Liturgist: (8:00) Donna Pyne (9:30) Marilyn Schneider (11:00) Pastor Lin George

Flowers: Given by the Boggess family in honor of Diane’s birthday

Sunday, February 12
10:30 Adult Forum – Z Lounge / 11:00 Junior Choir – Choir Room
12:15 Nurture Ministries – Fellowship Hall / 4:00 Youth Choir – Choir Room
6:00 Youth Dinner – Fellowship/Kitchen / 6:30 GYM – Asbury/Fellowship/Kitchen/208/210
Monday, February 13
11:00 Lunch & Play – Fellowship Hall / 12:00 Preschool Conferences – Library
12:00 Preschool – Room 210 / 7:00 Pack 55 Committee Meeting - Library
7:00 OA – Room 210 / 7:00 GROW Team – Fellowship Hall
Tuesday, February 14
11:00 Lunch & Play – Fellowship Hall / 12:00 Preschool Conferences – Z Lounge
12:00 Preschool – Room 210 / 1:15 Library Committee - Library
7:00 Pieces of One Rehearsal – Asbury / 7:30 Finance Committee – Z Lounge
7:30 AA – Room 208
Wednesday, February 15
11:00 Lunch & Play – Fellowship Hall / 6:00 GriefShare – Z Lounge
7:00 Troop 55 – Fellowship Hall / 7:00 Forgiveness Bible Study – Room 204
7:00 Web Team Meeting - Library / 7:00 Webelos I – Room 210
Thursday, February 16
9:00 Preschool Conferences – Z Lounge / 11:00 Lunch & Play – Fellowship Hall
12:00 Preschool – Room 210 / 12:00 Preschool Conferences – Library
3:30 Preschool – Room 110 / 3:45 Girl Scouts – Fellowship Hall
6:15 Bell Choir – Choir Room / 7:00 Permanent Endowment - Library
7:30 Tabernacle Choir – Choir Room / 7:30 Church & Society – Z Lounge
Friday, February 17
9:00 Yoga (Preschool)- Room 208 / 9:00 UMW Soup Making - Kitchen
11:00 Lunch & Play – Fellowship Hall
Saturday, February 18
Sunday, February 19
10:30 Adult Forum – Z Lounge / 11:00 Junior Choir – Choir Room
12:30 Confirmation Class – Room 210 / 3:00 ASP Meeting – Asbury Hall
4:00 Youth Choir – Choir Room / 6:00 Youth Dinner – Fellowship/Kitchen
6:30 GYM – Asbury/Fellowship/Kitchen/208/210

Deadline for the weekly bulletin this week is Wednesday at noon.

It’s Back! The Monthly Newsletter will resume in March. Due to the late notice, the deadline has been extended until February 24. Please submit all articles to . Deadline for the April Newsletter will be March 10.

Considering Joining Grove Church? A class will begin soon. If you are interested, please contact the Church Office at (610)696-2663 or to be added to our list.

Please notify the church office when you or a loved one goes into the hospital and would desire a visit.

Middle School and High School Sunday School Classes The middle school Sunday School class meets in room 208 and high school Sunday School class meets in room 210 during the 9:30 a.m. service.

Sermon Copies Since many of you have asked for copies of Pastor Gary’s sermons, copies are available in Memorial and Asbury Halls.

Constant Contact If you feel that you are missing out on Pastor Knerr’s Friday message or other informational email blasts, be aware that you may not be included in our Constant Contact email list. Please email the office at if you want to be sure you are on that list.

Scout Sunday is being celebrated today. Grove member Kyle Ryan will give a presentation on his Eagle Scout Project at each service. We recognize the following scouting organizations that hold their meetings and special events such as Pinewood Derby, Daisy Day, Blue & Gold Banquet, and Eagle Scout Court of Honor in our Church building: BSA Troop 55, Pack 55 Dens, Girl Scout Troop 4053, GS Troop 465, Brownie GS Troop 41919, among others. Please call or email the church office if you would like to receive contact information for any of these organizations that we host at Grove.

