Reference Guide 2014

Dakota County workers are no longer required to be a certified support planner. They may be support planners that can bill for that service as long as they are certified at the time they helped write the plan. A copy of your certification must be sent to Team C.

Support Planner Functions / What is the role of the Dakota County Worker? / How do I bill my time in SSIS?
Initial CDCS plan / ·  Workers are expected to have enough information about CDCS to lead to information on orientation, web site information and how they can get a support planner.
·  Workers may have consultation assistance with Team C and the website.
·  Families may choose their own support planner to help them write their plan and this cost may be part of their initial Community Support Plan. / Worker bills the time as Required Case Management as this is considered a required function/education about the program.
Renewal: Client has DC as the support planner. / ·  Dakota County provides; assistance in developing and completing the community support plan and
·  Assisting client in revising the CSP and exploring new ideas of how to use CDCS services to meet the needs of the client and incorporating those changes into the plan. / This is a onetime billing of “FLEXIBLE CASE MANAGEMENT” in SSIS done at the time of writing the CSP renewal. This is averaged out to include about 3-4 hours of time on exploring ideas, person centered planning and actually writing up the plan.
Renewal: Client has no support planner dollars in budget but wants you to do it. / ·  If coaching/education is not enough and you are able to assist with the writing of the plan then support planning must be included in their current plan/budget. Workers are not allowed to provide support planning functions if it is not on the plan or if they are not a certified support planner.
·  Worker may give the family a list of support planners (available on DakotaWorks) who may be able to help them. Support Planner services must be included in current plan and budget. / If worker writes the plan then it is billed as a onetime FCM activity (see above).
The education about the process of what to do if you need a support planner is required case management.
Renewal: Client has support planner from another agency / ·  Worker reviews the plan to understand their clients’ services and check that items are allowable and meets client health and safety.
·  Worker communicates with support planner/family to make necessary changes.
·  Worker submits the CSP for approval.
·  Worker is responsible to have all items on renewal checklist completed so plan can be implemented. / Time is billed as required case management

CLS/DD-CDCS-Reference Guide (12/2013)