Minutes of W.H.A.T. AGM. Aug 7th 2016

Those attending:

Sheila Blackburn

Sheryl O'Gorman

Sharon Thompson

Shelly Linehan

Angela Robinson

Raewyn Judkins

Trisha Fisk

Trish Parkin

Polly Anderson

Pam Dunn

Jos Polman

Allen Jowitt

Michelle Devine

Justin Culina

Gaynor Nairn

Maike Barteldres

Pauline Marjoribanks

Katleyn Millard

Alan Squires

Brenda Allbon

Apologies for absence acknowledged

Jeanette King

Shona Firman

Leslie Cleary

Gabrielle Ashton

Jade Knight

No questions were raised relating to matters arising from mins of AGM 2015

Zero response to Youth entries

Changes in Boundaries for eligibility for membership.

Simplified fee payment

Deposits on Flags.

Agenda items 2016

1) Sheila Blackburn delivered the annual report (previously circulated) No questions were raised in relation to any of the items.

2) Maike Barteldres. Read out the financial report (previously circulated). No questions were raised in relation to any of the items.

3) Sheila outlined the responses to group issues voted on during the months since Easter.

Vote on using an event organizer was poorly responded to and divided so inconclusive.

Response to making it a biannual event again poorly responded to and divided so inconclusive.

4) The current chairperson Sheila Blackburn resigned from that post and asked to be removed as a bank account signatory. This was accepted.

5)The current status of jobs outstanding and areas of expertise already available were outlined (see attached sheet).

Further offers of help were forthcoming from Raewyn Judkins, Angela Robinson and Pauline Marjoribanks who felt they could oversee organization of artists into community venues.

Jos Polman confirmed that he and Logan Carter would make themselves available to help with 'on the day" tasks around the Easter Event.

Alan Squires agreed to continue to update the facebook profile into next year.

6) Committee Nominations:

The following members were elected to the committee.

Maike Barteldres as Treasurer

Allen Jowitt - Agreed as co signatory for the bank account

Shelly Linehan

Jeanette King

No Chairperson or Secretary were named.

It was agreed that the committee would form and meet to discuss the best way forward. It was noted that certain legal requirements may not be met without a Chair Person/Secretary being elected.

Any other business.

Justin Culina asked what fees were required from members if they wished to provide food and drink at their venue. It was explained that all food providers were asked to contribute $30 for an advert on the trail guide. This was acceptable as a contribution to the event.

Members were given clarification on rules pertaining to multiple Artists using the same private venue. ALL artists pay society membership fee, web page fee and entry fee for the event if they intend to exhibit even if they are sharing a venue/studio. Anyone providing a studio for artists to exhibit in would not pay anything but if they were providing a paid for service at that location eg. food they would be asked for the $30 food provider contribution.

Only exception is Group entries. This is where a recognized club or group takes out a membership for all it's members. Their exhibition must not take up more space than would be designated for one artist and they have only one web page in the group name AND all sales have a commission payable of %20

A paying exhibitor may take up to 5 pieces of someone else's work providing it meets all criteria of eligibility. If that work is sold a fee of %20 is payable

Only fully paid up entrants can sell commission free.

A question was raised as to the expected level of usage for food outlets.

History indicates that at peak times the 'known' cafes and Top Sail at MeLeod bay are very busy but generally it is a steady trickle rather than a flood.

The coffee vendors and the catering outlet at Taurikura reported slow business for most of the day.

Trisha Fisk and Trish Parkin offered to manage local distribution of flyers before the event.

Shona Firman, Justin Culina and Maike Barteldres will help with flags and signage.

Meeting closed.