“May I Introduce My

Uncle Sam?”

“May I Introduce My Uncle Sam?”

Unit: / Government and Civics
Understandings / Time
Frame: / 8 class periods / Grade:
Subject: / 5th Grade Integrated
Social Studies
Language Arts
**Key Standards (Standards addressed in individual work):
ELA5R1 The student demonstrates comprehension and shows evidence of a warranted and responsible explanation of a variety of literary and informational texts. (Pt. II: a, b, c, f, g, h)
ELA5W1 The student produces writing that established an appropriate organizational structure, sets a context and engages the reader, maintains a coherent focus throughout, and signals a satisfying closure. (a, b, c, d)
ELA5W2 The student will demonstrate competence in a variety of genres. (Pt. II: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)
ELA5W3 The student uses research and technology to support writing. (c, d )
ELA5W4 The student uses a writing process to develop, revise, and evaluate writing. (a, b, c)
ELS5C1 The student demonstrates understanding and control of the rules of the English language, realizing that usage involves the appropriate application of conventions and grammar in both written and spoken formats (b,e,f,g )
Secondary Standards (Standards addressed in group work):
SS5CG1 The student will explain how a citizen’s rights are protected under the U.S. Constitution. (a-d)
SS5CG2 The student will explain the process by which amendments to the U.S. Constitution are made. (a-b)
SS5CG3 The student will explain the meaning of “e pluribus unum” and why it is the motto of the United States.
ELA5LSV1 The student participates in student-to-teacher, student-to-student, and group verbal interactions. (e, f, h, i, j, k, l)
ELA5LSV2 The student listens to and views forms of text and media in order to gather and share information, persuade others, and express and understand ideas. (Pt. II a, b, c, d, e, f)
Major Concept of the Unit:
Citizens of the United States of America have rights and responsibilities
Essential Questions for the Unit:
1. What are the responsibilities of an American citizen?
2. What are the freedoms granted by the Bill of Rights?
3. How does the Constitution protect a citizen’s rights by due process of law?
5. How can the constitution be changed?
6. What is “E Pluribus Unum” and what does it mean?

Suggested Resources:






Socials Studies Text/Harcourt Brace – United States in Modern Times

“May I Introduce My Uncle Sam?”

Task Description:
It has been said that America is a “melting pot” because immigrants from countless cultural backgrounds have come together to create this country. Immigrants continue to come to our shores to find a new life for themselves and their families. In order to become an American citizen, new immigrants must first pass an exam that tests their knowledge of the United States government and history.
Together we will explore the way our government works, the Constitution, and the rights and responsibilities of an American citizen. Get ready to create a series of public service announcements to help new immigrants prepare for their citizenship test.
Welcome to America!
Direct Instruction for Whole Class: The whole class will be involved in the following learning experience:
1. Learn the responsibilities of an American citizen.
2. Discuss the importance of the Bill of Rights and the freedoms guaranteed there.
3. Explain the process of amending the constitution.
4. Research the motto: “e pluribus unum,” and discuss the inferred meanings.
Group Work: Public Service Announcements on “The Rights and Responsibilities of American Citizens”
Group One:
Bill of Rights
1. Director
2. Script Writer
3. Graphic Artist
4. Actors / Group Two:
Due Process
1. Director
2. Script Writer
3. Graphic Artist
4. Actors / Group Three:
Amending the Constitution
1. Director
2. Script Writer
3. Graphic Artist
4. Actors / Group Four:
Elections and Voting
1. Director
2. Script Writer
3. Graphic Artist
4. Actors / **Group Five:
The American Economy
1. Director
2. Script Writer
3. Graphic Artist
4. Actors
All groups will create and present a scripted 90-second Public Service Announcement. The PSA will be video-taped during group presentations. Group and role assignments are made by the teacher. Groups should include a variety of abilities, genders, and backgrounds. All group members will participate in the PSA as an actor.
Individual Work:
1. Complete Bill of Rights pie chart graphic organizer.
2. Write an informative essay that explains the motto: “e pluribus unum.”
3. Take a prescribed role in a cooperative learning group.
4. Participate actively in a group presentation.
5. Complete checklists and rubrics.
Methods of Assessment:
1. Checklist and rubric for informative essay.
2. Checklist and rubric for pie chart graphic organizer.
3. Checklist and rubric for group work assignments.
Standard: / ELA5R1- Pt. II(a,b,c,f,g,h,) ELA5W1(c ); ELA5W2-Pt. II (b,c,d,e,f); ELA5W3-( c, d); ELA5W4 (c); ELS5C1- (f,g);
SS5CG1 (a,b) /
Checklist: / Bill of Rights Graphic Organizer

Criteria / Performance Indicators

/ Not Yet / Some
· Did you write your name?
· Did you write a title?
· Did you write the date you completed your chart?
· Did you use 12 x 18 or larger paper?
· Did you use a pattern to draw a circle?
· Did you draw a smaller circle in the center?
· Did you divide the larger circle into ten equal sections?
· Did you tell who wrote the Bill of Rights?
· Did you include the date ratified?
· Did you tell why the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution?
· Did you use complete sentences?
Pie Slices
· Did you include the amendment number?
· Did you use your own words to summarize what rights are protected by that amendment?
· Is the information correct?
· Did you use complete sentences?
· Did you complete a pie slice for each amendment?

