Community-Wide Scheduling
CWS Applications Training Manual
Client Server 5.5
About this Manual
· This manual provides overviews and descriptions of the major routines and features of Community-Wide Scheduling.
· We suggest that you use the online Help for information about responding to individual prompts, a glossary of terms, and to take advantage of the hypertext links that indicate related topics.
· This manual is current as of the date it was created. For the most up-to-date information about this application, consult the online Help.
Community-Wide Scheduling Main Desktop ………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
Scheduling Process Routines ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2
Process Patient Appointment ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Alternate Ways of Finding a Patient ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Process Patient Appointment Buttons …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Process Patient Appointment: Booking a Patient Appointment …………………………………………………………… 5
Process Patient Appointment: Methods of Searching for an Appointment Date and Time ………………… 5
Process Patient Appointment: Routines Button …………………………………………………………………………………… 6
Process Patient Appointment: Editing / Rescheduling an Appointment ……………………………………………… 7
Process Patient Appointment: Booking an Appointment Set …………………………………………………………….. 8-9
Process Patient Appointment: Booking an Appointment Series …………………………………………………………… 10
Process Department’s Appointments …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11
Process Department’s Appointments Buttons ……………………………………………………………………………………… 12
Process Resource Schedule …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13
Process Resource Schedule Buttons ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
Process Resource Schedule: Routine Specifics ……………………………………………………………………………………… 15
Process Resource Schedule: Time Pad Detail ……………………………………………………………………………………… 15
Process Resource Schedule: Editing a Resource’s Schedule ………………………………………………………………… 16
Process Resource Schedule: Copy Basic Schedule ……………………………………………………………………………… 17
Process Resource Schedule: Rescheduling an Appointment ………………………………………………………………… 18
Process Resource Schedule: Move Appointments ……………………………………………………………………………….. 19
Process Appointment Book Schedule …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20
Process Appointment Book Schedule Buttons ……………………………………………………………………………………… 21
Process Appointment Book Schedule Default Color Key ……………………………………………………………………… 22
Process Appointment Book Schedule: Time Pad …………………………………………………………………………………… 23
Process Appointment Book Schedule: Transferring Appointments via ‘Cut’ and ‘Paste’ …………………… 24
Process Reservations/Meetings ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25
Process Reservations/Meetings: Booking a New Meeting ……………………………………………………………………. 26
Process Reservations/Meetings Buttons ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 27
Process Triage Waitlist …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 28
Process Triage Waitlist Buttons ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 29
Process Triage Waitlist Routine Specifics ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 30
Search for Appointment …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 31
CWS 5.5 Applications Training Manual
Community Wide Scheduling Main Desktop
Scheduling Process Routines
Process Patient Appointment
Enter patient’s name as LAST,FIRST MI all in capital letters with no spaces between first and last. Middle initial is optional.
Optional: Enter in the patient’s sex and birth date in the resulting question box. This will expedite searching the Medical Records Index. After entering the information, press F12 (or click on the green check mark) to file it.
Alternate Ways of Finding a Patient
1. Press Spacebar + Enter to pull in the last patient you worked on
2. Type # + patient’s social security number
(e.g.: #015602097)
3. Type U# + patient’s medical record number
(e.g.: U#M0154892)
4. Type A# + patient’s account number
(e.g.: A#V201589)
5. Type B# + patient’s birth date
(e.g.: B#040562; B#04051962; B#04/05/62; B#04/05/1962)
6. Type T# + patient's home phone number
(e.g. T#7818213000)
Process Patient Appointment Buttons
Process Patient Appointment: Booking a Patient Appointment
From Process Patient Appointment Routine, Click on the Appointment button to book a new appointment for the patient.
Methods of Searching for an Appointment Date and Time
· Find Earliest Time: The absolute earliest time an appointment can be done.
· Automatic Search: A list of available times from which a user can choose.
· Manual: Branches into Process Appointment Book Schedule to choose a time manually.
· Calendar: A Calendar will appear for you to select a day.
Routines Button
By pressing the Routines button, you can access a number of options including:
Address/Employer: Allows you to enter or edit a patient’s address, phone number and/or employer information.
Diagnosis: Where you can enter/edit visit diagnosis codes.
Insurance: Enter or edit a patient’s insurances. (This can also be entered without going through the Routines button.)
Referrals: Branches you to the Process Referrals by Patient in the ARM module where you can view a patient’s other referrals or enter a new one. (A referral can be attached or added without going through the Routines button.)
Patient Queries: If patient has queries associated with their account, this routine will display the queries.
Critical Care: If your hospital is using Critical Care Indicators, this choice will display them on the screen.
Allergies: This option will display the Enter/Edit Allergy routine for entering or viewing patient allergies.
Compliancy: View a patient’s compliancy, including the cancellation reasons they have given. (Compliancy information is already available on the Schedule Patient Appointment screen, but the cancellation reasons are not.)
Patient Alerts: Where you can enter/edit patient alerts that you would want schedulers to be aware of before scheduling an exam.
View Appointments: View the patients other appointments.
Scheduler Notes: Enter or edit notes on the appointment.
Scheduler Instructions/Queries: Review the scheduler and patient instructions, as well as any appointment-specific queries and their answers.
Pending Appointment: Switch the current appointment to a pending appointment.
Process Patient Appointment: Editing / Rescheduling an Appointment
From Process Patient Appointment Routine, select the appointment to edit or reschedule, then hit the Edit button to access the Edit Appointment routine.
This screen will allow you to edit any of the existing information about the scheduled appointment, resources, or queries – as well as an added section at the bottom to place a NEW date and time to the appointment (which will reschedule it) and to capture a Reschedule Reason.
