Summary of Reports Given at the 161stMeeting
San Francisco Senatus, July 13th, 2017
Praesidium Reports:
(reported by Br. Ed Miller, Extension Worker)
Founded in September 2011 – no Spiritual Director
Total Active Members = 3; Total Auxiliary Members = 35
There is only one Officer (President) who is out of the country for three months to supervise two Junior Praesidia which he started years ago overseas. The other legionaries in attendance are Extension workers. Apostolic Works include Home Visitation through the PPC in Half-Moon Bay. One member visited 35-40 homes each day for three days. 38 homes were visited within the neighbors of St. Finn Barr. One member joined legionaries from other praesidia to walk the streets in the Tenderloin District and assisted on Extension Work visiting other praesidia; Also participated in Columban Drive and Pro-life work. Their goal from last year which they will try again this year is to set up amongst the Auxiliaries some loose form of organization, which the Handbook says, is not only desirable, but “essential”.
Comments from the floor: Fr. Jimenez will be working on membership drive at St. Gabriel parish where he now resides. This praesidium can also work on extending the legion at the Archbishop Riordan Highschool, an all-boys Marian school where many years ago the Senatus initiated and introduced the Legion of Mary to the school principal. Brother Perlas challenged the Spanish Curia members present tonight to talk to the Pastor of St. Finn Barr and Juliet, the Parish who can be very much involved in forming a Spanish Praesidium. We are hoping for a successful Columban Drive.
Council Reports
Note: The council report from San Francisco Mission Excelsior Curia was inadvertently omitted from the 160th Minutes last month. It is given below:
(reported by Sr. Tessie Velicaria, President)
Total Attached Praesidia = 10 (8 Seniors, including 1 Spanish, 1 Junior, 1 Intermediate). Total Active = 73 and 707 Auxiliary Members. For this quarter, the Council attendance is 100% for Curia Officers and 74% for Praesidia Officers. This is due to the reminders from the Curia Vice President via email and phone call. They recruited one active and few auxiliary members at St. Kevin’s Columban Drive in March. In May, they had a successful Exploriatio Dominicalis at the neighborhood of the Church of the Epiphany. With five pairs of legionaries, they visited 202 homes and recruited two auxiliary members. The next Exploratio will be held in August at Mission Dolores Parish. Two of four evangelization highlights: A Praesidium on its 10th year presented the Miraculous Medals to First Communicants at Mass in May where the priest and the congregation prayed the devotion prayer to our Lady after the Holy Communion. At the Apostolate to the Crowd, they met and consoled a young man who claims he is selfish and does not know what he is doing. The young man was also acquainted with St. Anthony of Padua and left full of joy.
(NowReturning to the Council reports of the161st Meeting, below)
Rogue Valley Curia Quarterly Report (reported by Sr. Felina Lapuz, Correspondent)
At their meeting held in April, all Curia Officers were present; 12 Curia Officers and 1 guest. Their ACIES held on March 25th was attended by 25 active and 30 Auxiliaries. Sr. Pam Williams was appointed as Vice President, 2nd Term, Our Lady of Fatima Praesidium during their May meeting. A pro-life silent protest in prayer in participation for the 40 days for life was scheduled. The Curia Vice President, Br. Brick conducted the June meeting as the acting President. A new Rosary Garden was blessed by the Bishop after the Mass in commemoration of the Our Lady of Fatima Anniversary. Sr. Lapuz will check why the number of praesidia has not increased. Brother Perlas reminded everyone to continue to extend the legion within their own parishes.