THANK YOU! We took on hunger in the Grove annual Souper Bowl last Sunday. Your contributions to area food banks totaled $1,173.17! Our pots were also supplemented by extra effort from some of our youth donations from a local school. The breakdown is a bit surprising: Atlanta $860.34 vs. Patriots $312.83.


DO YOU WANT TO LEAD WORSHIP? If you are one of our Sunday liturgists needing to improve your skills or would like to become a liturgist & reader of scripture, Pastor Knerr will lead a class on Thursday, March 9 from 6:45 to 7:45 (right after the community dinner). Great worship is enhanced by great worship leadership. Youth and children along with their parents are welcome to serve! Contact the office or sign-up using the clip board in the main hallway by the elevator.


GriefShare The next GriefShare at Grove group will begin on Wednesday, February 15, 2017and concludes on June 7, 2017. Seminars are from 7 to 9 p.m.Free child care is provided. Registration is requested. The $25 fee covers the book and materials. Scholarships are available.If you or someone you know might benefit from participating in GriefShare, please contact Pastor Lin for more information or to register at 610-350-9372 or .

The ‘God and Me’ & ‘God and Family’ programs for both Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts in grades 1-5 will be offered at Grove beginning March 9th. If interested, contact Patti Klotz at or call the church office.

VBS is coming! Mark your calendars now for Vacation Bible School the week of July 17. Stay tuned for information about registration.

Forgiveness! We all want it. We all need it. We don't always give it! In an age & culture which touts revenge, forgiveness can be hard - really hard. In conjunction with a sermon series, Pastor Knerr is leading a Forgiveness class every Wednesday evening in February from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Assisting him is our own Dr. Dennis Derr, an organizational psychologist, as well as Sister Sheila Galligan, Professor of Theology specializing in forgiveness at Immaculata College. Sign up at the sign-up table in the main hallway outside the church kitchen. Bring a friend or family member who also has "forgiveness issues."

The JOURNEY is a new weekly faith formation class using short films that explore relevant life situations from a Christian perspective. Check out a sneak peek of the Nooma series videos on Grove’s Facebook page. The class starts March 5, Sundays from 9:30-10:30AM in the Z Lounge. Each class is an individual segment, so come when you can. Contact Patti Klotz at with any questions.

An Introduction to Islam and Muslims through History and Scriptures, a course of 10 classes, begins Sunday evening February 26th at Grove. The class is open to all that pre-register in advance by February 19, subject to space availability. When it was offered in 2007 and 2008, spaces filled rapidly so early registration is advised. A full-page description is available on Grove's website or may be picked up from under the sign-up sheet near the elevator. With questions, or to register email .


February Soup Sales - Yum!! This month, United Methodist Women are cookin' up Chicken Noodle and Vegetable Beef soups for $7.00 per quart. Place your orders in Fellowship Hall each Sunday before pick-up day on February 19th, or notify . Soups will be made fresh on February 17th, but if you can't pick up your orders on the 19th, they will be frozen. Our church freezer needs the space, so please try to retrieve your order as soon as possible. ALL proceeds benefit the mission work of UMW.


A Unique and Wonderful Opportunity! On Tuesday February 21, at 5:00 p.m., we will meet with women residents at the Chester County Prison Correctional Center to assemble no-sew pillows for residents of the Pembrooke nursing home in West Chester. It is a great privilege to be allowed into the facility to work with these women and this should be a wonderful experience for all involved. We will bring a total of 12 individuals from Grove Church to the prison on February 21. Please contact the church office immediately if you have any questions and to receive the necessary application forms - these need to be provided to the prison quickly. Don’t miss out on this rare opportunity to share God’s love through your ministry of presence with these incarcerated women.

Kyle Ryan’s Eagle Scout Project My Eagle Scout project is to collect non-perishable food items in order to assist Safe Harbor of West Chester. I will be creating boxes for needy families in the West Chester area. Each box will accommodate a family of 6-8 people. The boxes will contain a starch, grain, vegetable, and a protein; for example - canned fruits, canned vegetables, canned meats, boxed macaroni or boxed rice. Collection days will be on the Second Sunday of February (2/12), March (3/12) and April (4/9). My goal is to be able to create 250 boxes.There will be a bin on each of the collection Sundays located in the lobby marked Kyle’s Eagle Scout Project. I hope you will consider helping me to help those in need. Thank you!

