November2009 Devotional

Christ’s Light– Helen CD Jamieson

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16

The Winter Olympics is arriving soon in my hometown Vancouver, BC Canada on February 2010. I have been following most of the footage of the different torchbearers carrying this lighted torch since the start of this journey on October 30, 2009. This lighted torch is going to travel for 106 days from land to air to water. It’s going to visit over more than 1000 communities, and there will be about 12,000 torchbearers carrying this symbolic flame all across Canada.It’s been quite fascinating to see all the different modes of transportation they were carrying this torch.

By foot,First Nations canoe, mountain bike, horse, and even on a dogsled. Apparently there will be up to 100 different modes of transportation, including horse-drawn carriage, skateboard, snowmobile tractor, ferry, roller blades and cross-country skis. I may have missed a few, but I am looking forward in seeing past footage on the Vancouver 2010 website.

This torch relay is supposed to help unify our country and build excitement.

Watching everyone’s excitement has been building excitement to me as everyone waits in anticipation when the torch will go through to their own home community.

Reflecting on this torch passing in my prayer with God one morning, I was reminded that we are bearing Christ’s light for the world in us. As the torchbearer lights up their torch either from this lighted up cauldron or handed over from another torchbearer, this original source of light came from all the way over from Greece when it started. It reminded me of the light that was in each and every follower of Christ. He is our original source of light. Unlike the torchbearers who passed the torch light over and then snuffed out their own light at the end, we are called not only to “pass the light” burning inside of us to others, but to keep it well lit continuously inside of us.

For the torch light delivered through heavy rain or wind when the light is “snuffed out” accidentally, there is an “emergency concealed container” that carries the original light from Greece for the torch bearer to re-light its flames.When trouble and storms come our way, we are reminded that our light can never be fully extinguished because Christ’s Light always shines through us. Jesus’ Light can never be put out unless we choose not to have Him ‘light’ our way. (Psalm 27:1)

It’s important for us to remember that it is not our own light that we bear, but the Light of Christ that shines through us (Isaiah 50:11). Lest us not forget and try to shine our own way but immerse ourselves in the Word of God so we can reflect Christ’s Light (Psalm 119:105).

As the torchbearer comes through the crowds and everyone sees the light, the crowd gets excited. Ever wonder why?It’s because of what the torch light stands for. This lighted torch symbolizes principles of peace, brotherhood and friendship. Everyone wants to belong and believe in something like that. I think of the light we are to shine for Christ.We are to shine for Christ and share His Light of love, grace and mercy. Jesus is “The Light” in the midst of our dark fallen world. He is our light source for hope, peace, and joy.

Are we living the life that shines for Christ? Are we living the life that lights the way for others and get them so excited that they want to belong in the family of God and believe in Christ?

You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14

Lord, thank You that You are the Light of the World. You are the Light source that lights my paths. There is no darkness when You are in the midst. Even though storms rage in my life, help me to know that You reign overall. Help me to keep trusting in You. Thank You for being my strength, my light, my hope and my refuge. May Your Light be reflected through me in all that I do. Help me to Shine for You Lord Jesus that others around me will desire to have Your Light in them. Help me to be Your torch bearer and pass Your Light to others. Keep me well lit in You.Thank You for reminding me, that “this little light of mine, I’m going to let it Shine” for Your Name’s Sake. Amen.

Copyright © November 2009, Helen CD Jamieson | Permission to print only but not to amend