School Self EvaluationInformation-Gathering Visit 2

Wednesday July 2nd 2014

Focus of Visit:

Developing Independence and Engagement through Talk for Learning

1)RAP (Raising Achievement Plan) Priority 1 ‘Believe and Achieve’ – Empowering lifelong learners through Assertive Mentoring and Personalised Learning

Objective 6:To further improve the experience of SEN and vulnerable pupils in QFT (Quality First Teaching) provision.

2)RAP (Raising Achievement Plan) Priority 2; ‘I think, therefore I am’ – Promoting Creative Thinking, SMSC Development and Active Citizenship

Objective 1: To further develop consistent Talk for Learning Strategies in teaching and learning across the school, through the explicit teaching of functional language and Talk Frames.

Five members of the Governing Body undertook observations and discussions around the day’s activities, as outlined below. Governors were joined by the school’s Local Authority Partnerships for Learning Inspector (who has also provided a report, see below).

9.15am Welcome, coffee and Governor Briefing – Community Room

9.15am – 10am First Observation of Learning - Reception Class

10.15am Time to discuss observations, followed by pupil interviews - Community Room

11am Second observation of Learning – Year 2 Class

12pm Time to discuss observations, followed by pupil interviews - Community Room

12.30pm Summary discussions

Purpose of Visit:

  • To enable provide members of the Governing Body with an opportunity to gather information about the school’sTalk for Learning strategies which have been high priority on the school’s RAP this year
  • To enable members of the Governing Body to observe first-hand the extent to which Talk for Learning has become embedded in teaching across the school, with a particular focus on the way in which it enables pupils to perceive and talk about themselves as learners
  • To enable members of the Governing Body to experience first-hand the school’s approach to Lesson Study through case pupil observation / study

Context of visit: Talk for Learning has been a high priority in the school for two years, with all staff having received training in Talking Partners from the Local Authority’s Specialist Teaching Team in September. The school’s Lesson Study Research Project undertaken in partnership with Edgehill University has also been focussed on the importance of Talk for Learning, with colleagues observing case study pupils in lessons in order to pinpoint barriers to learning and identify strategies to enable access, engagement and achievement. Talk for Learning has also been the focus of Performance Management observations for all teaching staff this year (see Head teacher’s July report to the Full Governing Body for more details on this).

It was noted that the school is very fortunate that members of staff are prepared to welcome

members of the Governing Body into their sessions.

Key Observations / Strengths

Talk for Learning was a strength in both lessons observed, with learning made visible by the talk for learning opportunities provided

Teachers were using Talking Partners and other Talk Frames explicitly to develop pupils’ talk for learning and children were obviously familiar with these

Pupils demonstrated good learning behaviours, with the majority of pupil talk being ‘on task’ and high levels of engagement

Pupils demonstrated good speaking and listening behaviours, facing each other when talking, taking turns etc

Pupils demonstrated good inter-personal skills, being tolerant and respectful of each other’s comments and some pupils developing exceptionally strong leadership skills

Governors could see how Lesson Study Pupil Observations and Pupil Interviews can enable teachers to see the gaps between what the teacher thinks the child is learning, what the child thinks they are learning and what the child is actually learning so that teaching can be personalised and improved

Areas for future consideration and discussion / next steps:

  • A focus on access to vocabulary for SEN pupils – strategies for ensuring that tricky vocabulary is pre-taught before the lesson and then rehearsed and made accessible within the lesson with visual prompts for pupils who need it
  • A focus on learning to learn – developing higher order ‘Pole-bridging’ / meta language around Talk for Learning e.g. talking / discussing with children explicitly about the process of Talk for Learning and how it helps us to develop and crystallise our understanding
  • A practical point about writing – developing strategies to ensure that where groups / pairs have been asked to record their ideas, the pen does not get ‘in the way’ of meaningful talk for learning.