Parish Council


5th March 2018


Venue:Parish Meeting Rooms, Main Road, Middleton Cheney, OX17 2LR

Present:Cllr. S. Jerrams Coughtrey (Chairman), Cllrs. C. Bowden, A. Deary,

B. Amos, R. Solesbury-Timms, M. Allen, J. Canning

Clerk/RFO & District Cllr. V. Furniss (Mrs)

18/056Resolution to approve apologies for absence

  • Cllr. A. Youel – Work Commitments
  • Cllr. P. Fuller – Work Commitments

Proposed: Cllr. M. Allen Seconded: Cllr. A. Deary

18/057Members’ declaration of interest in items on the Agenda

  • Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest which they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting

Members had no pecuniary interests relating to items under consideration on the Agenda.


  • An opportunity for residents of the village to raise any items concerning the Parish
  • 2 members of the public attended & Middleton Cheney’s County Councillor

-1 relating to Agenda item 18/069 Fire Engine Transfer

-1 relating to Agenda item 18/066 – Library/NCC Update

-County Cllr. R. Breese attended to observe the meeting.

18/059 Resolution to approve Minutes of the previous meetings:

  • 5th February 2018 – Full Council Meeting
  • 26th February 2018 – Planning & General Meeting

The minutes from the above 2 meetings were approved and signed by the Chairman

Proposed: Cllr. R. Solesbury-TimmsSeconded: Cllr. C. Bowden


18/060Chairman’s & ICC’s Report Chairman

In Cllr Youel’s absence, due to work commitments, no report available.

18/061Authorisation of Payments – Payroll & Invoices

To Authorise Payment - February 2018 - Month 11 of Tax Year
Chq. No. / Payee / S137 / VAT
£ / Total Inc. VAT £
105730-105733 / Payroll - Four Employees - Net / £2,677.52
105734 / Employee - Tax & NI - Tax Month 11 = £519.40
Employer NI - Tax Month 11 = £200.73 / £ 720.13
105735 / Round & About Publishing Ltd - March Print & Distribution / £ 285.00
105736 / The Ground Care Co. Dog Waste Collection - February / £ 190.00 / £ 1,140.00
105737 / Rialtas Business Solutions Ltd - Data Entry / £ 40.00 / £ 240.00
105738 / Scott Finch - Supply and install Mortis Lock - Office / £ 75.00
105722 / NCALC - Councillor Dividers x4 / £ 8.00
105721 / NCALC - Year End Audit Training - V. Furniss / £ 36.00
105723 / The Ground Care Co. - Cut down/removal of tree / £ 30.00 / £ 180.00
105724 / Shaw & Sons - Burial Grant Book - production / £ 59.60 / £ 357.60
105725 / The Ground Care Co. - Cemetery hedges cut / £ 28.00 / £ 168.00
105726 / E-on - Stanwell Drive - replace photocell / £ 4.69 / £ 28.16
105727 / E-on - Stanwell Lea - replace photocell / £ 4.69 / £ 28.16
105728 / E-on - Horton Close - replace Ignitor / £ 4.68 / £ 28.08
105739 / V. Furniss - Expenses/Postage/Travel/Kitchen Req. / £ 30.07
DD / Anglian Water - Parish Meeting Room - usage / £ 1.00 / £ 5.00
DD / E-on - Monthly electricity costs / £ 20.83 / £ 125.00
DD / SGW Payroll/Pension processing Month 8 / £ 10.26 / £ 61.56
Total / £ 393.75 / £ 6,193.28
Proposed / Cllr. B. Amos
Seconded / Cllr. A. Deary
Bank Statements Received 16th February 2018
50709379 / Community Account / £2.52
10709360 / Business Saver (Premium) Account / £172,099.26
70795259 / Business Base Rate Tracker / £76,736.95
Bank Statements Received 23rd February 2018
50709379 / Community Account / £64.00
10709360 / Business Saver (Premium) Account / £169.892.78
70795259 / Business Base Rate Tracker / £76,736.95


18/062Planning - Letters, Decisions & Applications.

18/061.1 – Applications - Determined by SNC – Local Planning Authority

S/2018/0415/FUL- Church View Stables, Warkworth Road, Middleton Cheney, OX17 2JH

  • Change of use of equestrian land to allow the siting of seven static caravans for holiday accommodation (part Retrospective)
  • Cllrs comments/concerns regarding siting of caravans had not changed since the last application and as detailed in their reply 20 December 2016. At the time the application was for 3 static caravans (retrospective). Comments were: The current static caravans could possibly be used more permanently and not just holiday lets.
  • Cllrs. would also like neighbours views/concerns taken into account.

S/2018/0401/FUL – 6 Main Road, Middleton Cheney, OX17 2ND

  • Single storey extension (Retrospective)
  • Cllrs had no comments to make other than they would like neighbours’ view/concerns taken into account.