Criteria / Performance Indicators

/ Not Yet / Some
· Did you include at least one illustration?
· Did you use color in your illustration?
· Is your work neat and legible?
· Are all words correctly spelled?
· Did you use correct grammar?
· Did you use correct punctuation?
· Did you use correct capitalization?

Bill of Rights Graphic Organizer

The Student: / 4
the standard / 3
Meets the
standard / 2
the standard / 1
Below the
standard / Score
Graph / The pie graph is correctly drawn with 10 equal slices and a center circle. / The pie graph is drawn with 10 slices and a center circle. / The pie graph is drawn with more or less than 10 slices and a center circle. / The pie graph is incorrectly drawn, or incomplete. / .
Center Information / The paragraph clearly explains the purpose of the Bill of Rights, the ratification date and process and the author. / The paragraph states the purpose of the Bill of Rights, the date ratified, and the author. / The paragraph is unclear or is missing one of the required elements. / The paragraph is incomplete.
Pie Slices
( The 10 Amendments) / Each amendment is correctly numbered. An accurate and effective summary of the rights protected is given. Clear sentences and precise word choice is used. / Each amendment is correctly numbered. An accurate and summary of the rights protected is given. Clear sentences are used. / Each amendment is correctly numbered. Summaries are brief or incomplete. / Amendments are missing or information is incorrect or incomplete.
Illustration / The illustration is neat, colorful, and adds interest and purpose. The illustration is original and creative. / The illustration is neat, colorful, and adds interest and purpose. / The illustration uses some color. It adds purpose. / The illustration is not in color. The illustration does not add purpose.
Conventions / There are less than 3 errors evident in capitalization, usage, punctuation or spelling. / There are 3 - 7 errors
evident in capitalization, usage, punctuation or spelling. / There are 8-12 errors evident in capitalization, usage, punctuation or spelling. / There are more than 12 errors evident in capitalization, usage, punctuation, or spelling.

Total Points:

Grade Equivalents:

A = 20-18

B = 17-16

C = 15- 14


Standard: / SS5CG4 Explain the meaning of “e pluribus unum” and the reason it is the motto of the US. /
Checklist: / Individual Checklist (Georgia Writing Assessment)
Informative Essay: “E Pluribus Unum”
Criteria/Performance Indicators / Not Yet
/ Some
· Did you include the date?
· Did you your name?
· Did you give your paper a title?
· Is your final draft neat and easy to read?
· Is your essay long enough to effectively address the topic?
· Did you have a clear main idea?
· Did you include supporting details?
· Were the details relevant?
· Did you develop the details?
· Did elaborate with information or personal experience??
· Did you stay on topic?
· Did you group your ideas within paragraphs?
· Did you include topic sentences?
· Did you use transitions to link ideas or paragraphs?
· Did you include lively words?
· Did you use precise words?
· Did you use different types of sentences?
· Did you make your paper interesting to read?
· Did you indent all paragraphs?
· Are your sentences complete?
· Did you use correct grammar?
· Did you use correct capitalization?
· Did you use correct punctuation?
· Did you use correct spelling?
Standard: / SS5CG4 Explain the meaning of “e pluribus unum” and the reason it is the motto of the US. /
Checklist: / Individual Checklist (Specific Topic Checklist)
Informative Essay: “E Pluribus Unum”
Criteria/Performance Indicators / Not Yet / Some
· Did you include the date?
· Did you your name?
· Did you give your paper a title?
· Is your final draft neat and easy to read?
· Is your essay long enough to effectively address the topic?
Paragraph 1: Introduction
· Did you use an attention grabber?
· Did you include the translation of the words?
· Have you given the original language?
· Did you explain what a motto is?
· Did you include where the motto can be found?
Paragraph 2
· Did you include a transition from paragraph 1?
· Did you write a topic sentence?
· Have you explained who was responsible for the submitting the motto?
· Have you explained how the motto was selected?
· Did you include when it was adopted?
Paragraph 3
· Did you include a transition from paragraph 2?
· Did you write a topic sentence?
· Did you explain why the motto was used to explain one government from 13 colonies?
· Did you explain how the motto could describe our federal government?
Paragraph 4
· Did you include a transition from paragraph 3?
· Did you write a topic sentence?
· Have you related the motto to immigration?
· Did you connect the motto with cultural diversity?
Paragraph 5
· Did you write a topic sentence?
· Did you how the motto relates to our nation in modern times?
· Did you tell how the motto demonstrates the common good?
· Have you explained how the motto could be used to resolve conflicts?
· Did you write an effective closing?
Standard: / ELA5R1 Pt. II (a,b,c,f,g,h) ELA5LSV1 (e,f,h,I,j,k,l)
ELA5LSV2 (a,b,c,d,e,f) /
Checklist: / Public Service Announcements
Group Performance: Director

