Saddleback College

Faculty Development Funding

Request and Checklist

Courses and/or classes do not qualify for funding.

Before - We need the following documents for committee review:

(Funding is not automatic and may be denied based on parameters listed, funding committee review or senate review)

Complete theFaculty Development Funding Request with both yoursignature and your

administrator’s signature.If requesting additional funds from another source, report

on p.2, item “F” along with proof of approval from an administrator for that fund source.

Conference Brochure (or printed web page) with registration dates, fees, and location

highlighted for committee review.

Documentation of lodging and transportation estimates highlighted for review. List all other anticipated expenses whether or not you feel they will be covered.

Submit completed, typed request and documentation to Faculty Development/

Academic Senate Office, AGB 122, by posted deadline. It is recommended that you

hand-deliver proposal.

Note: When missing classes, please refer to your Division’s policy on reporting absences due to conference attendance.

Following notification from the Academic Senate office of your funding award:

Create a Spend Authorization in Workday, using the Academic Senate work tags:

(Fund – 010, Cost Center – 13310, Program – 603000)

After– Within 30 days after the conference:

Create an Expense Report in Workday. You will enter your Spend Authorizationnumber where prompted. Also be sure to use the Academic Senate worktags:

(Fund – 010, Cost Center – 13310, Program – 603000)

Scan and upload receipts for all conference costs:registration, lodging and transportation (airfare, parking, MapQuest/GoogleMaps for mileage, car rental, taxi, shuttle, baggage fees, etc.) Receipts are required for all expense items except Meals; instead, attach a conference agenda for Meal reimbursement. Note: Receipts are no longer collected, but it is recommended that you retain them.

can and upload a signed Faculty Development Funding Evaluation form. Form can be attached in the same way as a receipt, to any line item.

“Submit” in Workday to begin the approval and reimbursement process.

Note: Please type. Hand-written requests will not be considered.

Late requests will not be considered.

Saddleback College
Faculty Development Funding Request
Today’s Date: / Office Use Only
Award Email Sent Date ______
Amount Awarded $______
Spend Authorization #______
Expense Report #______
Section 1: Participants Information
Full-Time Faculty
Part-Time Faculty
Division: / Campus Extension: x
Cell Phone Number: () - / E-mail Address:
Section 2: Conference/Activity Information
Conference/Activity Title:
Start Date: / End Date:
Conference/Activity Location: , (City, State)
Conference/Activity Description (A Conference Brochure is also required):
Conference/Activity Goals & Objectives:
Specific proceedings that will allow you to obtain stated goals and objectives:
How does this conference or activity relate directly to your primary work assignment? (i.e. classes you teach, counseling duties, etc.)
Please check the category for which you are applying:
Maintenance of knowledge and skills / Retraining to meet changing institutional needs including assessment
Courses and training implementing Affirmative Action and upward mobility programs / Development of innovations in instructional and administrative techniques and program effectiveness
Computer and technological proficiency programs including online course development / Improvement of teaching
Intersegmental exchange programs / In-Service training for vocational education and employment preparation programs
Other Activities related to educational and professional development
Section 3: Tentative Budget Information
Please indicate the amounts for categories below and provide documentation that applies. Include all anticipated expenses whether or not you feel they will be covered.
CONFERENCE / Requested Amount
Info: $1,200.00 maximum per academic year for Conferences for full-time faculty, $600.00 maximum per academic year for part-time faculty.
A. Travel ($500.00 for out of state) ($400.00 in state) or Mileage @ 0.575 per mile x number of trips up and back. Indicate number of round trips on MapQuest/GoogleMaps if driving by car. / $
Info: If driving, you MUST include a hard copy of MapQuest/GoogleMaps driving instructions with your application AND reimbursement forms. Distance is calculated from Saddleback College to the event destination.Also, if flying, include proof of airfare. Include estimated parking, car rental, taxi, shuttle, baggage or other transportation expenses.
B. Lodging ($250.00 per night maximum)
Number of nights required # / $
C. Meals - $55.00 a day not to exceed # of days of conference -Number of Days x $55 = / $
Info: No allowance for meals that are included in the conference registration fee (whether you eat the meal or not). Meal receipts are not required; however, you must include the conference flyer to show which meals were covered by the conference. Reimbursement not to exceed the per-diem of $12 for breakfast, $16 for lunch, and $27 for dinner ($55/day). Per-diem will be paid according to reasonable and customary time of departure and return.
D. Registration / $
Info: No funding fororganization membership fees.
Funding is NOT automatic. Incomplete or late proposals may not be funded. / TOTAL AMOUNT NEEDED / $
E. Would you be willing to accept less money? / Yes No
F. Will you receive joint funding? / Yes No
G. If receiving joint funding, indicate the source and amount / $
Total amount requested from Faculty Development Funding / $
Any additional information the committee may need to know when considering your request:
Applicant’s Signature / Date
ADMINISTRATOR’S signature required to verify approval of your absence and/or to acknowledge your attendance at this college-sanctioned event.If receiving joint funding, this signature proves approval for the additional funds. If your administrator is not the joint funds administrator, attach proof of approval from the joint fund administrator.
Administrator’s Signature/Title / Date
If you have any questions please contact your division representative or the Academic Senate Office, x4969.
SUBMIT TYPED REQUEST AND DOCUMENTATION TO: Faculty Development/Academic Senate Office – AGB #122