Process Patient Appointment: Booking an Appointment Set
You can create a set of two or more appointments that should be booked together. Entering an “Early Start” and “Late Start” value determines how many minutes AFTER the initial appointment the subsequent appointment begins.
Enter your search criteria and press F12 or your GREEN CHECK MARK to get a list of available times to choose for your set.
Upon highlighting the desired date and time with your mouse, you can select the Book (B) button to file.
Note: When booking appointment sets – always keep in mind what your individual appointment types have their ‘book minutes’ set to. As well as any start time restrictions for the appointments, or the resources associated to them (especially if the associated resources have Appointment Profiles attached to them). Set Availability will greatly depend on these factors.
Process Patient Appointment: Booking an Appointment Series
A series is a group of the same appointment booked over a series of dates. In this routine, you can select a Frequency, Day, Time and Quantity of appointments (or a Through Date) signifying how many appointments need to be booked for your patient and when. You can delete out certain dates found by the system and insert your own manually or by doing an F9 lookup.
Process Department’s Appointments
Use this routine to see appointments in a particular department. You can change the display to include only certain appointments or appointment statuses.
This routine is ideal for departmental staff to use as a work list or for a department head to keep track of what is going on in the department.
Process Department’s Appointments Buttons
Process Resource Schedule
Use this routine to view or edit an individual resource’s schedule. You can also book appointments from this routine by highlighting an available time slot and pressing the Book (B) button.
This routine is ideal for providers who wish to view their own schedule or book for themselves, as well as for schedulers who wish to process the appointments of a single resource.
Process Resource Schedule Buttons
Routine Specifics
Use to scroll back and forth through calendar months.
The half-moon indicates that availability exists on a given day.
Red indicates the approximate percentage of the day that is booked.
A fully booked day will show as completely red.
An overbooked day is indicated by the words ‘OVER’ within the red half moon.
Time Pad Detail
Note: Available timeslots listed in BLUE. Unavailable or booked timeslots listed in GRAY. Overbooked timeslots listed in RED.
Process Resource Schedule: Editing a Resource’s Schedule
With the desired day selected, click the Edit (E) button. You will be brought to the Edit Resource Schedule screen.
To make a resource unavailable for all or part of the day, change the capacity in the available timeslots to 0.
Process Resource Schedule: Copy Basic Schedule
Once you have edited a resource’s schedule, you can then copy and paste that schedule to another day, by highlighting the edited day and pressing the copy feature on your toolbar, and then highlighting another day and pressing paste on your toolbar. You are prompted to add an Edit reason.
Process Resource Schedule: Rescheduling an Appointment
You can edit, or reschedule an appointment by highlighting the appointment on the pad, and by pressing the Edit (E) button. You have the option of editing the Resource’s schedule on that date, or the actual appointment you highlighted.
Process Resource Schedule: Moving an Appointment
You can also reschedule appointments by simply clicking on that appointment on the pad, and dragging it to a new date, or a new time, and then dropping it.
Process Appointment Book Schedule
Use this routine to view the schedules for a resource group at once. You can also view one resource’s schedule for the week by highlighting a resource’s schedule and clicking on the Weekly button.
Appointments can be booked from this screen, as well as easily transferred between times and/or resources via the cut and paste function.
Note: To see the Patient Appointment Information screen pop up, highlight a timeslot and right-click.
Process Appointment Book Schedule Buttons
Process Appointment Book Schedule Default Color Key:
Blue: Available time slot
Gray: Unavailable
Pink: Booked time slot
Red: Overbooked
Turquoise: Available for a resource group other than the one listed
Yellow: Selected
White: No schedule
Process Appointment Book Schedule: Time Pad
If you hit enter, tab or double click the resource, you will be brought to a time pad showing appointments for the entire day.
Available time slots appear in blue with a check mark before them.
Process Appointment Book Schedule: Transferring Appointments via ‘Cut’ and ‘Paste’
Use the cut and paste functions to quickly transfer appointments from one resource to another.
1. Select the appointment to move. If more than one appointment exists in the timeslot, you will be prompted to choose the appointment to move.
2. From the toolbar on the right side of the screen, select the cut function represented by a pair of scissors.
3. Select an open time slot with your mouse.
4. From the toolbar on the right side of the screen, select the paste function represented by a jar of paste. You will receive a Move Appointment box to verify the new date and time for the appointment. You can also review queries, instructions or scheduler notes from this screen.
Process Reservations/Meetings
Use this routine to process meetings and block time off of your resources’ schedules. New meetings can be booked here, and existing meetings can be edited.
Process Reservations/Meetings: Booking a New Meeting
1. Select the Meeting (M) button to book a new meeting.
2. The meeting scheduling screen will appear. It lists the resources defined in the dictionary as being needed for the selected meeting. If any changes are needed, they can be made at this time.
3. Search for available times for your resources using an Automatic, Manual, or Calendar Search. Booking this meeting is like booking a regular appointment, and will block your resource’s schedule off for that specified time slot.
Process Reservations/Meetings Buttons
Process Triage Waitlist
Use this routine to keep track of pending patient appointments on the waitlist.
Appointments can be booked directly from this routine and existing appointments can be edited.
Appointments can be sorted by resource group or waitlist category. Appointments are color coded by priority and the routine tracks how long patients have been waiting.
Note: A detail box at the bottom of the screen shows patient information, as well as how long they have been waiting on the waitlist.
Process Triage Waitlist Buttons
Process Triage Waitlist Routine Specifics
Search for Appointment
This routine allows the user to search for the appointments availability prior to determining the patient.