5. As the University College’s Key Contact with the UK Boarder Agency, to ensure that we comply in full with all external requirements and that our international activity reflects the expectations of the UK Quality Code for Higher Education as well as best practice across the sector.
  6. To work with Schools and Professional Services areas in developing, executing, monitoring and reviewing international partnership agreements.
  7. To ensure that the international student lifecycle (from pre-application guidance and visa advice to alumni development) is underpinned by effective systems and processes.
  8. To identify development opportunities for existing and new academic curricula through market analysis and commercial intelligence (in collaboration with both Schools and Marketing & External Affairs).
  9. To ensure the development of co-ordinated international marketing and engagement across the institution through close working with the Schools and Marketing & External Affairs.
  10. To monitor the quality of the international student experience at Falmouth, via the International Student Barometer and other sources, and support a culture of continuous improvement across UCF and Falmouth Exeter Plus.
  11. To contribute to the review and renewal of the Internationalisation Strategy and the International Offices business plans.
  12. To oversee the development and operation of the University College’s network of international agents and manage accordingly in-line with established service level agreement.
  13. To initiate and maintain a regular, developmental dialogue with academic staff on all aspects of international recruitment and internationalisation activity.
  14. To manage the support of international students from ‘Meet & Greet’ and orientation services to graduation and alumni development.
  15. To develop the international student scholarships scheme.
  16. To support the Alumni Office in ensuring that Falmouth effectively builds and maintains productive relationships with its international alumni.
  17. To represent the University College at selected high profile recruitment and exhibition events and at specific education institutions in the UK and internationally as agreed.
  18. To formulate and manage the annual International Office budget in conjunction with the Deputy Rector.
  19. To lead and manage the International office staff, facilitating individual professional development and encouraging an open and cooperative team environment.

General Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To work within and actively support the equality and diversity policies and practices of University College Falmouth.
  1. To notify a more senior member of staff of any errors or concerns at the earliest opportunity.
  1. To participate in the College’s Annual Performance Development Review Process.
  1. To ensure that the University College’s cross-cutting themes of partnership, equality and diversity and sustainability inform all activity related to the role.
  1. To ensure communications systems and practices support effective management arrangements and promote good relations with staff and students.
  1. To work within a framework of effective governance, ensuring compliance with relevant Regulations, Legislation/Policies and Procedures.
  1. To be responsible for your own continuing self-development.
  1. Working within the Health and Safety at Work Act, the post holder has a legal duty to take reasonable care for Health and Safety both for themselves and others who may be affected by their actions. They are also required to undertake Health and Safety training commensurate with the level required by the post and to take part in risk assessment procedures and the implementation of agreed recommended work practices within the area.
  1. To undertake other duties not specifically stated above, which from time to time are necessary for the effective performance of the University College’s business without altering the nature or level of responsibility involved.

Person Specification

Post title:Head of the International Office



Essential requirements


Desirable requirements

Education/Qualifications / A good, first degree or equivalent qualifications or experience.
Experience/Knowledge / Significant expertise in the internationalisation of higher education.
A track record of growing international enrolments.
An ability to identify valuable international opportunities and engineer productive relationships.
Demonstrable experience of implementing organisational strategies and operationalizing corporate initiatives.
Experience in outcomes-focused business planning, forecasting and project management. / A good knowledge of the competitive international HE market and the external factors - economic, socio-political, cultural - that shape it.
Requirements / Valid UK passport for international travel
Strong communication skills with an ability to tailor his/her approach to diverse, international audiences.
An approach that is pragmatic, and focuses on quality, value and outputs.
An ability to work effectively with Academic and Professional Service staff to focus attention, mobilise support and coordinate activity in order to achieve strategic alignment and integration across functional areas.
Fully IT literate with Microsoft Office. / An understanding of the creative industries and empathy with the ethos of a specialist academic institution and the disciplines of art, design, media and performance.
A working knowledge of one or more foreign languages would be an advantage – particularly in strategically important markets.

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