Try-out Information

·  Try-outs will be held after school on September 7th and 8th from 3:15-4:45pm at the fields behind the Lower Middle School. You must attend both sessions to be considered for the team.

·  All players must try-out in order to play for the team. There may be players who do not make the team, depending on the number of players that try-out.

·  Players must be equipped with a pair of cleats, sneakers, shin guards, soccer socks, and a water bottle. Goalies should be equipped with a pair of goalie gloves and a jersey.

·  All interested players should sign up with Coach Reed (UMS) or Coach Pungello (LMS) before the end of the school year, or email the coaches of your interest before try-outs next year.

·  The skills that will be evaluated during try-outs are as follows: Dribbling skills and ball control, Passing and Receiving skills, Shooting, Movement and positioning off the ball, Offensive/Defensive skills, Speed and endurance, Ability to be a team player, and knowledge of the game

·  Goalkeepers will be asked to try-out for both field and goal positions. All skills evaluated for field players will be evaluated for goalies as well as the following goalkeeping skills: Ball handling skills (catching, diving, deflections), ability to lead and command, Distribution skills (Throwing/punting/goal kicks), Desire to defend the goal (aggressiveness and confidence to win the ball)

Summer Preparation

·  Players should prepare for try-outs over the summer by practicing the skills listed above. Try to go for a run at least twice a week and play in games or with friends as much as possible.

·  See UMS Soccer Preparation on Main Soccer Page


·  In order to play for the team you will need to be cleared to participate by completing the three step process detailed in the sign-up and registration information. This three step process must be completed prior to try-outs. For more information on this three step process, please visit

General Information

·  The season will last from the first day of try-outs until the end of October.

·  You can play for the school team even if you are playing for a travel or club team. The coaches will excuse a player to miss school practice for another team’s practice. If possible, we ask that the player attends all school games.

Practice Information

·  Tryouts/Practices will officially begin on September 7th.

·  Practices will be Mondays through Fridays from 3:15-4:45pm unless it is a game day. Practices are located at the fields behind UMS.

Game Information

·  Home games will start at 4:15 pm at the same fields we have practice.

·  Players will be bused to away games. Buses will leave UMS at 3:15 pm to depart for away games.

·  Players must take the bus to the games with the team but may go home with a parent from the game after signing out with the coach.

·  If a player misses practice the day before a game, they will not be permitted to start the game, unless otherwise excused for school-related instances.

Contact information:

UMS Girls Soccer Coach UMS Boys Soccer Coach

Allison Pungello Jim Reed

609-240-4561 (cell) 908-310-3700 (cell)

609-466-7604 (school phone) 609-466-7603 (school phone)

(email) (email)

All sports information can be found on the coaches’ webpages and on the District Athletic Website: or click on the Departments tab on the district homepage, then select Athletics.