Title: Conquest, rebellion and castle building in Wales.

Year Group: 7

Key Question / NC
Link / Activity
Methodology / Resources / Differentiation / Cross-curricular / Key Skills / Time
Why did the Normans invade Wales? / KE 1.1, 1.2, 2.3, 2.4, 5.1 & 5.2 / Teacher input-why?
Invade Wales, discuss as class (source A).
Ind-Draw on map of Wales the plan of attack.
Pairs-use source B to list reasons why it was difficult to invade Wales.
Ind-Produce a Timeline of attack.
You are a Norman invading Wales. Explain why you are doing it and the problems you have faced. / Work sheet.
Map of Wales / Ext- Work independently and add own reasons
Su: Framework for the last task. / Geog
CC / Comm. / 1
Why are Llywelyn Fawr and Llywelyn ap Grufudd Welsh national heroes? / KE 2.2, 2.4 & 3.2 / Teacher input-concept of hero.
Class-read through worksheet.
Ind- complete tasks. / Why are Llywelyn Fawr and Llywelyn ap Grufudd Welsh national heroes?- Worksheet / Ext: Task on sheet.
Su: Support sheet. / CC / Comm. / 1
Key Question / NC
Link / Activity
Methodology / Resources / Differentiation / Cross-curricular / Key Skills / Time
Why were Castles built? / KE 2.1 / Teacher input- Diagram on board, brain storm session to answer key question.
Ind- Work through tasks on worksheet. / Work sheet / Ext: Work independently and add own reasons
Su: Use the reasons given on worksheet. / CC / Comm
Problem solving / 1
Where should a castle be built? / KE 2.1, 5.1 & 5.2 / Teacher input- PowerPoint presentation examining the possible sites.
Class- Discussion on the best and worst place to build the castle and why.
Pupils could draw castle site on board.
Ind Draw castle onto map and complete activities on worksheet.
Class- Students to come up to give oral presentation on findings. / PowerPoint
Map / Ext: Working independently
Su: Follow guidelines off worksheet / Geog / Comm.
Problem Solving / 1
Key Question / NC
Link / Activity
Methodology / Resources / Differentiation / Cross-curricular / Key Skills / Time
How to attack a castle? / KE 2.2, 4.4 & 5.2 / Teacher input-PowerPoint presentation looking at weapons and tactics used.
Pairs- Examine weapons and mark out of 10 using grid.
Ind- Answer questions 5 & 6. / PowerPoint
Worksheet: “Attacking a Castle”
Grid / Ext: Working independently
Su: Teacher guidance and working in pairs / CC / Comm
Problem solving / 1
How to defend a castle? / KE 2.2, 4.4 & 5.2 / Teacher input- PowerPoint presentation looking at the defensive nature of castles and towns.
Ind- Pupils answer tasks on worksheet. / PowerPoint
Worksheet;” Defending a castle” / Ext: Working independently
Su: Teacher guidance and working in pairs / CC / Comm
Problem solving / 1
Key Question / NC
Link / Activity
Methodology / Resources / Differentiation / Cross-curricular / Key Skills / Time
How do I identify and name castles in North Wales? / KE 2.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.3, 5.1 & 5.2 / Teacher input-how to find out and name the castles; use own knowledge, written sources and maps.
Teacher- complete first example together.
Pairs- complete rest of the grid.
Class-Feedback. / Worksheet-Wales and Norman castles in Wales
Grid / Ext- Extension sheet, “Castles of Edward I”.
Su- Pairs / CC
Geog / Comm.
Problem solving / 1
History of RhuddlanCastle / KE 2.1, 2.4 & 5.1 / Teacher input-Following on from trip to Rhuddlan castle, PowerPoint presentation showing the main features of the castle.
Ind- Answer tasks in booklet. / PowerPoint
Booklet; “History of RhuddlanCastle” / Ext: Working independently
Su: Teacher guidance / CC / Comm / 1
Castle life / KE 5.1 & 5.2 / Teacher input- PowerPoint presentation on life inside a medieval castle looking at several factors.
Ind- Pupils answer tasks on worksheet. / PowerPoint
Worksheet; “Castle life”
Plan of ConwyCastle / Ext- Working independently and answering extension task
Su- Questions 1-6 / Comm / 1
Key Question / NC
Link / Activity
Methodology / Resources / Differentiation / Cross-curricular / Key Skills / Time
How and why did castles change during the middle ages? / KE 1.1, 2.1 & 5.1 / Teacher input- 5 main types of castle (Motte, square, round, concentric & manor)
Ind- double page. Fill in grid thinking of at least 2 advantages and disadvantages with each design. Answer rest of activities. / Work sheet
“How and why did castles change?” / Ext- Answer extension tasks
Su- Answer questions 1- 4. / Comm / 2
Leaflet on a Castle in North Wales / KE 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 5.1 & 5.3 / Working independently to produce a tourist information leaflet on a NorthWalesCastle:
  • Why castles were build in North Wales?
  • What does the castle look like?
  • What type of castle is it?
  • How much does it cost to visit the castle?
/ Leaflets on castles from the Tourist Information centre.
Tray of books from library.
Use on internet for research.
Worksheet with guidelines. / Ext: Working independently
Su: Work in pairs / ICT
CC / Comm.
Problem solving / 2
Key Question / NC
Link / Activity
Methodology / Resources / Differentiation / Cross-curricular / Key Skills / Time
Using ICT to produce a presentation on castles / KE 2.4, 3.1, 4.1, 4.5 & 5.3 / Working in pairs or groups to produce an ICT based presentation on any aspect of the work on castles – e.g. PowerPoint. / ICT rooms
Worksheet with guidelines. / Ext: Independence
Su: teacher structure and guidance. / CC
ICT / Comm.
Problem solving / 4
Shield design / KE 2.4 & 5.3 / Teacher Input- Each shield was individual to the knight who wore it.
Show examples of some designs.
Ind- Pupils create own shield design /Coat of Arms. / Worksheet, shield design / Ext- Own design
Su- Use ideas from examples observed / Art / Comm / 1