Circle of Giving In February, we will be collecting your donations of canned vegetables of all kinds that will be delivered to the West Chester Food Cupboard. Donations should be placed in the wooden box inside the Church entrance. The collection for February 5th weighed 53 pounds. TODAY please place your donation in the box labeled for Kyle's Eagle Scout Project (see above).

Disaster Relief FundEach month there is an envelope in your packet of giving envelopes that you may use to support the needs of those who are victims of disasters throughout the world. As disasters occur, accumulated moneys from this fund are used to meet the need.Our Pastor, in consultation with Church & Society and Missions leadership, oversees the dispersing of such moneys. Please help to build this fund through your generous giving.

From Grove’s Good Works Team - Speaking on behalf of all who serve on Grove workdays for Good Works, I am delighted and humbled by the support that everyone at Grove Church has shown this ministry. It is a privilege to serve for and with all those involved in the ministry, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your financial support. God bless everyone who contributed so generously to Grove’s Christmas Eve offering which benefitted Good Works as well as the Grove Love Fund which brings much needed help during the course of the year to many who need it. Our next workday for Good Works is Saturday, February 11th. Contact Betty at if you are interested.


Nurture Ministries Team Meeting THIS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12THin Fellowship Hall at 12:00 noon. Look forward to seeing you there! All newcomers welcome! Any questions, please call or email .

Yoga Class Will NOT be held on Thursday, February 16, but will resume on Thursday, February 23rd until March 9th. Class is from 6:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. Sign up ahead of time at the table in the elevator lobby. Bring a yoga mat or towel to class.

In need of a growth spurt? Looking for an opportunity to developin yourpersonal, spiritual or business life? Join us for a Willow Creek Mini-Summit on March 11th from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. right here in Asbury Hall! Listen to talks from renowned speakers from the realms of leadership, career and faith.

Young or old, business leader or stay at home mom, at the beginning of your faith journey or a lifelong believer, there will be something for everyone!

February Dining Out will be at Spatola’s Pizza all day, Monday, February 13 on Rt. 113 & Peck Rd. between Downingtown & Exton 610-518-2226. You may dine in or carry out. Print the flyer from the church’s website or pick one up at the Welcome Center. Please support this local restaurant and our Pocono Plateau Weekend.

Attic TreasuresDid you miss the Fall Fest in October? Well, start thinking Spring! UMW will be hosting an Attic Treasure day on Saturday, May 6th. Mark the date and start putting aside your donations of books and no longer wanted household items. We will have Goodies to Go, Books, Attic Treasures, and Jewelry. If you are a certified food handler and can help us for the day, we can serve our famous lunch items. More details to come in the future. For more information, contact .

Youth Choir Don't forget to stop in Fellowship to purchase Giant, ShopRite or ACME gift cards or WAWA shorti certificates to use or send as gifts. The youth choir gets a percentage of the sales. So consider stopping by before the ARISE service in Fellowship Hall to purchase gift cards for something you already do anyway!

Visitors and Grove Members We invite you to gather and greet one another between services over a warm or cold beverage and light refreshments in Fellowship Hall, located on the first floor main hall of the church. Coffee and Fellowship is hosted today by the Adult Sunday School Classes, offering discussion and study for seekers and learners.


Stop Hunger Now - The Oreos Are Here! - Please stop by Fellowship and make your Valentine's Day purchases for all the special people in your life. Caregivers for family members, neighbors, Grove members in nursing homes, friends and of course yourself!

Mark your calendars for the actual Stop Hunger Now event at Grove on Sunday 4/30/17 from 6 – 8 p.m. in Asbury Hall.Funnellers, tapers, weighers, boxers and lifters, all are needed! Young and not so young.Jobs for everyone.We will have sign-up sheets as the time gets closer, look for them in the sign-up area in the hallway.Last year we funded 27,500 meals at a cost of $.29 per meal, and we will be staying at this same number for 2017.This is a cost of ~$8000.We will ask for donations as we ask for sign-ups for the event in April!Or feel free to place a donation in the collection basket marked with 'Stop Hunger Now'. Your help and support is much appreciated!