“See to Believe”

Energy field and biofeedbackimaging systems and services from EFi LtdPhotonProStillshotwithCRScolour recognitionand BEISS LivEFilm

Background to EFi–What is energy field imaging?

Energy field imaging is alicensed software and system to scan and capture subtle frequencies of light, otherwise unseen by the naked eye. It reveals sensitive energy and bio fields of human, animal, plant and inanimate matter, providing an ‘energetic status’in clear colours and patterns.It usescamera and computer software to showsareas of stress, inflammation and congestion, orclearer freer flowing energy in subjects. Choose between live video filming with EFi BEISS LivEFilm or still frame capturing optionsEFiPhotonProStillshot.

How is EFi used?

Healthcare professionals useEFito improve their client’s wellbeing,by first identifying healthy and stressed areas in the scans; practitionerscan then determinelikely reasons for problemsand decide the best course of action and monitor progress.It shows the dynamic interaction of the energy and bio field, the body’s energy status, where it traps, congests or flows freely. This correlates to where symptoms are sited. Practitioners can also motivatetheir clients towards healthier lifestyles by showing them the effects of theirhabits; finally it provides resultsanddemonstrates the effectiveness of the treatment methodsin follow up scans.

EFi environment applications

EFihas environmental uses as it highlight areas of weakness, fractures,stress, damp, bacteria and fungus residues in buildings, roomsand fromour surrounding environment. It also depictslow energy static andexposeseffects of EMF’s pollution(electromagnetic frequencies)from electrical supplies and appliances. It is an accurate system which is simple to learn and use, using all registered CE approved equipment and is completely safe and non invasive.

Who uses EFi?

EFi is employed by a wide range of practitioners including; doctors, in hospitals, dentists, nutritionists, complementary therapists and healthcare practitioners, chiropractics, osteopaths, physiotherapists, in beauty, fitness, sports, dieticians & weight management clinics; alsoin spas, yoga studios along withbuilding biologists (fengshui/vastuconsultants) andby art, media and entertainment companies. Operators can choose between 20 different filter options and it has a range of features like grid overlay, mirroring to determine asymmetries and fullcustomer reports. It changes the way we look at things, ‘see to believe.’

Twonew EFi versionsare availablei) PhotonProStillShot andii) BEISS LIVEFilm

i)PhotonProStillshotCRS– Still frame camera image for highest definition, first EFiwith Colour Recognition SystemCRSand new 256 FSF/full spectrum filter, for data analysis and finer picture quality; detailed report forms, easy EFiconversion of photos using bmp/jpg files. Also new mirroring and grid overlay features.

ii)BEISSLivEfilm– Live video recording version and single still frame energy field capturing capabilities; has 20 filters to show different spectrums, along with new 256 FSF/full spectrum filter; live video feedconversion with webcam orfirewireandpre-recorded avifiles which can be transferred into jpg, bmp and aviformats

iii)Both EFi BEISSLivEfilm and PhotonProStill Frame and Live video recording software licensescomplete with twenty filters, also with new 256 in-depth FSFfor greater clarity. The new software is simple to install and use, running on Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7-8 o/s. EFiPhotonProand BEISS LEfilm software come with unlimited usage i.e. right to use licenses with no additional costs. You may install EFi software on multiple computers for ease of use, working with a single USB security key.

PhotonProStillshotis the first generation EFisystemwith CRScolour recognition systemcapable of capturing pictures and displayingcolours as percentages in numerical tables;shown as a graph or pie chart. This is excellent for evaluating changes ‘pre and post’therapy sessions andquantifying theeffect of lifestyle improvements and recommendations. Other new and enhanced featuresinclude 256 FSF/Full SpectrumFilter for added clarity,detailed report formswhich can be tailored,and grid overlayand mirroringoptions;grid overlay shows the subject’sequilibrium and themirroringfeature indicates left and right side symmetry or imbalance. We have also added new Contrast, Brightness and Saturation controls with a RGB, RedGreen and Bluecolour enhancement panel.PhotonPro has the ability to transfer jpg or bmp files to fully converted energy field pictures using a choice of 20 filter options.

CRS - Colour Recognition Systemin Pie and Bar Graph Percentages

Grid Overlay Feature to show EquilibriumMirroring Left or Right Sides to show Imbalances

EFiPhotonProStillshot and EFiBEISS LIVEFilm

  • Sensitive light, energy field and biofeedback systems
  • Safe non invasive health EFi scanning and filming systems
  • Determines energy levels and stress with colour recognition tables
  • Accurately revealing where issues and ease are sited
  • A guide to physical, mental and emotional status
  • Revealing effects of lifestyles on our bodies and environment
  • Health assessments, evaluationresults and monitoring
  • Pictures energy flow, status, biofields, chakras, meridians and life force
  • Helps motivate and improve lifestyles
  • Measures effectiveness of therapies, remedies and medicines
  • For Building Biology,Vastu and FengShuireveals rooms/buildings high and low energy
  • Effects of geopathic stress on environment, people, plants and animals

ColourCorrection Panel; Brightness, Contrast, Saturation with Red, Green and Blue adjustments. Detailed Health Report & Questionnaire

What is included for my investment to thenew EFirange?

