3504 Lake Lynda Drive, Suite 380 ~ Orlando, FL32817
(800) 558-0218 ~ (407) 897-2828 ~ Fax (407) 275-4174
/ Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation, Inc.
3504 Lake Lynda Drive, Suite 380 ~ Orlando, FL32817
(800) 558-0218 ~ (407) 897-2828 ~ Fax (407) 275-4174
Date:March 19, 2007
Subject:Change notice 4.0.09
The following revisions were approved by the Commission at the February 27, 2007 meeting. They are effective as of this date. Agencies have one year to come in to compliance with new or amended standards.
March 12, 2007 / Change notice 4.0.09 / Page 1 of 6
/ Review methods /Assessor Guidelines
1.04If the agency has a strategic plan, it will include:- A mission statement;
- Annual long range goals and objectives from all major components;
- A process for measuring achievement of goals; and
- A documented review and revision process.
Compliance keys / Qty initial / Qty reaccred / Accreditation Manager Notes
Strategic plan. / 1 / 1
Goals and objectives. / 1 / 3YD / Goals and objectives from a different component each year.
Documentation demonstrating
review and revision. / 1 / 1
New standard / Change notice 4.0.09 02/27/07
Standard / Review methods / Assessor Guidelines
14.11 MA directive requires that members authorized to carry weapons receive in-service training which includes: / I / View lesson plans for each training topic identified in the standard (not necessary to be in the file); verify full agency compliance (including upper-command staff). Remember to verify training for civilian members carrying weapons, e.g., batons, OC spray, etc.
A.Mandatory training classes as required by CJSTC; / I
B.Annual demonstration of proficiency with firearms authorized to carry; / I, OR
C.Annual use of force training; / I, OR / Requirements for use of force training topics are contained in CJSTC Rule 11B-27.00212
- Annual Dart-Firing Stun Gun training in accordance with Florida Statute;
E.Biennial less-lethal weapon training (for weapons other than the Dart-Firing Stun Gun); / I, OR
F.Applicable legal updates. / I, OR
Compliance keys / Qty initial / Qty reaccred / Accreditation Manager Notes
Written directive addressing elements of the standard. / 1 / 1
CJSTC requirements. / 1 / 1
Proof of training for each element of the standard. / Sampling / 3YD
Florida Statute / 1 / 1 / FS 943.1717
CFA 3.0 – 14.11M / Comparative Compliance Standard (bullets A, D)
Change notice 4.0.07 06/07/06
Change notice 4.0.09 02/27/07
Standard / Review methods / Assessor Guidelines
16.02 MA directive requires a documented annual performance evaluation of each full-time paid member, with exceptions noted, and provides for the following, at aminimum: / I / Verify exceptions and that all other full-time paid members are evaluated annually.
A.Performance evaluation based only on the performance during the rating period;
B.Evaluation criteria specific to the position(s)occupied by the member during the rating period;
C. Members are rated by their immediate supervisors; and
D.The immediate supervisor signs the evaluation.
Compliance keys / Qty initial / Qty reaccred / Accreditation Manager Notes
Written directive addressing elements of the standard. / 1 / 1
Annual evaluations. / 1 each type / Random Sampling / Include civilians, sworn members, supervisors and line personnel.
CFA 3.0 – 16.02M / Change Notice 4.0.09 02/27/07
/ Review methods /Assessor Guidelines
17.12If an agency utilizes canines for narcotic detection, a directive establishes an accounting system for all training narcotics used to include, at a minimum:A. Procedures for the issuance and disposition of narcotics used for canine training; / I
- Security, storage, and accountability of issued training narcotics when not in use;
C. A documented unannounced annual audit of narcotics used for canine training is conducted as directed by the agency’s CEO. / I
Compliance keys / Qty initial / Qty reaccred / Accreditation Manager Notes
Written directive addressing elements of the standard. / 1 / 1
Documented issuance/disposition of agency issued narcotics. / Sampling / Random sampling / Weight and presumptive testing must occur prior to issuance and, if the original seal is compromised, upon disposition.
Annual audit documentation. / 1 / 3YD / Audit includes compliance with procedures and quantity of narcotics.
New standard / Change notice 4.0.07 02/27/07
/ Review methods /Assessor Guidelines
27.05A directive describes the various conclusions of factused by the agency to categorize each allegation of misconduct.Compliance keys / Qty initial / Qty reaccred / Accreditation Manager Notes
Written directive addressing
elements of the standard. / 1 / 1
Documentation demonstrating the various conclusions of fact. / 1 each type / 1 each type
CFA 3.0 – 27.05 / Change Notice 4.0.09 02/27/07
Glossary Term:
Mobile Evidence Storage Unit: A specially equipped vehicle, containing a fire resistant combination lock safe bolted inside. The vehicle is equipped with an audible burglar alarm and a Global Positioning System (GPS).
Change notice 4.0.09 02/27/07
March 12, 2007 / Change notice 4.0.09 / Page 1 of 6