Casper Air Traffic Control Tower (CPR ATCT)
Lockheed Martin Flight Services, Prescott Automated Flight Service Station (Prescott AFSS)
Casper/ Natrona County International Airport (C/NCIA)
EFFECTIVE: November 15, 2008
SUBJECT: Reporting Airport Conditions and Exchange of Braking Action Information
1. PURPOSE: To provide procedures for reporting Casper/ Natrona County International Airport (C/NCIA) conditions and for informing C/NCIA when Casper Air Traffic Control Tower (CPR ATCT) or Lockheed Martin Flight Services, Prescott Automated Flight Service Station (Prescott AFSS) receive pilot reported braking action information atC/NCIA.
2. SCOPE: The procedures outlined herein are for use between C/NCIAAircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (CPR ARFF), C/NCIA, CPR ATCT, and Prescott AFSS.
3. CANCELLATION: This letter cancels the previous Letter of Agreement between Casper AFSS, Casper ATCT, and NCIA, subject “Reporting Airport Conditions and Exchange of Pilot Reported Braking Action Information”, dated July 15, 2003.
a. C/NCIA shall:
(1)ProvidePrescott AFSS with an up to date listof persons authorized to issue C/NCIA condition Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) information,signed by the Airport Manager.
(2) Forward C/NCIA conditions, including airport owned lighting and navigational aids, to the Prescott AFSSand CPR ATCT in accordance with FAA regulations. This includes, but is not limited to, when braking action reports are found to be fair, poor, nil, or improved to good, and is different than what is currently being reported. Information may be forwarded via telephone (877) 487-6867or E-NOTAM program. Fax shall not be used to notify Prescott AFSS of NOTAM information. During hours of CPR ATCT operation, C/NCIA shall also forward these conditions to CPR ATCT.
(3) Notify CPR ATCT and Prescott AFSS of runway conditions whenever:
(a) Snow and/or ice are present on a runway and frictional “MU” values are 40 or below on any zone of the runway. The type of friction measuring equipment shall be included when notifying Prescott AFSS of “MU” values.
(b) Friction “MU” values rise above 40 on all zones of any active runway previously showing a friction “MU” value 40 or below.
b. CPR ATCT shall notify C/NCIA when pilot reported braking action is fair, poor, nil, or improved to good. This notification should include the area affected, time, aircraft type and braking action.
c. Prescott AFSS shall:
(1)Notify C/NCIAwhen pilot reported braking action is fair, poor, nil, or improved to goodduring times when CPR ATCT is closed and Prescott AFSS is providing Remote Airport Advisory Service (RAA). Braking action reports shall be relayed when received at the RAA position. This notification should include the area affected, time, aircraft type and braking action.
(2) Format and disseminate C/NCIA conditions NOTAM information received from authorized personnel.
Kurt Carpenter
Air Traffic Manager
CasperAir Traffic Control Tower
GlennS. Januska
Airport Manager
Casper/ Natrona County International Airport
James H. Gronwald
Operations Manager
PrescottAutomated Flight Service Station
Lockheed Martin Flight Services