College of Education & Human Sciences University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Teacher Candidate Summative Evaluation

Elementary Education

Student: / NUID#
Endorsement: / Semester: / FALL / SPRING
School: / Year:
District: / Grade Level(s)
UNL Supervisor: / Cooperating Teacher:

Directions: Please mark in the box that best describes the performance of the teaching candidate. We are asking you to render a judgment about the candidate’sreadiness to work professionally and independently as a teacher at the outset of a professional career.

P / Proficient level of performance, indicating a new teacher who is ready to work independently as a professional first-year [elementary] teacher.
B / Basic level of performance, indicating a new teacher who will need modest assistance and practice to work independently as a professional first-year teacher.
U / Unsatisfactory level of performance indicating a new teacher who will need major assistance and practice to work independently as a professional first-year teacher.
U / B / P
  1. Subject Matter Knowledge for Teaching in general.Demonstrates capacity to make content knowledge accessible to students.

1a.Subject Matter Knowledge for Teaching: Mathematics
1b.Subject Matter Knowledge for Teaching: Science
1c.Subject Matter Knowledge for Teaching: Social Studies
1d.Subject Matter Knowledge for Teaching: Readers & Reading
1e.Subject Matter Knowledge for Teaching: Writing
U / B / P
  1. Planning for Learning. Demonstrates capacity to create useable lesson and unit plans that are based upon knowledge of the discipline, students, and curricular goals.

  1. Instructional Enactment. Demonstrates capacity to implement, modify and adapt plans that are responsive to students and curricular goals.

  1. Assessment. Demonstrates capacity to understand the use of formal and informal strategies, including local and state tests, to support the continuous development of all students.

  1. Classroom Interactions with Students. Demonstrates a capacity to interact with learners in supportive and constructive ways.

  1. Learning Environment. Demonstrates capacity to create classroom communities that invite students' engagement and learning, encourages positive social interaction and self-motivation.

  1. Classroom Management. Demonstrates capacity to manage individuals, small groups of students and whole classes for the benefit of learning.

  1. Instructional Technology. Demonstrates capacity for finding ways of integrating technologies for enhancing learning tasks.

  1. Child Development. Demonstrates awareness of how individuals grow, develop and learn intellectually, socially and personally.

  1. Diversity. Demonstrates an understanding of the diverse social, economic, and linguistic and cultural backgrounds of students.

  1. Special Needs Learners. Demonstrates understanding of the challenges faced by learners with special needs.

  1. Collaborative Relations and Professional Conduct.Demonstrates capacity to work with other practitioners to improve teaching for the benefit of students' learning.

  1. Communication. Demonstrates capacity to use knowledge of effective written, verbal, non-verbal and visual communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom and extending to parents, teachers and other school professionals.

  1. Reflection and Professional Growth. Demonstrates capacity to continually evaluate how choices and actions affect students and others in the learning community and actively seeks opportunities to grow professionally.

Remarks from Cooperating Teacher and Supervisor

The subject matter area that reflects the candidate’s greatest teaching strength(s):
The subject matter that reflects candidate’s greatest need for instructional development:
Teaching candidate’s greatest teaching strength(s):
Teaching candidate’s area(s) of greatest need for professional development:
School Demographic Information
Total # of Students: / ______
Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch: / ______%
Ethnic Minority Students: / ______%
English Language Learners: / ______%
Special Education: / ______%
Gifted: / ______%
Unique circumstances/opportunities related to the student teaching experience:
Activities, if any, beyond the classroom in which the teacher candidate engaged:

Signature: ______Date: ______


Signature: ______Date: ______

Cooperating Teacher

Signature: ______Date: ______

Student Teacher

College of Education & Human Sciences University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Teacher Candidate Summative Evaluation

Secondary and Special Education

Student: / NUID#
Endorsement: / Semester: / FALL / SPRING
School: / Year:
District: / Grade Level(s)
UNL Supervisor: / Cooperating Teacher:

Directions: Please mark in the box that best describes the performance of the teaching candidate. We are asking you to render a judgment about the candidate’s readiness to work professionally and independently as a teacher at the outset of a professional career.

P / Proficient level of performance, indicating a new teacher who is ready to work independently as a professional first-year teacher.
B / Basic level of performance, indicating a new teacher who will need modest assistance and practice to work independently as a professional first-year teacher.
U / Unsatisfactory level of performance indicating a new teacher who will need major assistance and practice to work independently as a professional first-year teacher.
U / B / P
  1. Subject Matter Knowledge for Teaching in general. Demonstrates capacity to make content knowledge accessible to students.

U / B / P
  1. Planning for Learning. Demonstrates capacity to create useable lesson and unit plans that are based upon knowledge of the discipline, students, and curricular goals.

  1. Instructional Enactment. Demonstrates capacity to implement, modify and adapt plans that are responsive to students and curricular goals.

  1. Assessment. Demonstrates capacity to understand the use of formal and informal strategies, including local and state tests, to support the continuous development of all students.

  1. Classroom Interactions with Students. Demonstrates a capacity to interact with learners in supportive and constructive ways.

  1. Learning Environment. Demonstrates capacity to create classroom communities that invite students' engagement and learning, encourages positive social interaction and self-motivation.

  1. Classroom Management. Demonstrates capacity to manage individuals, small groups of students and whole classes for the benefit of learning.

  1. Instructional Technology. Demonstrates capacity for finding ways of integrating technologies for enhancing learning tasks.

  1. Child Development. Demonstrates awareness of how individuals grow, develop and learn intellectually, socially and personally.

  1. Diversity. Demonstrates an understanding of the diverse social, economic, and linguistic and cultural backgrounds of students.

  1. Special Needs Learners. Demonstrates understanding of the challenges faced by learners with special needs.

  1. Collaborative Relations and Professional Conduct.Demonstrates capacity to work with other practitioners to improve teaching for the benefit of students' learning.

  1. Communication. Demonstrates capacity to use knowledge of effective written, verbal, non-verbal and visual communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom and extending to parents, teachers and other school professionals.

  1. Reflection and Professional Growth. Demonstrates capacity to continually evaluate how choices and actions affect students and others in the learning community and actively seeks opportunities to grow professionally.

Remarks from Cooperating Teacher and Supervisor

Course Preparation / # of Students
Teaching candidate’s greatest teaching strength(s):
Teaching candidate’s area(s) of greatest need for professional development:
School Demographic Information
Total # of Students:
Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch: / %
Ethnic Minority Students: / %
English Language Learners: / %
Special Education: / %
Gifted: / %
Unique circumstances/opportunities related to the student teaching experience:
Activities, if any, beyond the classroom in which the teacher candidate engaged:

Signature: ______Date: ______


Signature: ______Date: ______

Cooperating Teacher

Signature: ______Date: ______

Student Teacher