Audrey Russo: Big Apple: Rotting From The Core
by Audrey Russo
Harvest time is almost upon let's talk apples. What causes an apple to rot? Among the myriad reasons including excessive temperatures and fungus...we have insects. In particular, the apple maggot...or worm. The adult lays its eggs inside the fruit. The worm that hatches consumes the fruit (rarely will the larva leave the fruit while it is still hanging on the tree), and causes it to bruise and decay and finally drop before ripening.
Kind of like voters putting putzes into office...and the putzes become the origin of the rotting process...
Well, another worm has begun the process of rotting the Big Apple...making way for the Islamic snake to takes its throne of supremacy over its conquest of Ground Zero...
The worm is the New York City Landmarks Commission...who unanimously voted against landmark status for 51 Park Place...where a Mega-Mosque is planned. Truth be told, they made up their menial minds far in advance of hearing the facts.
The planned mosque is known as The Cordoba House or Cordoba Initiative...but it's been given a more cosmopolitan nomenclature: Park51.
So, what's the big whoop? What's another Mosque?
The significance of this Mosque is monumental (no pun intended)...and the reasons NOT to build near the sacred site, where 3,000 Americans lost their lives to the followers of Islam...are many. If you've been scratching your head on this one...allow me to lay it out for you...
The significance of the Cordoba, aka Park51 Mosque:
Current-day Spain, the Andalusian city of Cordoba which is portrayed as 'the model of medieval Muslim progressiveness and tolerance for Christians and Jews." But the TRUTH about Cordoba is, the Christian city was conquered by Muslims around 711, its people slaughtered or enslaved. The original mosque of Cordoba...the designation of the Ground Zero mosque--was built on top, and in part from the materials of, a Christian church. Modern day Muslims are well aware of these facts.
A Mosque MUST be built upon conquered land, for the sake of Islam.
Imam Abdul Rauf, heading the Cordoba Initiative, has radical roots similar to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Rauf’s education in the West (NYC & UK) and his familiarity with American pop culture, has made him an intensely proficient practitioner of Taqiyyah (the Islamic doctrine that permits Muslims to lie to infidels, for the sake of Islam).
The reasons it should NEVER be built near this sacred site:
Ground Zero is sacred ground. It is the last resting place of 3,000 innocent American lives.
With the above knowledge, allowing this magnum opus to Islam would be a welcome mat to Imams, and their peeps, who practice Taqiyyah.
It would be the ultimate disrespect to the mourners of those murdered in the 9-11 Muslim terror attacks.
Permitting the mosque to be built so near to Ground Zero would be like allowing the Japanese to build a temple to the late Emperor of Japan, at Pearl Harbor.
The hypocrisy is as thick as a cut-pile prayer rug...the unindicted co-conspirators of the Holy Land Foundation case, CAIR...joined the chorus of venal voices and sent out an 'action alert' to its email list...that said: "Ask NY Commission to Defend Religious Freedom."
Religious freedom? How absurd is that? People who follow an ideology that demands all people follow it or else? Name one Islamic country where there is religious freedom for ANY other religion? Can't think of one? That's because there IS none. Not one!
So their 'religious freedom' argument is specious. It's an attempt to play us for the fools they think we are. And sadly...Bloomberg, and his bootlicking ilk...prove them correct.
Is this a hopeless situation? Not at all. This can be won in the court of public opinion. Protests are planned, the ACLJ has filed a court challenge to the mosque...and much more to follow.
These brazen dissers (Bloomberg et al) must be shamed into doing the right thing and honoring the memory of the American lives lost in an Islamic terror attack, on that infamous day.
This is the moment that divides the subservient mice from intrepid, free men. Will we freely stand up...or will the Islamists win a conquest, yet again?
So, allow me to say, in conclusion: I'm protesting the apple maggots this about you?
Shalom through strength...