Alden Updates May 19, 2014

Hello Alden Families:

It is very busy here at Alden. We just finished our second round of MCAS testing. Thank you for your commitment and support in getting your children to school on time. We had very few tardies or absences during the testing period. This creates a positive testing environment.

If your child enjoys science and is looking for a great opportunity for a summer camp, check out the attached flyer. Club Invention gives your son or daughter the opportunity to create and invent outside the box by exploring science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) concepts in a hands-on, safe, and fun environment.

A message from Dr. Tantillo:

In looking at the close of school this year, it is unlike any other. The winter was long and difficult. We will soon close two schools and move to the new building, requiring a great deal of physical work and preparation under very tight time frames.

As a result, we are modifying the schedule for the last day of school and moving it back one day to Wednesday, June 18. Since we made up a full day in lieu of a snowed-out half-day, we meet the required hours and days in the school calendar. This will be a half-day for students as is typical each year. We thank you for your support.

Laurie Hunter, Assistant Superintendent, will be a guest at the May 19th Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) meeting to discuss curriculum. This meeting will be at 7:00pm in Room 303 (Canty Wing) Chandler School.

From the PTA:

Girls Night Out – Tuesday, May 27 beginning at 5:30 in the PAC

Boys Night Out - Wednesday, May 28 beginning at 5:30 in the PAC

After both presentations, students and adults will go to the DSU to participate in interactive sessions (health, fitness, self-care, stress management, peer relations and technology). Dress comfortably for a fun backyard workout you can do with friends. Please RSVP to Siobhan Perenick at by Friday, May 23 if you are planning on attending. Volunteers are need at the DSU for this event. For more information and other programs sponsored by the DSU, please visit the Alden website and click on DSU Program Updates.

Reminder: Please send in any Read-A-Thon money. Thank you for your support.

Important Dates:

May 19 – School Council 3pm

May 22 – Art Show 6-8pm PAC Lobby

May 26 – No School – Memorial Day

May 27 – Girls Night Out – Begins at 5:30 - PAC

May 28 – Band Rehearsal 7:50am/PTA Meeting 9:30 am/Boys Night Out – 5:30 PAC

June 6 – Band Rehearsal 7:50am/ Professional Development ½ Day – students dismissed at 10:35am.

June 10 – Band Concert 7pm

June 13 – Fifth Grade Field Day

June 16 – Third Grade Field Day

June 17 – Fourth Grade Field Day

June 18 – Last day of school for students – ½ Day of school. Students dismissed at 10:35am.


FREE After-school Program: Duxbury Beach Art Show

Please join the Duxbury Beach Preservation Society on Thursday, May 22, 2014 at 2:00pm for its annual reception and anart show. Alden students will enjoy beach inspired treats (e.g., watermelon and s'mores),while they create and view art with their friends. Please show your love of the beach!


1)Each student can bring artwork (drawings,watercolors, acrylics, photography)depicting his/her favorite aspects of the beach and ocean.

2) Students can also designartwork during this event, as an art workstation will be set up in the Alden cafeteria. Artmaterials will be supplied for basic drawing and painting.

GALLERY: We hope parents will take time toview our Aldengallery of art when picking up their children. All masterpieces will be displayed in the Alden lobby during the entire week following this event.

PUBLISHED ART:Several pieces will be selectedfor the front and back covers for our education booklets distributed by DBPSto Chandler School and local preschools.Some additionalart pieceswill be published inside the brochures andall submissions on our website Artwork may potentiallybe modified to fit the size of the booklets: 4 3/4" wide by 7 5/8" high (vertical orientation).

DISMISSAL: Please send a note that your child will be dismissed after school in the lobby for the Duxbury Beach Art Event, and pick up your child upat 3pm in the lobby.

QUESTIONS: If you have any concerns, please contact Tammy Kirk at .

RIDE PHAT (Protect your Head at All Times) is thrilled to announce that along with our regular sets of Red Sox tickets in our raffle this summer, we also have four tickets on Saturday, September 6th to the famous Green Monster, thanks to the John W. Henry Family Foundation and the Boston Red Sox. So, if you are biking out there, please wear your helmets and you might get one of our $2 coupons, good atBenchwarmers, Duxbury Pizza, Far Fars, French Memories, One & Scoops.When you use your coupon, be sure to sign the back because it is a ticket for our raffle at the end of August. Go Sox!

Thank you for your continued support,
