West Charlotte High School

Frequently Asked Questions

High School Equivalency Q & A

· It has been over 15 years since I was in high school. Is this program for me? – the program is for anyone (at least 18), whom has not received their high-school equivalency, regardless as to how long one has been out of school and commits to the program by attending classes regularly. Will are ONLY looking to bring in parents of students in the Project Lift Zone at this time. Students that have dropped out or family members can be given information on programs offered in the community to meet their educational needs. CPCC and Urban League of are two programs you can mention.

· How long is the program? The program operates on a semester basis, Fall (August/September – December) and Spring (January – May). Student returns each semester until the student receives their high-school equivalency credential. Sticking with the program is critical finish and ending strong to obtain your diploma.

· Will I have to take a pretest to start the program? – Yes, Students are required to take a pretest in Reading & Math, as required by the State

· What if I have taken a pretest somewhere else? – We will accept pre- scores as long as they are VALID as determined by the State; otherwise we will give a pretest for adult learners (as determined by the State)

· Do I really need my GED? – This is an individual choice based on student goals. However research/data concludes that students with high-school diplomas typically excel more than those without

· How many hours a week will I need to dedicate to the GED program? The class time is yet to be determined. It will generally run between 6 to 8 hours per week. Childcare will not be provided we are asking for parents that are ready to take their educational goals to the next level and commit to the process.

· What if I need additional help with reading or math? – The Instructor is there to assist students with all subjects during and after class, e.g. supplemental materials

· Will there be time for one on one assistance with the instructor during class? – During class time, students will be helped as needed

· What is the class size? The class size can be as LARGE as the space accommodates, e.g. 20 students

· What time of day will classes take place? Class time is yet to be determined. However classeswill be typically immediately after dismissal of classes at this site, e.g. 4pm to 6pm