Match the words to the numbers.


………………… / ………………… / ………………… / …………………
………………… / ………………… / ………………… / …………………
………………… / …………………

Colour the numbers in Exercise 1.

a.3 is blue.f.9 is orange.

b.1 is red.g.4 is yellow.

c.6 is pink.h.2 is purple.

d.7 is green.i.5 is black

e.8 is yellow.j.10 is brown.

Write the days in the correct order.

SaturdayTuesday Thursday SundayWednesday








Number the months in the correct order.

.…… April

.…… July


.…… March


.…… August

.…… October

.…… September

.…… May

.…… February

.…… June

.…… November

Write the words in alphabetical order.

Tuesday four greenredAugust






Complete the sentences with am, is or are.

1.The table ………………………… big.

2.My brothers ………………………… at home.

3.I ………………………… at school today.

4.Tom and I ………………………… near the school.

5.………………………… our teacher here today?

6.The cat ………………………… in the house.

7.Ben and Tom ………………………… near the park.

8.………………………… that your dad?

9.You ………………………… happy today.

10.We ………………………… in Year 7.

Write the sentences in the negative.

1.David is at school.


2.My friends are at my house.


3.The cat is white.


4.I am ten years old.


5.You are in the park.


Write the sentences in the interrogative.

1.The pupils are in the classroom.


2.Jane is in the house.


3.The books are on the desk.


4.They are at school.


5.The flower is red.


Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1.are / They / home / at / .


2.good / a / Is / student / Ron / ?


3.twelve / years / I / old / am / .


4.isn’t / dog / The / brown / .


5.eyes / his / green / Are / ?


Colour the picture.Ask questions to complete the sentences about your partner’s picture.

/ 1.The T-shirt is ………………………… .
2.The seven is ………………………… .
3.The socks are ………………………… .
4.The boots are ………………………… .
5. The football is ………………………… .

Complete the chart with the words below.


Days / Months / Colours / Numbers

Circle the months in the puzzle.

F / E / B / R / U / A / R / Y / O / N / R
K / A / J / U / I / R / J / E / R / O / E
R / Y / U / T / C / F / A / E / O / V / M
A / E / N / A / R / U / N / L / C / E / D
P / R / E / M / A / Y / U / C / T / M / H
R / M / A / R / C / H / A / R / O / B / A
I / V / S / T / E / Y / R / U / B / E / U
L / Z / P / J / U / L / Y / M / E / R / G
A / D / E / C / E / M / B / E / R / N / U
S / A / K / G / E / S / Y / D / J / T / S
F / S / E / P / T / E / M / B / E / R / T

Complete the chart with the months from Exercise 3 in the correct order.

Months of the Year


Complete the chart with the words below.

David and Imy sisterJason and youthe bookthe pensSarah and James
my mum and IJudyBillthe catyou and your parentsGrandpa



/ David and I





Write the sentences with pronouns.

1.Kevin is a good student.


2.My mum is very happy.


3.Beth and I are good friends.


4.David and Tina are in my class.


  1. The dog is black.

Complete the sentences with am, is or are.

1. Elizabeth………………………… in my class.

2.My brothers ………………………… at the cinema.

3.I ………………………… with my parents.

4.We ………………………… happy.

5.The pencil ………………………… on the table.

Write the sentences with contractions.

1.I am in the shop.


2.He is near the door.


3.We are at the park.


4.They are very tired.


5.It is under the chair.


Write the sentences in the interrogative.

1.The dog is under the chair.


2.My cat is on the table.


3.My friends are in my class.


4.You are at home.


5.They are angry.


Complete the sentences with am, is or are.

Read the text and number the pictures below.

Julie Brown is 12 years old. She lives in Birmingham, England with her mum, dad and two brothers, Harry and James. Her mum is a doctor. Her name is Sally. Her dad is a policeman. His name is Tom. Harry is 14 and James is eight. They have got a cat and three fish. The cat’s name is Tabby. Tabby is black and white.




  1. Harry
  2. James
  3. Tabby

Circle the correct answer

1.Julie is fourteen / twelve years old.

2.Julie lives in Italy / England.

3.Harry is fourteen / eight years old.

4.Julie has got onecat / fourcats.

5.The cat’s name is Fish / Tabby.

Tick T (true) or F (false).


