The Ultimate Guide to Pokemon Breeding by Billy Pabst

Pokemon are monsters that live in a fictional world much like our own. There are currently 18 Pokemon video games out, all of which are RPGs (Role Playing Game). In these games, you catch, battle, trade, and ultimately try to collect every Pokemon in this world. To do this, you must breed Pokemon, not only to trade, but also to collect “baby Pokemon” that you can only get via breeding certain Pokemon. Breeding is a very useful tool that allows you to experiment with Pokemon like never before. Although breeding is only a secondary feature, it is very intricate and complicated. It is my knowledge that this guide is the most complete guide out at this time, because when I struggled with this, there were no thorough walkthroughs on this.

Firered/Leafgreen: Four Island, Sevii islands.

Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald: Mauville City, Hoenn.

Diamond/ Pearl: Solaceon Town, Sinnoh.

Four Island


City (left of the city)

Solaceon Town
Day Care

Egg Types

Egg types show which kind of Pokemon can breed with which, as such, every Pokemon has a set list of egg types it can breed with, with the exception of the Pokemon ditto, which can breed with any Pokemon (excluding legendary Pokemon).


Egg Types:






Water 1

Water 2

Water 3





No Egg


Take, for example, Empleon, the emperor Pokemon, has two egg types, Water 1 and Ground since it is water and steel type. Because of its egg types it can breed with Pokemon with the egg type Water 1 or the egg type Ground. Egg types are based on the physical type of the Pokemon

Ground Water 1

Water 1 AND Ground

As you can see, the result Pokemon is dependant on the Pokemon breeding with Empoleon. The two example Pokemon are; Raticate on the left, and Golduck on the right. Depending on the gender of the Empoleon and the other Pokemon, the egg will either hatch a Piplup, or the other Pokemon. It is obvious that the egg will match the female Pokemon in the pair.

Baby Pokemon

Baby Pokemon are Pokemon that you can only get from an egg, and only certain Pokemon can make one.

Manaphy and Phione

Breed For……. >

Snorlax and Munchlax

Pikachu and Pichu

Chansey and Happiny

These are just a few examples, and some Pokemon have special requirements in order to breed and make a baby Pokemon. Most baby Pokemon evolve into their parent Pokemon, but one does not. Phione does not become Manaphy.

Advantages of breeding

Breeding comes in handy if you catch a fully evolved Pokemon and you don’t have the lower evolutions. When you breed a Pokemon, the egg always hatches the “Basic” or first evolution of the Pokemon. This is helpful because the Pokedex, the object that records Pokemon capture, doesn’t count you having the lower evolutions if you didn’t evolve your way to the final evolution. Plus, some of the time, the lower evolutions don’t appear in the game, so you have to breed.



Eeveeis a very peculiar pokemon in the sense that it has SEVEN separate evolutions, and, since you can only get one Eevee in the whole game, you must breed Eevee to obtain every evolution. The evolutions from left to right counter clockwise: Leafeon, Espeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Vaporeon, Umbreon, and Glaceon. There are a handful of pokemon that have more than one evolution path.

Inherted Moves

Moves are what Pokemon Battle with, and in breeding, there is a chance that the hatched Pokemon will know some of the parent’s moves when it is born. This game mechanic is improtant, and must be known so that the breeder gets the desired outcome.

  • If both the mother and the father Pokemon both know the same move, there is a good chance that the hatched Pokemon will know that move when it is born.
  • If you taught one of the pokemon a move that it doesn’t learn by leveling up, the hatched Pokemon will most likely know that move too.
  • The baby Pokemon has a set list of egg moves that, if known by the father Pokemon, the Pokemon will hatch knowing.

*sometimes a hatched Pokemon will know a move it would know normally at that level.

This Example came from the Nintendo Power Pokemon Firered/Leafgreen Guide book

2004Nintendo of America inc.

Pokemon Relationships

Pokemon will only breed if they share some certain characteristics. One of these characteristics is the two Pokemon’s Lv.. the level of a pokemon determines the strength of your Pokemon and how close to evolving it is. The Lv. Of a Pokemon, in a way, is its age, and Pokemon will only mate with pokemon their “age”. Another way to insure that your Pokemon will like each other is to check their natures. The nature of a Pokemon shows how they will grow, and also shows how they act and how they will respond to certain things. What I’m saying is that some natures don’t mix, like if you have a Pokemon with the “Naïve” nature, it can breed with any other Pokemon, no matter what its nature is. On the other hand, if your Pokemon has a “Serious” nature, it will not breed with Naïve, Hasty, or Relaxed nature, and is most likely to breed with a Careful natured Pokemon. Natures are listed in the summary in the pokemon section of the menu.

Hatching an Egg

Now its time to see the end of your hard work. When you get the egg from the day care People, you must walk around until the egg hatches. According to the games, it takes 30,000 to 50,000 steps until the Egg hatches.


Completed Pokedex*


*pokedex is complete when you have ALL pokemon, breeding is just a part of the big picture.