Ref: GL/JSO/Mock/Oct ‘15

Dear Parents/Carers

Year 11 Mock Examinations

English and mathematicsmock examinations commence on Tuesday 6th October 2015.

You will find a general and individual timetable enclosed with this letter. The individual timetable shows your child’sseat number. It is imperative that they remembertheir seat number for each exam and do not wait until the exam is about to start to find out their seat number. A seating plan will be displayed in the link corridor on the day of the exam if they do forget but please remind them to check prior to the exam starting.

All these examinations will take place in the Sports Hall unless otherwise stated on your timetable.

Please check the start times of the exams carefully and make sure your child arrives on time.

They are responsible for taking the correct equipment to the examinations: 2 x BLACK pens, 2 x HB pencils, an eraser, ruler, pencil sharpener and calculator. Calculator instructions and cases are not allowed and anything stored on the calculator should be cleared. Equipment should be in a transparent pencil case.

Students must not be in possession of a mobile phone or any other electronic device during an examination. Please advise your child to leave these, switched off, with their belongings. Bags and coats are not allowed in the exam hall. It is your child’s responsibility to leave them in a safe place, preferably a locker.

Water may be brought into the exam room in a clear bottle with the label removed.

We would appreciate it if you could support your child to prepare by ensuring they revise and get plenty of sleep prior to the mock examinations commencing.

Good luck to all students sitting these mock examinations.

Yours faithfully

Miss G LawtonMs J South

Exams & Cover Support OfficerAssistant Principal

Principal:Ms J M Nolan

Vice Principals: Mr D Buckley, Mr M Davies

Telephone: 01226 742286