The price of the new EFiBEISS LivEfilmand PhotonProservicesincludes -EFi software license for unlimited clinical use;two year’s customer support, care,warranty and maintenance agreements; online support, manuals, certification, training, with further upgrades all free within this two year period. Also there are ‘Distribution and Reseller’ business opportunities for specific market sectors and geographical areas.

  1. Technical Specifications of new EFiPhotonProStillshotand BEISS LIVEfilm

i)EFiPhotonProStillshotCRS transfers any digital jpg/bmp photo to a full transferred energy and bio field image with colour distribution, analysis and additional features of mirroring and grid overlay features. Complete service, support, warranty, maintenance with CD,USB Key and license.

ii)EFiBEISS LIVEfilmgives ‘live’ stream feed from any webcam or video cameraswith Firewire/IEE1394 port; Reveals the energy and biofield in clear colours and patterns as a live and or pre recorded moving film which you can convert in jpg or avi files.

All versions of the new EFi software run on IBM compatible*with 2.2GHz Dual-Core processor, 1Gb RAM, 24/36 bit graphics card withCD/DVD drive. Operating System; Windows XP(Service Pack 3)Vista and Windows 7-8.

  1. Optional services and lifetime membership **

Applications for lifetime membership with full and unlimited support, maintenance, warranties, technical care and software upgrades at Euros 400. Additional options for customization of software and report forms; full spectrum lighting systems, onsite trainings, lectures and workshops, clinical set up and installation, hardware provision and p&p. Please enquire and priced at local rates.

  1. Excellent ROI and business opportunities? ***

We are offering excellent ROIand additional business revenue opportunities for distribution, sales and training of this new range of EFi systems and services in India. Please enquire for details.

Pricing in Euros based on exchange rate fluctuations and for a single customer license with unlimited use


EFiPhotonProStillShotGBP£825+ local import duties and carriage

EFiBEiSSLIVEFilmGBP £741+ local import duties and carriage

Dual EFiBoth SystemsGBP£1,440 + local import duties and carriage

First EFi System with colour recognition/CRS which is displayed on easy to read graphs and charts. The Photon Pro and BEISS versions have all previous colour coding filters with a new 256 full spectrum version for greater detail

Installs easily on Microsoft XP to Windows 7-8 o/s. With inclusive 2 year customer care, updates to program, services & support

Welcome to the latest EnergyField Imaging range;PhotonProStillshotand BEISSLIVEFilmfrom EFi Ltd and VPAX Ltd

Contact Ashera Hart– Skype: Ashera Hart

“See to Believe”


EFiEnergy Field imaging as developed by Dr J Rogerson’s team at VPAX Ltd

BEISSBio Energy imaging Scanning System developed by Dr J Rogerson’sand VPAX Ltd

EFEnergy Field, colour waves which surround the body believed to be part of aura/etheric/halo/corona

CRSColour Recognition System

256FSFNew in-depth 256 Full Spectrum Filter for improved clarity and added detail

BiofieldEnergy/photon frequency waves on live subjects which are then reflectedoff the body in to surrounding EF/energy field

Prana/Chi/QiEnergy from Indian and Chinese esoteric understanding meaning ‘vital force/pure energy flow’

ChakrasEnergy centres/vortices/subtle matter derived from Sanskrit meaning ‘wheel/turning’; linked to endo/exocrine glands and focal points for transmission and reception of energy

HEFHuman energy field; colour waves which surround body part of aura etheric

MeridiansLines of energy on the body biofield

FSLFull spectrum lighting/day light bulbs used in EFiPhotonPro and EFi BEISS

EFi BEISS & PhotonPro were wholly developed and manufactured by Energy Field Imaging by Dr John Rogerson with V’PAX team. BEISS & PhotonPro are licensed software programs which run on Windows operating systems. EFi uses standardised digital and video camera technologies to reveal and capture subtle energy and biofields, together with a colour decoding filter which discerns light photons and energy. EFi systems are completely safe, non-invasive and records with standard CE approved equipment which are licensed and registered. They measure and monitor individuals, healing modalities and other subject matter, and used as a complement to your medical physician’s advice and not as a replacement; please request client’s to consult a doctor if symptoms develop or persist. Scans are best taken under standard clinical parameters; on an empty stomach, no jewelry, with balanced controlled FSL, clean, shaven, in light cotton underwear and when relaxed. We do not make any claims as to what EFi is recording medically and it is not a diagnostic device but used as an assessment method.

* IBM compatible and major manufacturers of PC hardware (Sony, Lenovo, HP/Compaq, Dell, Acer, Asus, Samsung etc) all successfully running o/s Windows XP (service pack 3) to Windows 7-8 seamlessly. Suggested HD Firewire/IEE1394 and USB WebCam connections from capture source to PC.

** Optional services – For EFi lifetime membership support and rights; additional services fees for configuration and sale of hardware, customization of BEISS or PhotonPro software interface for your own clinic; onsite training, set up and installation. Ask for details priced at local Indian rates.

*** Excellent ROI and business opportunities - Return on investment and fairly judged on conservative and historical estimates from a range of our clients. We are tendering and offering partnership rights and affiliation status for distribution, sales and training from bases in India; please enquire if interested.