
American Congress on Surveying and Mapping

Purdue University Student Chapter

Bylaw I – Authority

These Bylaws are promulgated under the authority provided in Bylaw IV of the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, hereinafter referred to as ACSM Bylaws, and ACSM respectively (effective 2/25/81). Any provisions in this Constitution, which may be or become at variance with the ACSM Bylaws, will subordinate thereto.

Bylaw II – Name and Object

  1. This organization shall be called the Purdue Student Chapter of the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping and the Indiana Society of Professional Land Surveyors.
  1. The approved abbreviated form of the organization name shall be known as ACSM/ISPLS.
  1. The activities of the Student Chapter shall be directed to the following objectives:
  2. To encourage the professional growth of the student members.
  3. To promote a better understanding of the profession of land surveying through contact with professionals and other layperson.
  4. To establish and maintain high ethical standards in student conduct.

Bylaw III – Membership

  1. Any member of the student body of Purdue University is eligible for membership in this Chapter; Purdue University staff and faculty are eligible for associate membership.
  1. Associate members shall act in an advisory capacity only.
  1. Membership and participation shall be free from discrimination based on Race, Religion, Ethnic Group, National Origin, Sex, or Sexual Orientation.
  1. Membership shall be accepted by the Chapter Treasurer, subject to revocation by the Board of Direction for just cause.
  1. The Chapter Treasurer and Secretary will maintain a roster of present members of this Chapter. In addition, the Secretary will maintain a roster of past members of this Chapter. The following is a list of those considered as Charter Members of this Chapter:

1. Gregory Asher12. Richard Lewis23. Brent Smith

2. Lee Bender13. Robert Marks24. Gary Smith

3. James Bradley14. Kurt Maynard25. Mark Todd

4. Phil Burress15. Larry Morris26. Mike Troup

5. Eric Cenovich16. Steve Mundy27. Dennis Valdovinos

6. Bruce Copp17. Pat Naville28. George Venditti

7. Douglas Dowling18. Rich Notestine29. Dale Weaver

8. John Gaydos19. David Riley30. Ron Weis

9. Dennis Grump20. Neil Rissman31. Samuel Wolfe

10.Dean Hamilton21. Klaus Roman32. Steve Wood

11.Tom Henry22. John Schlegelmilch

Bylaw IV – Officers

  1. The officers of the Chapter shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and other elective or appointive Officers as may suit the needs of the Chapter. These Officers shall constitute the Board of Direction, hereinafter referred to as the Board.
  1. The President of the Chapter will be elected by the membership at large for a term of one academic year. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Chapter; shall appoint, with the approval of the Board, the standing and special committees; and perform such other duties consistent with the objectives of the Chapter as are deemed necessary to the efficient performance of the office.
  1. The Vice-President of the Chapter will be elected by the membership at large for a term of one academic year. The Vice-President shall preside at the meeting of the Chapter and of the Board in the absence of the President, and discharge the duties of the President in the event of his disability or in case of a vacancy in that office.
  1. The Secretary of the chapter will be elected by the membership at large for a term of one academic year. The Secretary shall fulfill the duties normally attached to such office; keep the record of the Chapter, conduct necessary correspondence, record and maintain minutes of the meetings of the Chapter and of the Board, and submit an annual repot to the Executive Director of ACSM at least 30 days prior to the ACSM annual (spring) meeting.
  1. The Treasurer of the Chapter will be elected by the membership at large for a term of one academic year. The Treasurer shall fulfill the duties normally attaché to such offices; keep the accounts of the Chapter, deposit the Chapter’s funds, make expenditures in a manner approved by the Purdue University Business Office of Student Organizations. The Treasurer shall prepare and render a financial statement monthly.
  1. Terms of office will begin at the beginning of the Fall term.
  1. A Faculty Advisor will be appointed by the Board of Direction for a term of office of one academic year, said term shall begin at the start of the Fall term.
  1. The Board shall have the general management fo the affairs of the Chapter, and shall have the authority to determine policies and procedures of the Chapter with the concurrence of the Faculty Advisor; providing such actions are in conformity with the provisions of this Constitution, are consistent with the aims and objectives of ACSM/ISPLS, and have, where needed, been approved by ACSM/ISPLS authority. The Board shall have authority to fill any vacancy in an elected office of the Chapter, which occurs during an unexpired term.

Bylaw V – Elections

  1. Election of Officers will be by majority vote in an open meeting during the last 60 days of the Spring Semester of each school year. A majority vote of those in attendance shall determine the Officers elected.
  1. Candidates for elective office must have paid their dues for the current year, present office holders must have dues paid by the second monthly meeting of the Fall Term of the academic year and must meet the requirements set forth by the Purdue University Office of the Dean of Students. Failure to meet the requirement of this Sub-Section is grounds for immediate removal from office or withdrawal of nomination.
  1. Nominations for elective office shall be entertained from the floor at the open meeting, or by written nominations signed by at least five members and submitted to the Secretary one week prior to the election. No such nomination in this Sub-Section shall be entertained if the nominee has not consented to the nomination.
  1. Only members with current dues paid will be allowed to vote. Verification of dues payment shall be made by the Treasurer prior to issuing of a ballot.
  1. The Secretary shall receive and tabulate the ballots for the President who will announce the names of the successful candidates.
  1. The Secretary shall prepare an Organization Officer Form each time new officers are elected or appointed and submit said form to the Purdue University Office of the Dean of Students, to the Directory of the National Chapter of ACSM, and the Indiana Society of Professional Land Surveyors.

Bylaw VI – Committees

  1. The Board shall appoint all committees and instruct them in their duties.
  1. Appointed committees shall function as instructed and make their report tot the Board and the membership as directed.
  1. A Constitution committee shall be organized every leap year for reviewing and amending the Constitution.

Bylaw VII – Meetings

  1. Meetings of the Chapter may be held at a time and place determined by the Board. A quorum of 1/3 of the student members is required to transact the official business of the chapter.
  1. Meetings of the Board shall be held at such time and place as may be determined by the President, or in response to a simple majority decision of the Board.

Bylaw VIII

  1. The annual dues shall be set by the Board of Direction prior to the start of the Fall Semester.
  1. Annual dues are payable at the start of the Fall term.

Bylaw IX – Amendments

  1. Any amendment to these Bylaws may be proposed at any regular meeting in writing; to be adopted, the amendment must be approved by the Board and receive an affirmative vote at the following meeting.
  1. An affirmative vote will consist of 2/3 of the membership.
  1. The Secretary shall report the ratified or modified amendments to the Purdue University Office of the Dean of Students, the National Chapter of ACSM, and the Indiana Society of Professional Land Surveyors.

Bylaw X – Rules of Procedure

  1. The order of business of all meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.


Date of AdoptionPresident




Date of AdoptionSecretary




Office of the Dean of Students