Engaging Students with Technology
Jennifer Joslin

According to the Pew Internet and American Life Project “college students lead the way in tech and gadget use.” In a world in which college students are much more likely to be online than all other adults, how should advising units and administrators think about technology? Where to begin? Or if you and your unit are already networking with students, how do you assess, correct, and/or expand?
This session will focus on developing a one thousand-foot view of advising technology and how your unit can/does engage with students. Key questions we will ask:

1. How can technology impact student success?
2. What do I need to know about creating a long-term plan for technology implementation?
3. What are different ways advising units are using technology tools now?

If you are planning on attending this session, please look through a few of the resources below.
A Vision of Today’s Student

  • The YouTube video from Dr. Michael Wesch: “A Vision of Today’s Student”

Recommended Resources

  • How Technology Complements Academic Advising to Impact Student Success
  • Build Better Relationships Through Blogging
  • NACADA Technology in Advising Commission Listserv List
  • Social Media Revolution 2011 - YouTube
  • Beyond Needs Assessments: Identifying a Community's Resources and Hopes National Service-Learning Clearinghouse
  • Learning Analytics: Kirkpatrick-Philips Model
  • NACADA Clearinghouse - Constructing Student Learning Outcomes
  • College students and technology, Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project
  • The Horizon Report (Technology Trends in Higher Education)
  • The Wired Campus Blog - The Chronicle of Higher Education
  • Your Guide to Social Networking Online
  • Being Purposeful with Social Media « TechKNOW Tools
  • The Professional Collaborative Ladder
  • What Is Social Learning?
  • The 10 Social Media Metrics Your Company Should Monitor - SocialTimes.com


Academic & Career Explorer (ACE) in the Academic Advising & Career Centre, University of Toronto Scarborough

Pennsylvania State University Division of Undergraduate Studies (DUS)

University of Iowa Academic Advising Center wiki; NACADA 2009 Presentation

University of Oregon Office of Academic Advising: Grade First Aid blog

University of Texas at Austin interactive website for undecided students: Wayfinder

University of Washington Undergraduate Advising at the Gateway Center website


Esposito, A., Pasquini, L., Stoller, E. & Steele, G. (2011). The World of Tomorrow: Technology and Advising. In Joslin, J. & Markee, N. (Eds.), Academic advising administration: Essential knowledge & skills for the 21st century, Monograph #22. Manhattan, Kansas: NACADA.

Givans Voller, J., Miller, M.A., Neste, S. L. (Eds.). Comprehensive advisor training and development: Practices that deliver (2nd Ed.), Monograph #21. Manhattan, Kansas: NACADA.

Joslin, J. & Pasquini, L. (2011) Leading forward: Technology planning for sustainable advising.WebinarpresentedSeptember 14, 2011. NACADA.