


Dear <Addressee>

Precautionary Suspension from Duty

Further to the discussion you had with your line manager <Name> regarding the above, I am writing to confirm that you were suspended from duty with immediate effect whilst the following allegation(s) of misconduct are investigated.


<Insert allegation(s)>

This suspension is in order to allow us to conduct the investigation impartially and fairly, and is in no way a form of disciplinary action against you. An appropriate Investigator will be appointed shortly and their appointment will be confirmed in writing to you. In the course of the investigation you will be interviewed and will be invited to offer explanation or comment on the allegations. You are encouraged to be accompanied at the interview by a Lincolnshire County Council work colleague, recognised trade union officer or recognised trade union representative. Any information which is gained during the investigation process may be presented at any subsequent disciplinary hearing.

During your suspension you will continue to receive contractual pay, which will be the normal remuneration applicable immediately prior to your suspension. However should you fall ill during the period of your suspension, normal contractual sick pay entitlements will come into force for the period of the illness albeit your suspension will continue. Full details are contained within the guidance on suspension document. You should comply with the sickness absence reporting procedures in full and should continue to seek approval for annual leave in accordance with procedures. You will continue to accrue holiday entitlement throughout your suspension.

It is a term of your suspension that you are not required to attend work (including relief work) however should you wish to visit your place of work or any other county council establishment during your suspension for any reason, you should do so only by prior permission and arrangement with me. Failure to seek such prior permission may be treated as serious misconduct.

You should remain available to the county council during your normal working hours over the period of your suspension and attend meeting(s) as appropriate. You are encouraged to be accompanied at the meetings by your recognised trade union representative, recognised trade union officer or Lincolnshire County Council work colleague.

Your suspension from work will be reviewed every two weeks and you will be informed of the outcome by your line manager or support officer.

I appreciate that suspension from work can cause concern and that you may want to share your feelings and concerns with someone. The following support arrangements are therefore available if you wish to make use of them.

  • Your support officer is <Name and Number>
  • <Insert or Delete> Relate, the confidential counselling service, which the Social Services Directorate provides for its staff.
    (NB This service is only available for Social Services employees)
  • The County Council’s free Employee Support and Counselling Service which can be accessed by telephoning Lincoln (01522) 836198.
  • You can also make with your own independent arrangements for support during the investigation by contacting your staff/union representative.

I would remind you that you are not to discuss any aspect of the investigation with anyone other than named in this letter.

The above is in accordance with the County Council’s Disciplinary Policy and Procedure, a copy of which is enclosed together with the guidance on suspension document, referred to within this policy. May I remind you that being suspended from duty is not a disciplinary sanction and does not imply any presumption of guilt on your part.

If you require any advice or clarification on the operation of the procedure please contact <Name> on <Number> who will be happy to assist.

Please acknowledge receipt of this letter by signing and returning one copy of this letter to me in the prepaid envelope enclosed.

Yours sincerely


Director of <Directorate>


I acknowledge receipt of a copy of this letter dated <Date>

I agree / do not agree * for <insert name> to be my nominated Support Officer. I understand that my contact details (home address and telephone contact number(s) will be released to them unless I have indicated that I do not wish them to be my Support Officer.

(* delete as appropriate)


NAME (Print)………………………………………

Updated February 2010