

Our year - year 9 - took part in a survey about how we live.


The survey asked us many questions on how we eat. 90% of the boys have breakfast, mostly cereals and toast. Less than half of the girls have breakfast; they also eat mostly cereal and toast. 10% of the boys have cooked meals every day, 7 normally have them after school. Less than a quarter of the girls have cooked meals every day, and the rest of them normally have them after school. The majority of boys always have breakfast, but less than half of the girls do.

Lifestyle / Exercise

The survey shows that everyone who took the survey does do some sort of exercise. The most popular sports for boys are rugby and football. The girls say they do sport in and out of school. It shows that everyone puts some effort in outside of school. In our year 70% of the boys meet up with their friends. The majority of the girls meet their friends everyday. Many girls enjoy going shopping. There are a small amount of girls who meet their friends occasionally, and they like to go to the cinema and look around shops.

Pupils spend their spare time in different ways. Just over half the girls go shopping and the rest stay in their homes. The survey shows that boys are more outgoing and play a lot more sport because 80% of the boys like to play sport such as rugby and football, and the rest are with friends.

The females tend to drink a lot more alcohol than the males. The alcohol they seem to drink is either wine, lager or vodka which has a high percentage of alcohol, whereas a small amount of boys drink and they seem to drink either wine or lager. The same amount of boys and girls don’t drink alcohol.

One question asked if any relatives or you smoke. One third of the class are affected by smoking, mostly girls.


Pupils like to watch films in our year. They like comedy and action, but a single pupil prefers animated films.

There are lots of hobbies that our year enjoy, including football, rugby and netball, which is good because they are team sports. Team sports are good for building character. Pupils also play individual sports which are good for staying fit and active. Some people play golf, go to the gym and surfing as individual sports.


Nearly everyone recycles in our year. It shows that they recycle everything they can in and out of school. It is brilliant to know that a very small amount of pupils don’t recycle. They recycle food, paper, metal, plastic and glass.

Pupils tend to travel by car, train, bus or bike. These are the most common transport on land. Pupils use this transport to go to school, holiday, shops or other places. Most of these types of transport use engines which use petrol or diesel. These burn and create carbon dioxide. This gas makes the ice caps melt by creating holes for rays from the sun to come through the o-zone layer. Is there a fast, clean way to travel?


After looking over the questionnaires, we believe that most year 9 pupils in Ysgol Gyfun Llanhari live a healthy lifestyle.

By Lewis Edwards, Lloyd Bradley, Sam Mccarthy, Tom Green, Nathen Silverthorn and Joseph Gatt