Criteria / Performance Indicators

/ Not Yet
0 / Some
Contribution to Group Tasks
· Did you encourage everyone in the group to participate?
· Did you listen attentively to group members?
· Did you involve the whole group in problem solving?
· Did you offer your own opinions without dominating?
·  Did you lead your group in making a plan?
·  Did you make a schedule for completing your tasks?
·  Did you outline the PSA?
·  Did you assign a role to each group member?
·  Did you participate in the research?
·  Did you help revise and edit the script?
·  Did you help select the graphic?
·  Chose sound effects?
·  Give each actor stage directions?
·  Practice the script with the group members?
·  Time the PSA?
·  Did you prepare the staging area?
·  Cue the group members to begin?
·  Provide support for all group members?
Post Production
·  Did you review the recorded PSA?
·  Did you share the broadcast with the class?
·  Did you lead a question and answer session with the entire class?
·  Did you use the checklists and rubric for group reflection and self-assessment?
Standard: / ELA5R1 Pt. II (a,b,c,f,g,h) ELA5LSV1 (e,f,h,I,j,k,l)
ELA5LSV2 (a,b,c,d,e,f) /
Checklist: / Public Service Announcements
Group Performance: Script Writer

Criteria / Performance Indicators

/ Not Yet
0 / Some
Contribution to Group Tasks
· Did you encourage everyone in the group to participate?
· Did you listen attentively to group members?
· Did you cooperate with the group to problem solve?
· Did you offer your own opinions without dominating?
·  Is the information in the PSA accurate?
·  Did you stay on topic?
·  Are the ideas presented in a logical way?
·  Is the meaning of the dialogue clear?
·  Did you participate in the research?
·  Is the topic adequately covered?
·  Did you participate in the research?
·  Did you use the format for a drama?
·  Did you present the information in a logical way?
·  Are the transitions smooth?
·  Does the script fill the time limit with out going over?
·  Did you write a part for all group members?
Originality and Creativity
·  Did you include an appealing introduction?
·  Did you use suggestions from the group members?
·  Did you use your own words?
·  Did you add snappy dialogue?
·  Did you consider the audience?
·  Did you make the PSA memorable for the audience?
·  Did you end with a logical conclusion?
·  Does each sentence build on the ones before it?
·  Is the grammar correct?
·  Did you use correct punctuation?
·  Is the spelling correct?
·  Did you use correct capitalization?
·  Can your group members read the script?
Standard: / ELA5R1 Pt. II (a,b,c,f,g,h) ELA5LSV1 (e,f,h,I,j,k,l)
ELA5LSV2 (a,b,c,d,e,f) /
Checklist: / Public Service Announcements
Group Performance: Graphic Artist

Criteria / Performance Indicators

/ Not Yet
0 / Some
Contribution to Group Tasks
· Did you encourage everyone in the group to participate?
· Did you listen attentively to group members?
· Did you cooperate with the group to problem solve?
· Did you offer your own opinions without dominating?
·  Is the information in the PSA accurate?
·  Is the graphic easy to understand?
·  Are the ideas presented in a logical way?
·  Does the graphic give the audience clues about the topic?
·  Does the graphic relate to the main idea of the PSA?
·  Is the purpose of the graphic clear?
·  Did you participate in the research?
·  Is the graphic original?
·  Did you use color to add interest?
·  Is the graphic attractive and neat?
·  Does the script fill the time limit with out going over?
·  Did you write a part for all group members?
Originality and Creativity
·  Did you include an appealing introduction?
·  Did you use suggestions from the group members?
·  Did you use your own words?
·  Did you add snappy dialogue?
·  Did you consider the audience?
·  Did you make the PSA memorable for the audience?
·  Did you end with a logical conclusion?
·  Does each sentence build on the ones before it?
·  Is the grammar correct?
·  Did you use correct punctuation?
·  Is the spelling correct?
·  Did you use correct capitalization?
·  Can your group members read the script?
Standard: / ELA5R1 Pt. II (a,b,c,f,g,h) ELA5LSV1 (e,f,h,I,j,k,l)
ELA5LSV2 (a,b,c,d,e,f) /
Checklist: / Public Service Announcements
Group Performance: Actors

Criteria / Performance Indicators

/ Not Yet
0 / Some
Contribution to Group Tasks
· Did you encourage everyone in the group to participate?
· Did you listen attentively to group members?
· Did you cooperate with the group to problem solve?
· Did you offer your own opinions without dominating?
·  Is the information in the PSA accurate?
·  Did you accept your role as assigned by the director?
·  Did you participate in the research?
·  Did you practice your lines until you were fluent?
·  Did you learn how to pronounce each word?
·  Have you learned the stage directions?
·  Have you written your part on index cards?
·  Did you practice your part with the group?
·  Did you accept the director’s instructions?
·  Did you follow stage directions?
·  Did you speak clearly?
·  Did you speak loudly enough to be heard?
·  Did you use expression?
·  Did you use natural gestures?
·  Did you show enthusiasm?
·  Did you end with a logical conclusion?

PSA Group Presentation