Mark 1c

Greg Howse, November 1, 2015

Preach Jesus:The wisdom and power of God (foolishness & weakness)

The New Thing:A mindset ….. seeing things through a new lens

New Beginnings:Leaving what has been, being healed, and entering the door

that is opening now ….. leave the past behind and start fresh


1The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

12Immediately the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness. 13And He was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan, and was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered to Him.

v.1The BEGINNING of the Gospel:

The good news of the kingdom …..

The message of an impersonal kingdom

The good news of the kingdom in a person …..

Behold the Lamb of God ….. the biography of the King

The good news of the kingdom in the life and ministry of Jesus

He is the theme, the contents, and the story of the gospel

Everything the world needs is in this story

The good news of Jesus:He walked the earth as a human being

The good news of Christ:He was the anointed One who carried the anointing

in Himself

The good news of the Son:David ….. Leadership / Royalty / Throne / Kingdom

Abraham ….. Covenant / Blessing / Faith


Matthew 4:1

Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.

Luke 4:1

Then Jesus, being filled with the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness.

LED by the Spirit: Continuous action

Mark 1:12,13

12 Immediately the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness. 13 And He was there in

the wilderness …..

1. The Spirit DROVE Jesus into the wilderness

The same term used for forcefully driving out demons

2. He was tested by the devil

3. He was there with the wild beasts

Exercising dominion over His creation

Confronted with the snarling, threatening, destructive actions of demons

4. The angels were present to minister to Him

Psalm 34:7

The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and

delivers them.

Psalm 91:11

He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.

Weakness and Testing

The storms of life will blow

They're sure to come and go

They meet me at a time

When I'm calm and doing fine

Major ministry requires major preparation

1. The wilderness is not a place of disapproval or punishment

2. The wilderness is not a place of abandonment where God forgets you

3. The wilderness is not a place of defeat

4. The wilderness is not a place of rejection ….. but preparation

Learning the timing of God

Learning how to be patient, and to endure tough situations

Learning to rely on the Word of God

Learning that your character must be developed

Learning that your motives are extremely important for your success

Learning how to overcome the frustration of being hindered

Learning that God’s will always overrides self-will

Learning that you must have vision in order to see the other side


The thoughts of hatred, or envy, or lust, or theft, or deception may shock us

Temptation is not sin

Innocent faith may be pure (Garden of Eden), but it needs testing to become strong faith

The enemy takes advantage of weakness

The enemy wants to gain a foothold in your life ….. disgrace and impotence

Controlled by the threat of exposure

The WORD test

Testing the Word that came to Him: If you are the Son of God

Your insecurities are showing ….. prove it!

The temptation of COMMON MAN: Appetites

God’s way or our way?

The WONDER test

Testing the ability to do wonders with the wrong motive: Throw Yourself down from here

A heavenly bungee jump

The ultimate PR stunt ….. gain public recognition

The temptation of PRIESTS: Power manipulation

God’s way or our way?

The WORSHIP test

Testing the ability to get influence, power, wealth, and fame by compromise: Fall down and worship me

Matthew: All the kingdoms of the world and their glory

The pinnacle of fame and fortune and power

“Just play the game”

“You scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours”

“Just look the other way”

Live in the present moment ….. instant gratification

Get the rewards now ….. worry about the future later

Strings attached ….. strings that become steel cables of bondage and oppression

The temptation of KINGS: Access to resources and fulfilled destiny


Proskuneo used to designate the custom of prostrating oneself before a person and kissing his feet, the hem of his garment, the ground, etc.; the Persians did this in the presence of their deified king, and the Greeks before a divinity or something holy; (fall down and) worship, do obeisance to, prostrate oneself before, do reverence to, welcome respectfully.

God’s way or our way?

If we choose God’s way, things will probably take longer …..

no quick sale

no shortcuts

no easy fix

If we choose God’s way, there will be no bitter aftertaste

Jesus' Temptations (Luke 4:3-12) / John's Classification (1 John 2:15-17)
KJV / NIV / J.B. Phillips[6]
The temptation of hunger / The lust of the flesh / The cravings of sinful man / Men's primitive desires
The temptation of power and wealth / The lust of the eyes / The lust of his eyes / Their greedy ambitions
The temptation of instant acclaim / The pride of life / The boasting of what he has and does / The glamour of all that they think is splendid

Jesus answered every temptation with the Word of God

Ephesians 6:17

Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God

While riding through the storm

Jesus holds me in His arms

I am not afraid

Of the stormy winds and the waves

Though the tides become high

He holds me while I ride

I find safety in the master’s arms

While riding through the storm

I have no fear of the raging seas

Knowing Jesus will forever be right here with me

He can speak to the wind to my enemies and to the waves

And he makes them all behave