Muscular and Flexibility Organizer

(There are 4 assignments in this unit: Milestones 1, Project, Workout Log and DBA)

Milestone 1 (Lesson 2): For this lesson, you will be completing your first project milestone by considering the unique needs and interests of the participants in your class and designing a teaching tool that you will use as part of your class. The teaching tool you create can take the form of a song or dance, a virtual field trip, a t-shirt design, a video, presentation, drawing or whatever method you believe will be most effective in communicating this information to your class participants. There is an example in the directions located in this lesson.

Make sure that your tool:

Is creatively designed in a format that will capture the interest of your audience and identifies at least five benefits of participating in regular flexibility and muscular training.

Explains the function of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints and how they work together to produce movement.

Identifies the location of the major muscle groups of the human body.

**Use this organizer to help you design a teaching tool that you will submit for your project milestone.

1.  Think about the class participants that you will be teaching and what presentation methods would be most engaging and real-life for them.

2.  Think also about how your class particpants might be able to use this tool when the class ends or how they might share what they learn to influence others.

3.  Identify at least five benefits of participating in regular flexibility and muscular training activities that you will share in your tool.

4.  Consider how you will explain the location of the major muscle groups of the human body in a memorable way.

5.  Consider how you will explain the function of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints and how they work together to produce movement in a memorable way.

6.  Now take all your ideas and make them into a creative tool to teach with!

Project (Lesson 4): In your milestone assignment, you designed a teaching tool to help educate your class participants on the benefits of regular flexibility and muscular training activities and a method to introduce them to the location and function of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints. It is time to pull it all together to create a class schedule that will prepare your class participants to maintain a flexibility and muscular training routine. You will get to chose between 3 different types of students (Busy Travelers, New Parent or Teens)

Include each part below in your project. You can use any format however Power Point or Word might be easiest.

1. Write a statement telling me which class population you chose. Also include a description of your class participants’ overall health, strengths, and limitations with emphasis on flexibility and muscular fitness.

2. Create sample weekly workout routine consisting of flexibility exercises to stretch all of the major muscle groups. List at least 8 muscle groups and a stretch that can be done for each. Include the type of stretching your client should perform, the correct length of time to hold each stretch and how many days a week the stretching routine should be completed.

3. Create sample weekly workout routine consisting of muscular training exercises for each of the 8 major muscle groups of the body and a description of each muscle group and where they are located on the body. Include the correct number of sets/repetitions to be performed for each muscular exercise and how many days a week the routine should be completed.

4. Describe safety guidelines to reduce risk and prevent injury relating to stretching and muscular workouts.

5. Explain how to apply SPORT/FITT principles to stretching routine and muscular training routine to maximize results by providing examples on how you could change the program below.

Specificity-Training should be designed to meet a specific need.

Increase Flexibility Example:

Increase Muscular Condition Example:

Progression-Training should start slowly and gradually.

Increase Flexibility Example:

Increase Muscular Condition Example:

Overload-Training should require you to do more than you normally do.

Apply the principle of Overload by changing the Frequency, Intensity, Time and/or Type (FITT) of activity you perform:

·  Frequency: How often you perform the activity.
Increase Flexibility Example:
Increase Muscular Condition Example:

·  Intensity: How intensely you perform the activity.
Increase Flexibility Example:
Increase Muscular Condition Example:

·  Time: The duration of your activity.
Increase Flexibility Example:
Increase Muscular Condition Example:

·  Type: The type of activity you perform.
Increase Flexibility Example:
Increase Muscular Condition Example:

Reversibility-Training should continue or you will reverse your improvement.

Increase Flexibility Example:
Increase Muscular Condition Example:

Tedium-Training should include a variety of activities to avoid boredom.

Increase Flexibility Example:
Increase Muscular Condition Example:

6. Provide descriptions, pictures and prices of equipment costing less than $25 total to enhance workouts and an explanation of how the equipment will be used during workouts. You may also explain how they might use additional “free” items they probably already have in their workout environments like chairs, phone books, and stairs.