Seattle Comitium (reported by Br. Dave Marten, Correspondent)
Br. Dave made a report based on the Curia Minutes he received. They celebrated their 100th Comitium Meeting. The World Apostolate of Fatima arranged a pilgrimage by bus going to five different parishes including organizing a procession as part of the celebration. The Comitium actively participates in the different Fairs taking place in the Seattle area where a Legion of Mary booth is set up for Book barrow. They gave a lot of Rosaries and Miraculous Medals
Monterey Curia (reported by Sr. Virginia Fabi, Correspondent)
In June, the Curia was visited by Sr. Fabi, Br. Perlas, Sr. Perlas, Br. Miller and Sr. Miller when the new President and Secretary was elected. They closed one praesidium but established a new one. Sr. Fabi believes there is potential growth under the new leadership of this Curia.
Portland Curia, Our Lady of the Northwest (reported by Br. Raymond Frost, Correspondent)
The Curia currently have six attached praesidia. Apostolate Works include: Prison Ministry, Crowd Contact and Enthronement of the Sacred Heart. Members are reaching out to the newly assigned pastors to promote extension the Legion of Mary. Their annual retreat in September will have both English and Spanish language conferences. Our Lady of Mercy Praesidium gave their First Annual Report which included legion works such as Crowd Contact, Prison Ministry and visiting patients in the hospital. The Curia is currently working on forming two praesidia. Br. Frost provided the Senatus with the Curia particulars.
San Francisco Spanish Curia (reported by Fr. John Jimenez, Spiritual Director)
The Curia is being reorganized. Four officers will be elected next month with Fr. Jimenez as the Spiritual Director. He will keep in touch with the members from San Bruno, Church of the Epiphany, St. Charles and soon, members from All Souls Church.
Our Lady Queen of Heaven and Earth Vietnamese Curia
(reported by Br. Peter Nguyen Dai, President).
This is the largest Curia attached to the San Jose Comitium with 26 Praesidia attached. Total Active = 314; Auxiliary = 3,362. Council attendance is 80%. Last year, they completed 25,066.75 hours of Home Visitation, they teach and assist in catechetical class, visit patients in the hospital and nursing homes, give Holy Communion to the Homebound and visit the inmates at the Correction Facility in Milpitas. On-going devotion Family Rosary in Vietnamese families especially on the months of May and October. Evangelization highlights include: 8 received the Sacrament of Baptism, 2 Confirmation, 2 couples Marriage Validated, 12 lapsed Catholics returned back to church, 9 seniors received the Last Rite before passing, 21 people seniors received the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, established a Junior Praesidium and an Adult Praesidium, recruited 50 new Auxiliary Members and 5 new Active, 148.5 hours of Book barrow and distributed 10,001 copies of Legion Mariae Vietnamese Curia Monthly Bulletin to proclaim Good News, Catholic catechism and Legion activities to Catholics and non-Catholics in the Vietnamese community. Goals for the future include: Set up Columban drive and organize more workshops, Book barrow and Apostolate to the Crowd.
Comments from the floor: The Senatus have asked their assistance in establishing a Vietnamese Praesidium in San Francisco and perhaps Fr. Te from St. Thomas Moore Church can help.
The Catena was recited at 9:05 p.m.
The Allocutio was given by Fr. John Jimenez.
LEGION EXTENSION AND COLUMBAN DRIVE / NonePro-life Work / Br. Ron Konapaski reported Planned Parenthood is working on opening a clinic on Bush, San Francisco. He requested prayers and participation on the prayer rally on Saturday at 7:30 p.m. Flyers were distributed.
PPC / None
APOSTOLATE TO THE CROWD - (24TH AND MISSION) / Three legionaries attended on a sunny cool day at Bart, many shoppers, and lots Protestants handling out leaflets. They made over 19 contacts, and had trouble getting some names. A Protestant named Albireo approached them, pointed to the Rosaries and pamphlets and said “Get rid of these, throw them away in the trash as they will not help you! Only Jesus can save you! Then he rushed off immediately before they could have a dialogue with him.
APOSTOLATE TO THE CROWD - TENDERLOIN (EDDY AND JONES) / Six legionaries met over 50 contacts including G, a street person whom they talked to 3 or 4 times. This night, he said, “I don’t like the Catholic Church-they ran the Inquisition, etc.”