1.Julie’s dad is a doctor.

2.Julie has got three brothers.

3.Harry is eight years old.

4.The family has got a cat.

5.There are three children in the family.

Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. / the / park / Mandy / in / .


2.cats / the / Are / in / the / house / ?


3.ten / Daniel / is / old / years / .


4.sister / My / in / is / Year 8 / .


5.books / in / classroom / Are / your / the / ?

...... / Her / brown / isn’t / .


Complete the chart with the words below.

my brotherDan and Ithe childrenJillmy sister and youthe cat


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to be.

1.Colin’s computer …………………. new.

2.Olivia, Carol and I …………………. in Year 8.

3.This …………………. (not) my notebook.

4.…………………. your birthday in the summer?

5.…………………. you at home?

Choose the correct answer.

1.Who / What is your best friend?

2.What / Where is your favourite song?

3.Why / Who is your favourite cousin?

4.Who / What is your favourite school subject?

5.Where / When is your favourite shop?

6.When / What is your English lesson?

7.Why / Where is she happy?

Complete the sentences with the correct form of have got.

1.We …………………. two new students in our class.

2.Linda …………………. (not) her maths book today.

3.…………………. you …………………. a dog?

4.…………………. Shirley …………………. two brothers?

5.I …………………. (not) a computer.

Answer the questions in full sentences. Make the answers true for you. Pay attention to word order.

1.What’s your name?


2.How old are you?


3.Where are you from?


4.How many brothers and sisters have you got?


  1. What’s your favourite sport?

Read the text and tick the sentences below T (true) or F (false).

Dear Diane,
I’m at LeedsCastle today. My family is with me.
Leeds Castle is in Kent, England. It is 900 years old. There are shops, restaurants and gardens near the castle. LeedsCastle is a great place to visit. There are some great activities. You can watch the birds or go up in a balloon! I’ve got some good photos now. Come and see the photos soon.
Your friend,
1.Diane is at LeedsCastle today.
2.The castle is not old. 
3.There are birds at the castle.
4.Kim has got some photos. 
5.Kim is Diane’s friend. 

Complete the chart with the words below.

hikingman rainy cousin aerobics chess sightseeing dry cold

children uncle warm photography cooking sunny windy

Activities / Weather / People

Completethe sentences with the words below.


1.You need a camera to do …………………. .

2.The opposite of cold is …………………. .

3.The weather is terrible. It is cold and …………………. .

4.I want to do …………………. at the community centre.

Complete the chart.


/ Plural
2. / children
3. / babies
5. / dresses
6. / people

Complete the sentences with a, an, some or the.

1.There are …………………. new books in the library this year.

2.I’ve got …………………. apple.

3.There are …………………. children in the hiking class.

4.There is …………………. big statue in the park.

5.A squirrel is on the grass. …………………. squirrel is red.

Circle the correct word.

1.This / That castle is new. /
2.These / Those balloons are big. /
3.That / This castle is old. /
4.These / Those balloons are
small. /

Circle the correct answer.

Circle the correct answer.

1.Dave has got an apple. Dave’s / Daves’ apple is red.

2.The children have got a dog. The children’s / childrens’ dog is brown.

3.The girls have got a ball. The girl’s / girls’ ball is big.

4.My brother has got a car. My brother’s / brothers’ car is fast.

5.Dad has got a hat. Dad’s / Dads’ hat is old.

6.The students have got computers. The student’s / students’ computers are new.

Write five sentences about Laura. Use capital letters correctly.

Name: / laura
Age: / 15
Address: / 54 rand road, birmingham
colour: / red
Hobbies: / photography and hiking
Pets: / two dogs






Write sentences about the picture using the words below.

The cabbage
The oranges
The sugar
The apples
The fish / are
is / next to
between / the rice and sugar.
the bread.
the cake.
the fish.
the oranges.











Complete the chart with the words below.


a / an / some

Complete the sentences with There is / isn’t or There are / aren’t, according to the picture.

1.…………………. any rice in the basket.

2.…………………. some apples in the basket.

3.…………………. a schoolbag next to the table.

4.…………………. any bananas in the basket.

5.…………………. some chicken on the plate.

Use Is there or Arethere and the words below to ask questions about the picture in

Exercise 2. Add any necessary words. Then answer the questions.

