7075 CAMPUS ROAD. – MOORPARK, CA 93021 – PHONE: (805) 378-1400 x1635


Moorpark College Associated Students Board of Directors

Regular Meeting

Monday, November 24th, 2014 @ 4pm


Moorpark College Campus Center Associated Students Conference Room

I.Organizational Items

A.Call to Order – President Orak called the meeting to order at 4:09pm.

B.Roll Call: President Orak will call the roll of Officers:

1.President: Farshid Orak – present

2.Vice President: Mayra Contreras - present

3.Academic Affairs Director: Melvin Kim - present

4.Finance Director: Jesse Alcala - present

5.Campus Events Director: Andrea McLaughlin–absent (excused)

6.Constitution and Rules Director: Ashley Rasmussen - present

7.External Affairs Director: Victoria Metzel - present

8.Public Relations Director: Cheyenne McAlister- present

9.Student Organizations Director: Christine Anderson - present

10.Student Services Director: Leah Alicata - present

C.Approval of the Minutes of the November 17th – Action item

The Board will discuss and take action to approve minutes of the November 17th, 2014 meeting.

It was moved by Director Kim and seconded by Director Metzel to approve the minutes of the November 17th 2014 meeting. Without objection, President Oral approved the minutes of November 17th meeting.

D.Public Comment

This time is reserved for persons who would like to address the Board of Directors.

A time limit of (3) minutes per speaker shall be observed. No action will be taken.

No one from the public addressed the Board.

II.Unfinished Business – None

III.New Business

A.Paws 4 Healing– Action Item – Director McAlister

The AS Board will discuss and take action to approve the AS sponsoring Paws 4 Healing, a local therapy dog group, to be on campus during Finals Week.

The organization has no charge to bring the dogs on campus.

It was moved by Director Alcala and seconded by Director Alicata to approve this item. Without objection President Orak approved this item.

B.Resisting Ideas Socially Expected (R.I.S.E)—Action item—Director Anderson

The AS Board will discuss and take action to approve Resisting Ideas Socially Expected organization (R.I.S.E) as a newly recognized MC student organization.

It was moved by Director Anderson & seconded by Director Rasmussen to approve the R.I.S.E. student organization – vote:

VP Contreras – NODir. McAlister - YES

Dir. Kim – YESDir. Anderson - NO

Dir. Rasmussen – NODir. Alicata – NO

Dir. Metzel – NODir. Alcala - NO

Motion failed – vote : 2 – YES/6 - NO

C.Suspension of Drama Club and Captain's Council- Action Item- Director Anderson

The AS Board will discuss and take action to suspend the Drama Club and Captain's Council due to lack of attending ICC meetings.

It was moved by Dir. Alcala and seconded by Dir. Alicata to suspend the Drama Club – vote:

VP Contreras – YESDir. McAlister - YES

Dir. Kim – YESDir. Anderson – YES

Dir. Alcala – YESDir. Alicata – YES

Dir. Rasmussen – YES Dir. Metzel – YES

Motion passed – vote: 8 – YES

D.Students Advocacy Committee –Discussion Item—Director Rasmussen & President Orak

The AS Board will discuss the idea of providing a Student Advocacy Committee (SAC).

The purpose of the Student Advocacy Committee is based upon the ideal of maximizing representation of the student body. This committee shall investigate student concerns and make recommendations as deemed appropriate.

The Student Advocacy Committee (SAC) will be an official service of MC’s Associated Students. The SAC will assist students accused of violating the college’s Code of Conduct, or students who were victims of violating the college’s Code of Conduct.

This committee shall actively communicate with Associated Students Directors to draft legislation respective to the purpose of student advocacy and resolving student concerns.

The SAC will have three members: AS President (Chair), AS Vice President (Co-chair), and Director of Constitution and Rules (Member).

President Orak gave a handout to the Board. The AS Board discussed this item. It was moved by Dir. Alcala and seconded by Dir. Kim to end debate. Without objection President Orak ended debate and moved to Reports.


A.President – oral report

B.Vice President – oral report

C.Directors – Kim – oral report



This time is reserved for announcements. No action will be taken.

Various members of the Board made announcements.

VI.ADJOURNMENT: President Orak adjourned the meeting at 5:59pm.

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