Greetings from Marietta Health Foods and Healing Arts Center. Our mission is to inform, educate and guide you to a healthier, longer life. If this is your first newsletter, we hope you’ll find it has all the information you need and more.

Greetings from Debbie

Now that the holidays are over, we find ourselves well on our way into 2010 stuffed like the Christmas turkey wondering what we should do first to shed those unwanted extra pounds. Well let's go back to the basics --- proper diet, exercise, and hydration will do the trick every time. I know it sounds boring, but when you think about it balance in all we do will keep us fit not only physically, but also emotionally and spiritually. So, get back into the gym, walking, running, lifting to tone and firm those muscles. Remember, a body that is toned will burn calories while your sleep. You might want to look into eating for you blood type to get your metabolism working with the foods that help your body work like a well oiled machine. Also, your body needs a cleansing, you might want to try a 7-day or l4-day total cleanse to get things in proper working order....2 to 3 bowel movements a day keeps the doctor away. If you need any assistance in picking out the right cleanse or getting started in the right direction food wise, please stop by and let us be you guide. I know you are getting sick of hearing me say this, but water, water, water. Remember 9 times out of 10 when you think you are hungry, the body is really thirsty.
We have some really great ongoing sales from 15 to 75% off on things like C0Q10, enzymes--Natto K, and much more. Also remember our basic everyday discounts on vitamins, minerals, herbs -- starting at 10% up to $50, l5% over $50 and 20% over $l00. Our goal is to help you be the best you can be inside/out.
Look forward to seeing you stop the store. Until next time, peace, love, and blessings to you all

Stop by the store for free samples of Natural Vitality’s Calm and we’ll be glad to answer any questions you have.

For your convenience, we will be happy to ship your order. Please call Debbie with your order today. Same everyday discounts apply and free shipping within the continental United States for orders over $150.

Peace, Love, and Blessings to all.


February’s Classes, Events and Readings

February 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th - The Joy of Self-Discovery Empowerment Workshops – 7:30 with Malane Shani Breakthrough Life Consultant every Thursday night 7:30pm. $45 per class. A seed of greatness has been planted in each of us by the universe and is waiting for the right conditions to grow. When the right conditions are present anything is possible for our lives. Inside this seed is the Joy of your true expression on this planet. Join us on Thursday nights to discover or rediscover how to set the right conditions for the seed of greatness inside you so that you can grow and begin to expand your life and express it with purpose and passion. Give your seed permission to grow! We look forward to seeing you for the Joy of Self-Discovery on Thursday nights. Pre registration is required and seating is limited. To pre register now log on to or for more information call Malane at 678-239-4600, email her at . There is a seed of greatness inside of you!!!!!

February 8th – New Moon/Healing/Peace Meditation and Drum Circle – 7:00 – The new Moon is a time for setting your intention of what you want to draw into your life. Please join us to declare with the support of community what you want to focus on bringing into your life during the next month. Since this time is about bringing in what we need/want, it is a perfect time to do a healing and peace meditation to bring more healing and peaceful energy into the world. Please join us in circle as we work to improve our lives and the world. Bring a snack for sharing after circle and your drink. RSVP at 404-374-4937 or by e-mail at so we’ll know how many chairs to set up.

February 13th & 14th - Intuitive/ Holistic Fair. Marietta Health Foods and Healing Arts Center brings you our Intuitive/ Holistic Fair on the second weekend this month. We will have readers and healers including card readers, psychics, past life readings, a health intuitive, chair massage, product demonstrations and more.

Readings are $20 for 20 minutes (two readings for $35) except as noted on the attached. Cash or checks made out to cash only please.

See the attached flyer for more details on individual readers.

February 17th – Healing Arts Network – 7:00

- Networking opportunity for alternative practitioners. Everyone present will have an opportunity to do a two minute infomercial of what they do, we will give information about up-coming classes, one member will give a presentation of their work followed by an opportunity to socialize and exchange business cards, flyers, brochures – come and join us.

February 19th – Trauma Pull – 7:00 to 9:30 – RELEASE AND RELIEVE OLD TRAUMA you’ve been carrying around. Let me show you how. Learn this great non-invasive hands-on energy technique that you can use for you and others. Helps release trauma caused by accidents, surgery, stress, physical and emotional pain in this and/or other lifetimes. Begin to get rid of stressful energies which no longer serve you. It’s fun and easy. Call Red Morris to register and for more information at 770-971-3419.

$37 in advance; $43 at the door.

February 20th – Free Reiki Clinic – 12:00 to 7:00 – Reiki Masters Bill and Suzy Magan are offering free 20 minute sessions of Reiki on a first come, first serve basis. Stop by and see what this ancient Japanese healing art can do to help you release stress and relieve pain.

February 22nd – Full Moon Drum Circle – 7:00 - The Full Moon is a time for releasing that which no longer serves you. This is even more powerful when done with the support of community and with music. Come join us each month to release and let go, drum and fellowship. Everyone is welcome. Bring drums, rattles if you have them or any other noisemakers. This is a free event, but love offerings appreciated. Bring a snack for sharing after circle and your drink. RSVP at 404-374-4937 or by e-mail at so we’ll know how many chairs to set up. This is the 2nd Full Moon in December – known as the Blue Moon – join us for a very powerful full moon ceremony.

February 23rd – Intuitive Gallery – 7-9 pm

We will have three of the intuitives who work our fair available to answer questions. You can ask your question of one person or just throw it out there and see who gets the answer. This is an opportunity to see three intuitives in action and possibly get three perspectives on your question. Call 404-374-4937 to save your seat. The cost is $10 at the door.

