June 20-23/July 18-21Senior Portraits

August 18Senior Transition Night. 6:00 Commons area

August 22-25Senior Portraits (Room 408 from 3:00-7:00)

August Forms for senior shirts available through English teachers.

August 3-14Yearbook $80

August 17-Dec 18 $85

Jan-Mid May $90/ May 16 - $95

September27Formal drape/tux only. Will not be able to choose pose or have casual pictures done. Deadline to choose portrait for the yearbook. Photos will need to be taken at Prestige Studio in Fayetteville by appointment.

Sept 26 – March 3Pay senior feesof $130 (these fees include the cost of the cap and gown, diploma, diploma cover, graduation programs, graduation ceremony, grandparents’ breakfast, and miscellaneous senior activities). Payment can be brought to Ms. Tingle in the front office(checks should be made out to UGHS) or online with Balfour starting in October.

Oct. 7Senior yearbook ad deadline-$25.00 discount

November 4Senior Night at the football game. Wear your senior shirt.

Only seniors and their parents who have participated on the football team/football cheerleading or band will get in free…all other seniors must pay admission.

November 4***Yearbook ad final deadline (no late fee)

November(10 &11)Turn in announcement orders during lunch to the Balfour representative. Checks payable to Balfour.

Announcement orders can only be placed through Balfouronlinebeginning October 5th@

**Announcements are sent to friends and relatives telling them you are graduating. TICKETSwill be given in May for the people you want to attend the graduation ceremony. The number of tickets given to each student will depend on the number of students graduating. Tickets are required for entrance into the graduation ceremony.

November 18Yearbook ad late fee deadline-no ads accepted after 21st.

December 2Announcement orders due during lunch to the Balfour rep.

**Note- Announcement orders must be mailed to Balfour if you did not order them at school.

All seniors will receive a cap and gown order form in August through their English class. This form must be turned in to order a cap and gown. Students not taking any classes at UGHS will have a form mailed home.

February Cap & Gown photos- for new students-date and time TBA

March 6Senior Fees now include the late fee of $10. Ordering price becomes $140.

April 10Senior Fees now $150 ($130 + $20 late fee)

April(TBA) Announcement Delivery

April 29Prom

May 1Senior Fees now $160 (Payable in cash to Ms. Tingle in the front office.)

May(TBA)Senior lunch orders taken

May Lunches delivered

May 11Honors Night

May 16Cap & Gown distribution during lunch.

May15-17 Senior Exams – Count 20% of your semester grade

May 21Baccalaureate 4:00 @Eagles Landing Baptist Church

May 23Grandparent’s Breakfast 9:00 a.m.

May 23 Large group cap and gown picture 8:30 a.m. (Approximately $20.00 for aserious and/or a non-serious pose)

May 24 & 25Graduation Practice...attendance is mandatory for participation in the ceremony

May 26Graduation Ceremony --UGHS Football Field 7:30 p.m.

All seniors, male and female, will be wearing burgundy robes with a silver graduation collar. Dark shoes are to be worn by males and females.The graduation exercises for UGHS seniors will be a formal, dignified ceremonycelebrating their academic accomplishments. Students and their guests are asked to conduct themselves accordingly. It is a student’s choicewhether or not they wish to participate in the graduation ceremony. If they do not wish to participate, their diploma may be picked up in the counseling office the Tuesday after graduation.