1.umbrella / next to / the table



2.sweets / on / the plates



3.juice / under / the chair



Complete the sentences with a, an, some or any.

1.There isn’t …………………. sugar in the tea.

2.There is …………………. restaurant near the school.

3.Is there …………………. egg in the fridge?

4.There is …………………. sugar next to the flour.

5.There are …………………. oranges on the table.

Complete the sentences with How much or How many.[4 x 1 = 4 points]

1.………………….does it cost?

2.…………………. restaurants are there in your neighbourhood?

3.…………………. juice is there in the fridge?

4.…………………. biscuits are there?

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple.

1.…………………. we …………………. (turn) at the corner?

2.These cameras …………………. (not work).

3.His bike …………………. (go) very fast.

4.…………………. the tour …………………. (begin) at 9 o’clock?

5.Brenda …………………. (carry) a mobile phone.

Correct the errors. Correct the capital letters if necessary. [5 x 2 = 10 points]

1.Janet has got a computer new.


2.Big that man runs every morning.


3.My friends have got small a dog.


4.This slow train is.


5.Large the school is on the corner.


Look at the chart and answer the questions. Use full answers.

trains / cable car
travel in town /  / 
carry many people /  / 
pass the castle /  / 

1.Does the cable car travel in town?


2.Do the trains carry many people?


3.Does the cable car pass the castle?


4.Do the trains pass the castle?


5.Do the trains travel in town?

Complete the sentences with the correct form of to be or have got. [10 x 1 = 10 points]

1.Colin’s computer …………………. new.

2.I …………………. (not) a computer.

3.Olivia, Andrea and I …………………. in Year 8.

4.My birthday …………………. in the summer.

5.…………………. you …………………. a dog?

6.This …………………. (not) my notebook.

7.We …………………. two new computers.

8.…………………. you at home?

9.Sue …………………. (not) her maths book today.

10.Shirley …………………. many friends.

Write questions. Use the words below and to be or have got.[4 x 2 = 8 points]

1.Brian / in the park


2.Sandra and Brian / in a music shop


3.Sandra and Brian / ice cream


4.Sandra / a football


Choose the correct answer.

1.Where / When / Why is your favourite shop?

2.When / What / Who is your English lesson?

3.Who / Why / Where is she happy?

4.When / Where / What are you from?

Write questions. Use Who or What and to be.

1.your best friend


2.your favourite song


3.your favourite cousin


4.your favourite school subject


Read the text and tick the sentences below T (true) or F (false).

Dear Diane,
I’m at LeedsCastle today. My family is with me.
Leeds Castle is in Kent, England. It is 900 years old. There are shops, restaurants and gardens near the castle. LeedsCastle is a great place to visit. There are some great activities. You can watch the birds or go up in a balloon! I’ve got some good photos now. Come and see the photos soon.
Your friend,
1.Diane is at LeedsCastle today.
2.The castle is not old. 
3.There are birds at the castle.
4.Kim has got some photos. 
5.Kim is Diane’s friend. 

Complete the chart with the words below.

hikingman rainy cousin aerobics chess sightseeing dry cold

children uncle warm photography cooking sunny windy

Activities / Weather / People

Completethe sentences with the words below.


1.You need a camera to do …………………. .

2.The opposite of cold is …………………. .

3.The weather is terrible. It is cold and …………………. .

4.I want to do …………………. at the community centre.

Complete the chart.


/ Plural
2. / children
3. / babies
5. / dresses
6. / people

Complete the sentences with a, an, some or the.

1.There are …………………. new books in the library this year.

2.I’ve got …………………. apple.

3.There are …………………. children in the hiking class.

4.There is …………………. big statue in the park.

5.A squirrel is on the grass. …………………. squirrel is red.

Complete the sentences with the plural forms of the words below.

box person baby class statue apple

1.When is the exercise class for mothers and …………………. ?

2.There are sports and art …………………. at our community centre.

3.There are …………………. of lions in the park.

4.Some …………………. are in two or three classes at the community centre.

5.The toys are in these …………………. .

6.There are some…………………. on the plate.

Complete the chart with the words below.


a / an / some

Complete the sentences with a, an, some or any.

1.There isn’t …………………. sugar in the tea.

2.There is …………………. restaurant near the school.

3.Is there …………………. egg in the fridge?