February 26th – HeartPoint Technique – 7:00 to 9:30 – NOW is the time – EMPOWER yourself. LEARN Heart Point Technique and start removing blocks to manifestation by changing your Akashic Records. Using Heart Point Technique and your intuition, you can make wonderful changes. Call Red Morris to register and for more information at 770-971-3419.

$37 in advance - $43 at the door.

February 27th – The Heal U, Whole U Sanctuary - The ultimate relaxation experience. Call Malane Shani at 678-239-4600 for more information.

Coming in March

Sunday, March 21st – Spring Equinox - Special Drumming to Heal Mother Earth – 3:00- Again, the Otomi Toltec elders of Mexico will be holding annual ceremonies to gather as many sacred drummers together all around the globe to continue the fulfillment of their 500-year old prophecy with the powerful intention to open healing of our blessed earth mother and Human Family. Here at Marietta Health Foods, we will join together with all nations around the world in calling for peace – for dignity - for justice - for healing for Mother Earth and all her people. Come join us for this special drumming. If we have a large crowd, we will drum in the parking lot – weather permitting. Bring your drum, rattles, whatever – see you there.

Coming in May

Saturday, May 22nd – Order of Melchizedek Training and Ordination – 1:00 - The Order of Melchizedek is a priesthood of individuals committed to teach and/or heal the Human Condition as it emerges into the Age of Aquarius. Everyone is welcomed. It is not a religion, but a service order. Each person commits him/herself to teach and to heal. Priests are self-selected and their ultimate commitment is between God and themselves. Everyone is welcome. There is no dogma, no hierarchy.

Who was Melchizedek? Melchizedek is beloved by many faiths, as a great teacher and prophet - one of the incarnations that “The Christ” assumed to serve the human condition – as a Priest and as a King in Jerusalem. Cost of the workshop is $225. Contact Linda at

404-374-4937 or by e-mail at for more information and/or to register. For more information about the Order of Melchizedek or the instructor Dan Chesbro, check out his web-site at

Ongoing Classes, Events and Readings

Able Spirit Solutions - Do you have a persistent health problem for which you just can’t seem to find relief? If the answer to that question is yes, Janise Henry of “Able Spirit Solutions” can help. You can have a 15-minute appointment with Janise, for just $20. In just 15 minutes Janise will be able to give you some valuable insights into what your body needs to help it heal. Janise is available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays by appointment. Call Janise at 678-472-9302 to schedule an appointment.

Astrology – is so much more than moons, stars, planets, horoscopes and birth signs. Each of us is born at a specific time, a specific place, on a certain date, making us each born with a different natal chart. Learn how your unique natal chart creates your destiny. Find out what strengths and weaknesses you were born with. According to your natal chart, when will you find love? When will your finances improve? What is your life’s purpose? Discover the answers to these questions and many more by having an astrology reading with Bill Magan. Bill will bring to light hidden gifts you were born to share with the world, identify them and offer a no nonsense approach to the information he discovers. He will provide you with a hard copy of your astrology chart and an in depth explanation of each aspect. Learn about who you were born to be, according to the stars! Wednesdays by appointment - contact Bill by phone at 770-382-7007 or by email at . Cost: $1.00 per minute, 20-minute minimum.

Coaching – Debbie Dombrowski, owner of Marietta Health Foods is available six days a week for health coaching. Debbie has over thirty years experience helping people on the path to health.

Intuitive Readings - Mickey Buckland comes from a long lineage of psychics. Reading people since the age of six, Mickey has become known for his incredible psychic abilities. Mickey comes from a gypsy heritage of seven generations all having had the gift of seeing the future. He has guided many people to build incredible success in business through his Intuitive “Business Coaching” sessions.

Mickey has appeared on numerous television and radio shows making astounding predictions. A reading with Mickey will be life altering. He will enable you to navigate through life seamlessly with foreknowledge and direction. There are no generalizations. If you want details, let Mickey give you the answers. Visit Mickey's web-site at Call 404-438-5120 to schedule an appointment.

Intuitive Readings/Healing - Linda McClure uses all of her senses to receive messages from your Angels and Guides to help you. Her specialty is past life reading and healing, but Linda can also answer questions about the present and the future. Linda does not do regression. She will give you the details as your Angels and Guides reveal them to her and you will have an opportunity to ask questions. Past life readings offer insight to lead you on the right path, or they may reveal traumatic events that need to be healed so you can move on. Linda can do a healing session for the trauma and help you retrieve the part of your soul that was left behind. This process can also be used to heal trauma from your current lifetime. The healing session includes a guided meditation and Spirit Guided Energy Work. Linda is also an Ordained Minister, artist and teacher. Call Linda at 404-374-4937 to schedule an appointment. $1 per minute, 20 minute minimum or $60 per session – approximately an hour or as long as it takes. Tuesday through Thursdays by appointment.

Ionic Foot Baths & Reiki with Regina Whitley – Relax and Rejuvenate with Intuitive Touch. Call Regina at 770-928-2171 to schedule an appointment.

Life Breakthrough Consultant - For over two decades Malane has specialized in Spiritual and Personal Development/Growth and Self Discovery. She uses The Human Design System, her well-developed intuition, Energetic Exchange Healing and Self-Discovery tools and techniques to enhance her ability to guide you to your desired life destination. Malane is passionate and committed to sharing her insight and experiences with all who are ready to be authentic, expanded, and to all whom embrace the journey to self-discovery. Malane will support you as you begin to create a master re-invention plan so you can re-discover and re-member how to live your best life. She embraces three basic principles, Reflect: What does the past have to teach you? Release: Let go so you can now move forward and grow. Receive Now prepare and plan while patiently awaiting your harvest!