Burwood Public School P&C Association
Minutes of the General Meeting
Wednesday 16th March 2011, School Library
Attendance: Mark Burfield (Chair), Paul Bates (Principal), Kim Bannerman (Deputy Principal), Fatma Akyol, Martin Bain, Ruby Gunawan, Janet Huang, Holly Jiang, Rachel Millard, Amanda Ng, Yan Qin Shirley, Amber Zaidi
Guests: Bevan Cluston (Sydney Academy of Chess), Joanne Tran (Journalism Student)
Apologies: None received.
The meeting commenced at 4:35pm, after the Annual General Meeting.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Minutes of the previous Meeting of 16th February 2011 were accepted as a true and accurate record.
Business Arising from Previous Minutes
‘Welcome’ Morning Tea / Treat Day
The P&C Association ‘Welcome’ Morning Tea for parents, grandparents and carers and the first Treat Day for 2011 were held on 3rd March and went well. Several new members signed up. Garry cooked near the canteen and the volunteers were able to prepare and serve the food in the canteen. Some volunteers for the Treat Day brought their children and had to be turned away as the children made it difficult for them to help. Maybe an agreement need to be set up with volunteers for future Treat Days where the children can be looked after while they work.
The new canteen is up and running. The space in the canteen is good. However, some issues still need to be addressed: air conditioning, outlet for gas cooking, kitchen layout and facilities, etc. Spotless has given Paul a quote for $17,000 to fully renovate the canteen addressing all the issue with the existing design. Paul has given the go ahead for the work to be done. As this work is done under the DET contract, it would have a longer warranty for all material and work than a normal contract. Rachel has only one additional request she would like on top of the scope of work provided by Spotless and it was to get the stove professionally clean. Paul has agreed to ensure that will be done.
A canteen meeting will be held soon. It is intended for a full time canteen manager to be appointed this year. A committee will be formed to interview the candidates who apply for the position when advertised. A minimum of 4 weeks notice will be given to the existing canteen staff (who can of course apply for the position).
Amber asked if some Halal food could be made available at the canteen. Rachel was going to raise the same issue at the next canteen meeting. Fatma advised that she might be able to assist with finding out where to get the Halal food.
OC Class
Kim had informed Amanda that there is a draft of the OC policy on the DET website. This may assist in getting the right sort of information to justify the school as a candidate for an OC class. Amanda will check and resubmit another draft to the school for review. The item is still a work in progress and on hold due to the likely possibility of a change in government.
Road Safety / School Crossing
There is still a concern regarding the lack of a designated crossing at the corner of Hornsey and Stanley Street (etc.). Paul recently attended a morning tea with the Major of Burwood, John Sidoti. The General Manager was also present and he was given details of accidents that have occurred near the school (etc.). He was shocked by the details given and told Paul that he will get back to him on the issue.
Property Across the Road
The property across the road is now unlikely to be developed as originally proposed (including with a new Burwood library). It is now being landscaped including for car parking.
Interview Training
Rachel, Fatma and Holly volunteered to be trained for future interview panel.
Air Conditioning
Paul is waiting for the report from Public Works regarding the electricity capacity of the school’s on-site substation before the installation of air conditioners can go ahead. This report should be submitted to the school by the end of term 1.
School & Sports Uniform
The subject of a new school and sports uniform is still on hold for now. The sub-committee formed to address the issue is yet to meet (Paul, Anne Ho, Rachel, Meng, Irene). Any new uniform can faze in over time (two-year perood). A co-ordinator will be needed for this. Shane Randall has asked if a band uniform be considered.
As the new Uniform Shop Convenor, Ruby Gunawan would also be involved in the uniform issue.
Security Fencing
Years ago, there was funding of $80,000 allocated to the school to get the security fencing around the school completed. The work was never done. DET made a mistake of noting that it was completed. The P&C Association wrote to Virginia Judge MP, and in response this representation, the security fence will be constructed (now costing about $110.000).
As previously reported, Anne Ho is continuing to progressively take over Debbie Cameron’s task of bookkeeping as Debbie’s youngest child has now graduated.
Canteen on State Election Day
The P&C Association will open up the canteen to sell food and drinks on the day of the State election (26 March) as the new school hall is being used as a polling booth. Volunteers will be required to assist with this event and a roster will be set up. Rachel, Mark and Martin will determine what to sell on the day
Development Application – Railway Pde / Oxford St.
As previously reported, the School had been informed of a Development Application for a multi-storey accommodation building next to the school on the corner of Railway Parade and Oxford Street and the P&C Association requested to Burwood Council for an extension to the deadline to respond to the Development Application. The main concern is the additional traffic along the road that would impact the safety of the students at the school.
President’s Report:
Chinese Parents Chat Mornings
Holly made the suggestion to have informal chat mornings for Chinese Parents. The aim of this forum is to inform parents of the role of the P&C Association. Holly is happy to convey issues or ideas from the Chinese community at the school. Wednesday morning has been suggested as a time where the parents can meet and chat. Holly would like to provide assistance in translating the newsletter in Chinese to help parents who may not be able to understand English well.
Mother’s Day Stall
Mother’s Day is on 8th May this year. The annual Mother’s Day stall will be held over two mornings, Monday 2rd and Tuesday 3rd May (for K-2 and 3-6 students respectively. A note will be issued to notify the parents. Gift wrapping will be available at the stall.
Shane Randall has made a request to the P&C Association to fund the entry fee ($80) for the school to compete in the Eisteddfod..
There is also an additional request of funding for new musical equipment totalling $914.
It was noted that the P&C Association has provided considerable assistance to the school’s music program in the past. Nevertheless, considering the amount requested is not substantial, the P&C Association is able to assist. A list of funding priorities is required so the P&C Association will have a better idea on the allocating of funds.
Secretary’s Report:
Treasurer’s Report:
The balance of accounts at 28/02/11 were:
General: $ 6999.11
Canteen: $ 59722.05
Uniform Shop: $ 51754.88
Principal’s Report:
(Refer to report).
In response to queries about the school’s music program, Paul will arrange to get more information about the program issued out to the parents.
Paul gave the P&C Association a run down of ideas being considered to beautify and improve the school ground, especially where the old hall had been demolished (including shade cloth and soft fall matting). There was a suggestion made of erecting spider web-climbing equipment. Paul will need to assess the safety risk to have this item at the school.
General Business:
Chess Club
Bevan was present to represent Sydney Academy of Chess. Bevan works locally at the Academy on George St, Burwood. The Academy would like to set up a chess club at school. There had been suggestion to have a chess club at the school in the past. The Academy can run the chess class either before school, lunch or after school.
Paul advised that if the Academy was to make money out of classes conducted at school, the academy should hire the school as a venue. Bevan will provide Paul all the details regarding the organization as well as the trainer’s approach on conduct in class for the protection of children. Bevan would welcome teachers to sit on the classes. There will be appropriate ratio between trainer and student (Maximum 26 student to 1 trainer). A minimum of 14 students is required to start a class at a cost of $60/student per term. Equipment required will be a chess set and a demo board. Bevan and Paul will meet to discuss the detail of setting up this club.
School Song
Kim is going to ask the SRC’s view on the school song. Would they like to write a new school song?
Next Meetings:
Canteen Meeting: Wednesday 23rd March or Friday 25th March 2:00pm in the Staff Room.
Fundraising Meeting: Thursday 28th April, 7:00pm (in the 1st week of term 2) in the School Library.
General Monthly Meeting: Wednesday 18th May, 3:00pm in the School Library.
The meeting closed at 5:20pm