4.There is …………………. sugar next to the flour.

5.There are …………………. oranges on the table.

Complete the sentences with How much or How many.

1.………………….does it cost?

2.…………………. restaurants are there in your neighbourhood?

3.…………………. juice is there in the fridge?

4.…………………. biscuits are there?

Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. Add correct punctuation and capital letters.

1.many / are / there / people / how / in the room


2.Tom’s / this / is / juice


3.there / how / sugar / much / is


4.some / there / apples / are / on the plate


5.scotland / isn’t / city / a


Look at the picture and complete the sentences. Use the prepositions next to, above, under, in, between, in front of and behind.

1.The fish ......

2.The apples ......

3.The biscuits ......

4.The sugar ......

5.The bread ......

6.The rice ......

7.The eggs ......

8.The juice ......

9.The cabbage ......

10.The cake ......

Use Is there or Are there and the words in brackets to ask questions about the picture below.

Add any necessary words. Then answer the questions.

1.rice / on / the plate



2.oranges / on / the table



3.hat / next to / the chair



4.bottle of juice / under / the table



5.chairs / next to / the table



6.apples / in / the basket



Complete the sentences with is, are, isn’t or aren’t and a, an, some or any.

1.No, there …………………. sugar in the tea.
2.There …………………. restaurant near the school.

3.…………………. there …………………. eggs in the fridge?

4.There …………………. sugar next to the flour.

5.…………………. there …………………. bottle of orange juice on the shelf?

6.No, there …………………. fishburgers today.

Circle the word that doesn’t belong.

1.motorbike • guide • taxi • aeroplane

2.narrow • special • thin • ship • sky • river • road

4.big • fat • wide • helicopter

5.passenger • guide • taxi • driver

Match the words to the pictures.

.….cable car
.….sky /

Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 2

1.Cross the …………………. in the boat.

2.The …………………. goes up and down the mountain.

3.Cars usually travel on this. …………………. .

4.Aeroplanes travel in the …………………. .

Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Simple.


1.Kim and Beth …………………. a train to work.

2.The ferry …………………. (not) on land.

3.The bus …………………. our house at 8 o’clock every morning.

4.These cameras …………………. (not) so we can’t take photos.

5.The train …………………. many people to London every day.

6.…………………. you …………………. hamburgers?

7.…………………. the tour …………………. at 9 o’clock?

8.…………………. we …………………. right or left at the corner?

Write questions in the Present Simple with the words below. Then answer the questions. Make the answers true for you. / ride a bicycle


...... and your friends / work after school



3.your mother / live in London


Complete the sentences with the verbs below.


1.I …………………. mountains with my dad.

2.Can you …………………. the football?

3.I prefer …………………. on hot days.

4.They …………………. to London every summer.

5.Joe …………………. table tennis on Tuesdays

Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Continuous.

doplaydivewatchflygo wearbuyruntake

1.We …………………. because we are late.

2.I …………………. the match on TV now.

3.Harry …………………. his homework at the moment.

4.…………………. you …………………. in the team this year?

5.You …………………. (not) your blue shirt today.

6.Larry and Jane …………………. (not) to the cinema now.

7.Kim …………………. (not) new jeans now because she hasn’t got any money.

8.…………………. Mark and Ted …………………. in the sea today?

9.His father …………………. him to the match.

10.…………………. the plane …………………. very high now?

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Continuous or
Present Simple.

1.Brian …………………. (know) about deep-sea diving.

2.The girls …………………. (plan) a surprise birthday party right now.

3.…………………. the film …………………. (begin) at 8 o’clock?

4.I …………………. (not understand) the homework today.

5.…………………. you …………………. (talk) on the phone now?

Complete the sentences about yourself.

1.I ………………….…………………. now.

2.I ………………….…………………. every afternoon.

3.I ………………….…………………. (not) in the evenings.

4.My parents ………………….…………………. (not) at the moment

Choose the correct answer.

1.The sun / wave is very hot today.

2.A mouse lives in a small hole / hall.

3.Let’s climb the chair / cliff.

4.Insects / Frogs fly.

5.The wind / mole is very strong. It can blow your hat off.

6.A sofa is in a kitchen / living room.

Write a sentence about each picture using the words below.

A fish
An elephant
A frog / can
can’t / sing
