Full proposal application form

General information

(1)  This page contains general explanations. Please delete it before submission.

(2)  Any colored italic text within this template should be deleted before submission.

(3)  Annexes are not allowed in addition to this template and will not be considered.

(4)  Meeting the format of this template is mandatory. Full-proposals not meeting the formal criteria will be rejected.

Margins: At least 1,5cm

Font: Arial (not Arial Narrow)

Font size: At least 11 pt. (references at least 6 pt.)

Page limits: As outlined in each section

Annexes: No annexes allowed

(5)  Please also regard additional information provided in the call text.

(6)  Funding organizations may have individual budget limitations and specific regulations, summarized in the specific information sheets.

(7)  It is expected that all partners of a consortium consult their respective national contact person to verify eligibility before submission. Contact details are provided in the call text.

(8)  Electronic submission is mandatory. Only the co-ordinator of a consortium needs to register and to submit the full-proposal. The electronic submission system will close at 23:59h C.E.T. on June 28, 2017. Full-proposals that do not meet the deadline will be rejected.

EU Joint Programme - Neurodegenerative Disease Research

Multinational research projects for Pathway Analysis across Neurodegenerative Diseases

Full proposal application (Synopsis) (max. 1 page)

Details on the application
Full project title / Insert the full title of the project
Acronym / Provide a short acronym for the project
Disease Entity(ies) / Which diseases are addressed in the project?
Project duration / Up to 3 years
Total funding / Total funding of the consortium applied for (in €)
Keywords / Keywords describing your project
Structure of the consortium
Regular partners (requesting for funding)
Minimum of 3 and maximum of 6 partners requesting for funding. Please note that the maximum number of partners is extended to seven if the consortium involves at least one partner from an underrepresented European country (Czech Republic, Hungary, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, Slovakia).
Country / Name, Affiliation, Contact details (Partner 1, Coordinator)
Country / Name, Affiliation, Contact details (Partner 2)
Country / Name, Affiliation, Contact details (Partner 3)
Country / Name, Affiliation, Contact details (Partner 4)
Country / Name, Affiliation, Contact details (Partner 5)
Country / Name, Affiliation, Contact details (Partner 6)
External collaborators (without funding)
List for all collaborators: Country, Name, Affiliation
The majority of partners in a consortium and the coordinator must be regular partners (see above).
Scientific abstract
Provide a brief abstract of the project here. The abstract including all basic information on the application and the consortium (see above) must not exceed one page.

Feedback to the reviewers (max. 1 page)

You may provide information for the reviewers or comment on the reviewer’s feedback from the pre-proposal evaluation. You should also summarize your modifications with regard to the pre-proposal.

Project description (max. 12 pages)

Limiting this section to 12 pages is mandatory including references and figures (references may be included in smaller font size 6 pt.).

Please describe at least aims, research questions, methodology, work plan as well as availability and accessibility of resources and infrastructures.

You may also provide information on background and present state of the art in the research field, rationale and own preliminary results, where such information is needed.

Additional information (max. 5 pages)

Please provide information on the topics listed below, if appropriate. Limiting this section to 5 pages is mandatory including references and figures (references may be included in smaller font size 6 pt.).

Structure and allocation of work packages

Illustrate the role of all project partners and the structure of the consortium, including the involvement of external collaborators. Explain the added value of the transnational approach. Give also brief information on project coordination and management. Prepare a graphical allocation of work packages between all partners (e.g. a diagram or a table).


Provide a graphical timetable of all work packages and tasks within the anticipated project runtime. If desired, the timetable can be combined with the graphical allocation of the work packages (see above).

Exploitation of results

Explain the impact of the expected results, including potential for future clinical and health related use. List the project deliverables. Describe plans for partnership working, collaboration, and dissemination and knowledge exchange aimed at ensuring optimal uptake and application of the study findings.

Support for statistics and study design

Describe any support for statistical and study design aspects (e.g., consultation of a bio-statistician or a clinical trial support unit).

Patient and Public involvement (PPI)

Describe how patients, carers and the public have been and will be involved in the planning, design and application of the proposal. You will find more information about PPI here.

Gender-related and socio-economic factors

Explain if you consider socio-economic factors or gender-related research questions and incorporate these factors when formulating your research hypotheses, aims and work plan.

Training of young researchers and mobility

Provide information on training and exchange of young researchers (e.g. laboratory exchanges for students and postdocs; summer schools) within the consortia.

Ethical and legal issues

If you plan research with human participants or animals, please provide information on ethical issues. Legal issues might include, but are not limited to, handling of intellectual property rights, patenting, sharing of data and resources etc.

Details on project partners (max. 1 page per partner)

Please provide individual information on all project partners (only for those partners requesting for funding, not for external collaborators). Limiting this section to one page per partner is mandatory including references and figures (references may be included in smaller font size 6 pt.).

Within this 1 page limit a short summary CV may be included, as well as a list of up to five relevant publications within the last five years, demonstrating the competence to carry out the project. Also describe any patents and ongoing projects relevant for the present application, indicating funding sources and possible overlaps.

Justification of budget (max. 1/2 page per partner)

Please provide individual budget information for all project partners (only for those partners requesting for funding, not for external collaborators). Limiting this section to a half page per partner is mandatory.

Justify the individually requested budget by dealing with information on at least the items listed below (if applied for). In addition, specification of co-funding from other sources necessary for the project should be explained here, if applicable.

Be as precise as you can. Please use the space dedicated to this section. Make sure that also a justification is included for each item.

Partner name

Personnel: e.g., Person-months, position of employment, function, salary

Material: e.g., chemicals, antibodies, plastic material, cell culture medium

Equipment: e.g., laboratory devices, IT infrastructure

Travel: e.g. conferences, team meetings

Other costs: e.g., animal housing, subcontracting, provisions, fees, patient reimbursement

Overhead: Brief information on the sum and the calculation of individual overheads


Budget plan (max. 1 page)

JPND call: Multinational research projects for Pathway Analysis across Neurodegenerative Diseases
Last name / Country / Funding org.1 / Personnel / Material / Equipment / Travel / Other costs2 / Overheads3 / Total budget4
Partner 1
Partner 2
Partner 3
Partner 4
Partner 5
Partner 6

1 abbreviation of funding organisation (see call text).

2 e.g. subcontracting, provisions, licensing fees; may not be eligible costs in all countries (will be handled according to national regulations).
3 overhead costs according to national regulations.

4 The total budget should show the final costs requested from the funding agency after specific regulations (e.g., overheads) have been applied. An additional column can be inserted, if needed, to show 100% costs. The currency must be indicated (if other than Euro).

We expect all applicants to consult the national contact person before submission.

Please note that funding decision is based on the information in this template.