NAME ______#_____

DATE ______

Language Arts – Reading

The Sign of the Beaver

Diorama Assignment

Although we have finished reading our novel, The Sign of the Beaver, we are not quite finished with the novel unit. When we return from the Christmas holidays, we will be using the novel to study literary elements such as plot, climax, setting, and character descriptions as well as similes, metaphors, and other figurative language concepts.

As a culminating activity, the students will design and create a diorama based on a scene from the novel. The choice of the scene is entirely up to the individual student and there is a wide variety from which to choose.

The attached rubric will be used to grade the assignment.

Criteria for The Sign of the Beaver Diorama

_____Quality of Construction

Maximum base size 15” X 15”

All items must be securely attached to base

_____ Creativity

Maximum amount spent $10

I would prefer that students use(recycle) items they already have.

Don’t buy everything (or almost everything) and glue it on a base.

NOTE: Having a beautiful diorama made with mostly store-bought items does not reflect creativity and does not earn or guarantee a high grade. Please read attached rubric carefully for this category.

_____ Accuracy

Scene must accurately depict the description found in the book

ex. Don’t put the cabin next to the fishing stream; they had to go through the forest to get to the fishing stream.

_____Number of items

Must have at least 6 different items

ex. trees(4), water, rocks(6), fish, people(2), dog, spear = 7 items

people (2), trees(3), dog(1) = 3 items

_____ Time and Effort – self explanatory


Objects do not have to be exactly to scale but should not be overly disproportionate

ex. If Attean is catching a fish in the stream, the fish cannot be bigger than Attean.

_____ Title Card

____Name of the Book

____Author of Book

____Title of the scene (student created)

____Page number(s) where scene is in the book

____Student’s name

_____Scene Analysis

Student can orally give a short summary of the scene.

Student can orally explain how the items in the diorama relate to the scene.

____ Must be turned in on time. Diorama is due WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 2015.

NAME ______#_____

DATE ______

Language Arts – Reading

The Sign of the Beaver

Diorama Assignment

This acknowledges that I am aware that my childhas

  • a diorama project to be completed at home and is due

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

  • received the criteria for the assignment
  • received the grading rubric for the assignment

Please sign and return this page only by December 19, 2014

Parent signature ______