Date: Wednesday 22nd January 2014

Time: 6.00pm @ SD

Attendees: L Johnson (EHT), P Burton (Chair /Academy Trustee), J George (Community Trustee), R Gurteen (Community Trustee), J Stewart (Governor), H Williamson (Governor)

1. si / Apologies and consent for absence
Apology accepted – S Sykes (Parent Trustee)
Absent: M Moriarty (Academy Trustee)
2. si / Minutes of previous meeting
Minutes accepted by Chair, seconded by J George
3. si / Matters Arising
  • Initial expression of interest placed.
  • Attendance meetings with parents arranged.
  • Amend ‘Educational’ Health Survey – to ‘Electronic’ Health Survey. Joint SLT to follow-up and compare results with other schools to determine where plan needed.
  • GVO – Governor Virtual Office – demonstration arranged for 24.01.14
  • Chair advised after seeking further advice – unwise to offer a % of income generated by staff.
  • SCR – SBM currently in the process of combining to one document.

4. si / Declaration of interest
5. si / Items declared confidential
7g, 7m & 9c
6. / Governor Link Visit (SDP/Pupil Progress priorities)
The following Governor SDP links agreed:
a.HW/JS: - FL- Literacy to increase the use of accelerated reader in Y4/5/6 to accelerate targeted pupils progress in reading. Governors asked to liaise with SC (AHoS) who manages Accelerated Reader after half term.
b.HW/J/S: - FL – Maths – to improve pupils’ quick recall and knowledge of number facts by pupils across KS1/KS2.
c.HoS to arrange visit dates for HW/JS between half term and Easter.
d.JG – EYFS – Use of Early Essence tracking/observation tool; planning scrutiny to ensure new vocabulary being planned and taught. Dates arranged for visit to FL: 20.02.14, 25.03.14, 09.04.14, 15.05.14, 17.06.14 and possibly 16.07.14.
e.EHT advised Luddendenfoot have been using the system longer and had produced some useful progress reports.
f.EHT reported that EYFS leader has also introduced ‘Snack & Chat’ children encouraged to listen to each other to develop higher order questioning. Children show red/green cards to indicate if they want to add any information or whether they want to challenge what another child has said. 10 children were videoed taking part in a session and had shown an amazing range of vocabulary with one child electing to be mute, by choosing not to respond.
g.MM- FL - T & L – implement cohort plans to raise the attainment of targeted groups in R/W/M across school. MM to check availability as pass date to HoS.
h.PB – SEN – Understanding barriers for dyslexic pupils by end of spring term across both schools. PB to arrange dates with CHo (SD –DHoS & KB FL - Interim DHoS)
i.EHT to supply key questions and pro-forma for recording visits. Governors asked to make notes recording responses and feedback to the trust board, to build a picture of how areas are progressing. / EHT
7. / School Development Plans (SDPs)
a.EHT asked if there were any questions re: SDPs. None were raised.
b.EHT reported from the FL – T & L focus the challenge for HoS was the progress of the 2 NQTs – who are fully aware of what is expected and also the number of vulnerable children who are impacting on other children’s learning. To lessen the impact of the vulnerable children a decision had been taken to provide a nurturing provision – which involves 4 children being withdrawn for part of the day working with KB. HoS will need to see if the withdrawal has an effect on their behaviour but is currently too early to gauge its impact.
c.EHT advised the long term plan would be to set up a Nurture Unit at FL. A visit to a successful Nurture Unit - Phoenix Centre in Bradford has been arranged.
d.SD – T&L is strong and staff are really positive.
e.Both schools are providing support for Luddendenfoot.
f.HoS have put some strong plans/strategies in place.
g.Confidential item.
h.FL – Behaviour requires improvement due to the 4 identified children. This is being addressed by KB working with the children until half term and then will be reviewed.
i.Dependent on results of nurture provision a SDP for behaviour may be needed in the future for FL.
j.EHT advised that the strategies in place to manage behaviour are 100% - Ofsted will look at the impact they are having on other children.
k.Future consideration may be that income generated from Luddendenfoot support could be used to fund a specialist behaviour position.
l.EHT advised FL - HoS will be speaking to William Henry school re: whether they can offer therapeutic support for a boy.
m.Confidential item.
8. / Trust Development
  1. EHT advised Luddendenfoot 8 week consultation period to join the trust started on the 6th January 2014.
  2. Two parent consultation meetings have taken place, where pros/cons were discussed and a paper shared about the trust.
  3. A number of questions have been submitted to EHT.
  4. Governors have received 20 responses – not public from a questionnaire posted.
  5. On the whole parents are supportive and what to move forward.
  6. Answers to parents – will be provided 1st week in February and will go to full governors at the end of February.
  7. EHT advised some accountancy plans have been discussed. Principle Finance Officer (AB) will manage Luddendenfoot budget. Procedure for order requisitions will change so they are carried out in each school with payments being carried out centrally.

9. / New School
  1. EHT advised the proposal is going to Cabinet this week, but after receiving the latest correspondence the position has changed to satellite provision from your existing school. Members agreed that this was a different explanation to how it was initially presented and that this change made it unlikely we would go ahead.
  2. EHT reported that a breach in confidentiality by the LA had caused unnecessary concern from a Luddendenfoot parent who works in another school that Brighter Futures were applying for the new 1/2 form primary and how this would fit with the proposal that Luddendenfoot join the trust presently under consultation with parents.
Decision: Members agreed this was a poor practice by the LA and agreed that a formal letter of complaint should be sent on behalf of the trust board to the Head of Learning/Head of Children’s and Young People. Chair agreed to draft letter.
c. Confidential item.
10. / Performance Management
  • Chair of Performance Management Committee (PB) reported that as a result of EHT achieving her performance management targets and leadership and management of the trust the committee recommended a one off payment of £1850 linked to the new teachers’ pay and condition regulation which stipulates that outstanding practice should be rewarded until the salary structure linked to Luddendenfoot is further considered.
  • Decision: Payment approved.

11. / VGO – Virtual Governor Office
EHT advised VGO – purchased. Demonstration arranged for Friday 24th January @ Luddendenfoot 1.30pm.
12. / Governor visit (reports)
Chair advised that she was now a National Leader in Governance after recently attending training and selection. The role will help to promote the building of new governor link contacts and should be very interesting.
13. / Inset Days 2014-15
  • EHT advised proposed INSET days as follows:
  • 1st September 2014 – TeamBuilding Day. SD HoS planning.
  • 2nd September 2014
  • 17th November 2014
  • 23rd January 2015
  • 20th July 2015

14. / AOB

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.30pm

Signed by: ...... Date: ......


BFAT – Trust Board – Public Minutes 22 01 14