Monitoring and Evaluation Schedule Tregolls Academy-Aut –Spr2017/18

Triangulated to the SDP and RAP / 04/09/17 / 11/09/17 / 18/09/17 / 25/09/17 / 02/10/17 / 09/10/17 / 16/10/17 / 30/10/17 / 06/11/17 / 13/11/17 / 20/11/17 / 27/11/17 / 04/12/17 / 11/12/17 / 18/12/17 / 08/01/18 / 15/01/18 / 22/01/18 / 29/01/18 / 05/02/18 / 19/02/18 / 26/02/18 / 05/03/18 / 12/03/18
Maths-Obj 4 SDP Obj 5 RAP / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24
Subj Ldr Lesson observation /  / 
Maths Planning-Most Able /  /  / 
Personal and curricular targets /  / 
Maths marking and feedback /  /  / 
Maths pupil consultations /  / 
Maths PRR /  /  / 
Maths home learning /  / 
Maths assessment files / 
Leader Curric Progress Review / 
Discovery Maths Monitoring /  / 
BIGMaths monitoring / 
Pupil monitoring-Most Able / 
Guided Reading lessons (KS 2) /  / 
RWI sessions (KS 1) /  /  / 
Pupil conferencing (English) / 
Reading moderation file / 
Writing-SDP Obj 5
Writing Lesson observations /  / 
Writing Planning-Most Able /  /  /  / 
Personal and curricular targets /  / 
Writing marking and feedback /  /  / 
Writing moderation portfolios
English home Learning /  / 
Writing PRR /  /  / 
Leader Curric Progress Review / 
2017/18 CYCLE RAP Obj 2
PSHE monitoring week / 
RE subject monitoring / 
Science subject monitoring week
SLT –Obj 2 SDP Obj 3 RAP
ESPAG monitoring /  / 
Handwriting monitoring /  / 
Cross curricular standards /  / 
Critical reflection /  /  / 
Curriculum design /  / 
Parental engagement /  /  / 
PP-Obj 1 SDP 1 RAP Obj 3
Yr 3 Pupil Premium Achievement /  / 
Yr 2 Pupil Premium Achievement /  / 
EY Pupil Premium Achievement /  / 
Termly monitoring -Targets /  /  /  / 
Action Plan review / 
Safeguarding review / 
Strategic Review /  / 
Performance Management /  /  /  /  /  / 
Book Scrutiny-Marking and Feed /  / 
Planning /  / 
Home Learning / 
PRR /  / 
Drop In Weeks /  / 