APOSTOLATE TO THE TOURIST / This ministry was initiated by the Senatus with the blessing from Fr. Goode. The first Apostolate to the Tourist was held on Saturday, June 17, 2017 at the end of the Cable Car on Powell and Beach Street, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Six seniors and 5 juniors participated. They distributed over 50 Rosaries and Catholic literatures including the picture of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Some tourists were very receptive and even asked for more and many said, “no thanks, no way, we will not be converted to your religion. The next apostolate is on July 15th. This is open to All legionaries to participate.
Reports from Chairpersons
New Business and Announcements:
Day of Recollection: July 22, 2017, St. Finn Barr (See flyer)
Legion of Mary Conference – We will meet Br. Raymond and Sr. Annette Mulrooney from Concilium Legionis (Dublin) who is one of the Keynote speakers. Please campaign for this
Seminar for Individual Act of Consecration by Saint Louis Marie de Montfort – September 2, 2017, Mater Dolorosa (See Flyer)
Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary of the Archdiocese of San Francisco – October 7, 2017-Cathedral
Fatima Ejaculation and Legion of Mary uniform – Br. Perlas asked the floor what their experience were regarding this. Some wear Legion of Mary jackets during the Acies or some kind of uniform during the Annual Reunion or legion picnic and other legion functions. We would like to request the opinion of the Concilium whether this is acceptable or not?
The Fatima Ejaculation being included in the Rosary has been asked many times in the past to the Senatus and as a council would like to know how to respond or answer to the many inquiries. We do not have an official approval from the Concilium whether to start praying it. We are hoping to obtain clarification soon.
Next Senatus Meeting: Thursday, August 10, 2017, 7:00 p.m. -St. Finn Barr Parish Hall.
There being no further business, the meeting ended at 9:30 pm with the Concluding Prayers and the Prayer for the Beatification of the Servant of God, Frank Duff. Respectfully submitted,
Sr. Carmen Perlas Bro. Ando Perlas
Secretary Senatus President
Prayer for the Beatification of the Servant of God Frank Duff
God our Father, You inspired your servant Frank Duff with a profound insight into the mystery of Your Church, the Body of Christ, and of the place of Mary the Mother of Jesus in this mystery. In his immense desire to share this insight with others and in filial dependence on Mary he formed her Legion to be a sign of her maternal love for the world and a means of enlisting all her children in the Church's evangelising work. We thank you Father for the graces conferred on him and for the benefits accruing to the Church from his courageous and shining faith. With confidence we beg You that through his intercession you grant the petition we lay before You...... We ask too that if it be in accordance with Your will, the holiness of his life may be acknowledged by the Church for the glory of your Name, through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
Prayer for the Help and Intercession of Venerable Edel Quinn
Eternal Father, I thank You for the grace you gave to your servant, Edel Quinn, of striving to live always in the joy of Your presence, for the radiant charity infused into her heart by Your Holy Spirit, and for the strength she drew from the Bread of Life to labor until death for the glory of Your Name, in loving dependence on Mary, Mother of the Church. Confident, O Merciful Father, that her life was pleasing to You, I beg You to grant me, through her intercession, the special favor I now implore …, and to make known by miracles the glory she enjoys in Heaven, so that she may be glorified also by Your Church on earth, through Christ Our Lord. Amen. We place our petitions in the hands of Mary to whom Edel turned in every need. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the Fruit of thy womb. Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Prayer for the Beatification of Servant of God Alphonsus Lambe
God, who by your infinite mercy inflamed the heart of your servant, Alphonsus Lambe with an ardent love for you and for Mary, our Mother; a love which revealed itself in a life of intense labour, prayer and sacrifice for the salvation of souls, grant, if it be your will, that we may obtain, by his intercession, what we cannot obtain by our own merits. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
For Concilium News: Please refer to The Concilium website:
There is now monthly Council News on the San Francisco Senatus Website:
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*Totus Tuus*