17/061.2 – Decisions -SNC – Local Planning Authority Responsibility

  • None

18/063Play Areas – MCPIT - Astrop & Stanwell - Update Clerk

  • Weekly inspections are still taking place.
  • Notices are being installed relating to:
  • Safety relating to use of equipment and
  • Dogs are not allowed on the Play Area. Dog Walkers should only use the allocated walkway for access to the field on the far side.
  • Resident has agreed to store a picnic bench until installation.

18/064Rural Welling Scheme - Update Cllr. M. Allen

  • Cllr Allen gave an update relating to the pilot scheme being suggested and funding associated with it. Work in progress relating to questionnaire/s on how this scheme can be taken forward.
  • Residents who would like to volunteer with the scheme when and if it is taken forward have approached the Parish Office.


18/065Waiting Restrictions- Update Clerk

Residents have approached the office relating to possible restrictions for the High Street. However, no formal notification has been received – we will be advised in due course.

18/066Library/NCC Update Cllrs. R. Solesbury-TimmsAllen

  • Both Cllr. Solesbury-Timms and Cllr. Allen gave an overview relating to the Advisory Notice that had been issued by KPMG and possible outcomes. Cllrs were already aware of NCC’s circumstances relating to S114 Notice.
  • Cllr. Solesbury-Timms put forward a request for the Parish Council to consider purchasing the site. This has been referred to the Finance Working Partywho will be meeting on 9th March. The Clerk asked Cllr. Allen to forward details known to date for consideration at that meeting.
  • No specific information on closure and taking matters forward has been issued/received to date.
  • All Saints Church have offered help in the interim.
  • Cllr. Breese (County) said she would make enquiries and update Council as soon as possible.
  • CILIP’s CEO (The Library and Information Association) has sent a letter to the Secretary of State lodging a formal complaint with regard to NCC’s proposed library closures.

18/067Emergency Plan – Update Cllr. A. Deary

  • Work in progress.

18/068Portfolios & Working Parties - Review Cllr. S. Jerrams Coughtrey

  • Cllrs were asked to review the subjects listed on their Portfolios to see if they would like to add or delete topics. Cllrs were asked to let the Clerk know as soon as possible.
  • Working Parties:

a)Cllr. Canning asked for his name to be removed from the HR Working Party as most meetings are held during the day.

b)Topics that were covered by Peter Dixon need to be covered by another Cllr i.e. Transport

c)Cllr. Jerrams Coughtrey will issue the list of Wards covered currently by Cllrs – to be reviewed.

18/069Fire Engine Transfer to Hampshire/Update Cllr. R. Solesbury-Timms

  • Stilled scheduled for Easter collection – the office will be notified


18/070Clerk/RFO Report – Update, approval & agreementClerk

  • Topics relating to the village
  • Contractor – Dog Waste

Current contractor unable to reduce charges for collection. Referred to Finance Working Party.

  • Banbury 15

No further update

  • Neighbourhood Plan – Future Dates

Scheduled for 17th April 2018

  • Annual Return

Cllrs were reminded to review documents that have been sent to them and to update the office on their thoughts, suggestions and/or anyamendments. This will be an Agenda item on 19th Marchseeking approval.

  • Community Funding SNC – Friends of the Heseltine Gallery

No further update

  • Data Protection – Future Requirements

Major changes have been received from SGW (Payroll) and RBS (Software Providers). The Clerk will be attending a training course.

  • Cemetery – Trees

A fresh quotation has been requested for one of the trees.

  • PFA Meeting

Date suggested 16th March will be sent to the Chair of the PFA to ensure Committee members are available.

18/071Matters for discussion and possible future Agenda items

  • Cheney Chatter – Print and distribution
  • Help @ Hand – Financial situation
  • Library/NCC – Way Forward
  • Audit Requirements – Review of Documents
  • PCSO – Sharing Costs with Kings Sutton
  • PFA – Way Forward
  • Dog Waste – Contractor
  • Rural Wellbeing
  • British Legion Recreation/Pageant
  • Came & Company – Insurance Review – 17th April
  • Portfolios/Working Parties/Wards
  • By-Election – District Cllr for Middleton
  • Data Protection - Changes
  • Neighbourhood Plan
  • Highways – 20 mph & Parking Restrictions in the village
  • Banbury 15
  • Training Courses

18/072Next meetings

Planning & General Meeting– Monday 19th March 2018 at (7.15 p.m.)

Full Council Meeting – Tuesday, 3rd April 2018 (7.15 p.m.)

Signed ……………..……….…………….. Dated: 3rd April 2018



Chairman: Cllr. Alan Youel

Vice Chairman: Cllr. Sue Jerrams Coughtrey

Clerk: 01295 713500,email -